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Forum in italiano [Italian-language Forums] => [it] Richieste recensioni mazzi => Topic started by: MagicVampire on February 27, 2018, 04:19:53 pm

Title: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: MagicVampire on February 27, 2018, 04:19:53 pm

La mia strategia è quella di popolare ed essere aggressivo fin da subito vincendo nei primi 4/5 turni. Consigli su come migliorarlo sono ben accetti.
Title: Re: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: Red_Wyrm on March 06, 2018, 02:59:17 am
I've never played standard so maybe I'm not the best person to give advice on a standard deck, but I do follow it somewhat, and I'll give it my best shot.

Removal is always awesome, and the deck happens to be lacking quite a bit of it. Fatal push ( is the way to go definitely. A full play set if you can aren't a college kid on a tight budget. I would probably take out one Duskborne Skymarcher (, one Legion's Landing ( both copies of the radiant destiny ('s (I know that's not how you make destiny plural, but I wasn't sure if Radiant destinies would like the card correctly). Now let me explain my opinion on radiant destiny (

The card is a nice three mana anthem affect, which means it buffs your entire board, but you have plenty of anthem affects. Six I believe. Two metallic mimics, and 4 of the vampire who's name I cannot remember. The potential giving your creatures vigilance ( is nice, but you need the city's blessing (, and if you have 10 permanents in play, you're most likely already winning.

Sorry I just noticed this and had to say something. Skymarcher Aspirant ( A one mana 2/1 with nothing but upside? that's amazing, thanks for making me aware of this card, I can take out my dryad militants now.

Personally I would run a playset (4) of metallic mimics and only 2 of the other guy, the one white one black 2/2 vampire that gives your board +1/+1 because metallic mimic ( doesn't require any colored mana, and is a lot easier to get out, but it also dies to cards like fragmentise. (I think that's still legal. Aether Revolt hasn't rotated out I don't think.) And it also dies to regular creature removal, so it is twice as vulnerable, and I know amonkhet had a bit of artifact hate cards, so I would suggest playing the deck and seeing if people at your local game store play with a lot of artifact hate/removal that would cause the mimic to not be so good, or maybe only like one or two people have fragmentize ( in their decks.

Also you will want to develop an appropriate sideboard based on what you see at your LGS. For example, if artifacts are a big thing, Harsh Mentor ( If you find yourself getting outpaced by a quicker aggro deck, consider more removal or things that change the temp like archangel of tithes ( (I know not standard legal, but its an example. I'm no expert on what cards are in standard right now.)

Hope this helps, if you need clarification/more advice lemme know.
Title: Re: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: MagicVampire on March 06, 2018, 11:24:37 pm
First of all, I'm glad you appreciate a card that I added and that you found interesting for your deck. Right now I feel like a useful person for others as I'm a beginner at magic xD

I had thought about fatal push (, the problem is only one: that costs xD But of course, as you say, if you want to have a competitive deck you have to spend. What if I put myself in sharks' meal instead of fatal push ( It's not the same thing but anyway I could temporarily put an alternative to fatal push (, what do you say?

As for Radiant Destiny (, I thought about putting it to empower my vampire creatures, and since after 4 turns I can have the blessing ( of the city I could also take advantage of the second effect.

Mimic is a good card and is similar to the lieutenant of the legion but is obviously vulnerable to the effects that destroy artifacts. An alternative to this sense?

Then I thought about the authority of the consuls ( as you read in the topic. Of these I wanted to put only 2 to not take away space for the creatures. Same thing 2 copies also radiant destiny (

The lands I would like to bring them to 20 and above all remove a forsaken sanctuary ( that I see a little heavy put it especially in the first rounds in which I have to populate as much as possible.

Anyway thanks for the tips you're giving me;)
Title: Re: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: NikoBosche on March 11, 2018, 02:09:50 am (

La mia strategia è quella di popolare ed essere aggressivo fin da subito vincendo nei primi 4/5 turni. Consigli su come migliorarlo sono ben accetti.

Voglio partire dal fatto che hai creato una buona prima lista, però cambierei qualcosa:
1) Scendi a 20 terre dato che hai un costo medio di mana inferiore a 2 e le 3x Legion's Landing ( diventano comunque terre una volta flippate:
           4x Unclaimed Territory ( - perchè ti permettono di avere sempre il colore necessario per i tuoi vampiri
           2x Ifnir Deadlands ( - in modo tale da poter avere una piccola removal nel caso si andasse in late game
           2x Field of Ruin ( - perchè comunque si giocano parecchie terre leggendarie in questo momento
              9x Swamp (
              7x Plains (
2) Carte che toglierei in favore di altre più "efficienti":
              3x Duskborne Skymarcher ( - Poco utili perchè danno +1/+1 ma devono essere tappati e devi pagare un mana, inoltre togliendo loro si scende a 10 drop a 1, così è più difficile trovarsi con 0 carte in mano al 3° turno
              2x Metallic Mimic ( - Buono ma non buonissimo, un costo 2 che da +1/+1 ai Vampiri ma che non fa in tempo ad entrare in campo che salta con uno spacca artefatto
3) Carte da aggiungere per "colmare" il vuoto di 7 carte:

              4x Forerunner of the Legion ( - Drop a 3 che ti fa cercare un Vampiro qualsiasi, quindi aggiunge una carta in mano, e che quando entra un vampire lo fa entrare con un +1/+1 (decisamente più effettivo del Mimic, poiché già solo il fatto che entri può farti prendere il Vampiro che magari ti chiude la partita)
              1x Skymarcher Aspirant ( - Drop a 1 utilissimo poiché è molto semplice avere City Blessing ( e nessuno userà una removal per un 1/1
              1x Martyr of Dusk ( - Puoi considerarlo un 3/2 a costo 2 e ci sta benissimo in 4x
              1x Radiant Destiny ( - Carta fortissima che si attiva in pochissimo tempo e che fa crescere i poco le tue pedine, magari anche con il Forerunner in campo, così da mettere a costo 3 (Legion's Landing ( dei Vampiri 3/3 Cautela

Spero che ti sia stato utile la mia analisi del mazzo, ci starebbe mettere anche qualche removal ma così facendo lo rallenteresti un po'.
Title: Re: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: MagicVampire on March 12, 2018, 01:42:30 pm
Per prima cosa, ti ringrazio che hai apprezzato in minima parte come ho costruito il mio mazzo. :)

Passando all'analisi del mazzo che hai fatto sei stato di grande aiuto perchè mi hai tolto alcuni dubbi che avevo attraverso una lista di carte da togliere ed aggiungere che hai elencato. Una cosa che ho notato sono le terre. le terre che mi hai elencato superano il numero massimo che mi hai consigliato. Forse è stato un errore, ma te lo volevo far notare soltanto per avere più chiare le mie idee, tutto qua :). Comunque tu mi consigli di levare completamente le terre bicolore? In effetti possono rallentare la giocata visto che entrano tappate. E pur avendo il cortile, dopo 3 turni le devi mettere comunque tappate.

Per quanto riguarda  Duskborne Skymarcher ( e Metallic Mimic ( stavo pensando anch'io di toglierli per mettere qualcosa di più utile e sinergico per il mio mazzo. Al posto di Duskborne Skymarcher ( volevo mettere authority of the consuls ( perchè rallenta l'avversario costringendolo a far entrare le sue creature tappate e dando spazio a me di poter attaccare più liberamente. Poi è costo 1 di mana bianca quindi non è male. Di questi ne volevo mettere in 2x. Te che ne pensi?

Buona idea per Forerunner of the Legion ( come valida alternativa a metallic mimic ( L'unica cosa che non mi piace di questa carta che comunque devo far rivelare la carta che ho scelto all'avversario. L'avversario se ha una rimozione potrebbe aspettare proprio il momento giusto per utilizzarlo contro quella carta. Tu che dici?

1x Radiant Destiny (, 1x Martyr of Dusk ( e 1x Skymarcher Aspirant ( effettivamente ci vogliono. :)

Per le removal hai ragione rallentano un pò. io addirittura volevo mettere in pasto agli squali ( ma ha costo 2 di mana nero e contro i tritoni non li posso utilizzare. Tagliato fuori diretto xD

Fammi sapere cosa ne pensi. Grazie ;)

Title: Re: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: NikoBosche on March 12, 2018, 06:02:55 pm
Per prima cosa, ti ringrazio che hai apprezzato in minima parte come ho costruito il mio mazzo. :)

Passando all'analisi del mazzo che hai fatto sei stato di grande aiuto perchè mi hai tolto alcuni dubbi che avevo attraverso una lista di carte da togliere ed aggiungere che hai elencato. Una cosa che ho notato sono le terre. le terre che mi hai elencato superano il numero massimo che mi hai consigliato. Forse è stato un errore, ma te lo volevo far notare soltanto per avere più chiare le mie idee, tutto qua :) . Comunque tu mi consigli di levare completamente le terre bicolore? In effetti possono rallentare la giocata visto che entrano tappate. E pur avendo il cortile, dopo 3 turni le devi mettere comunque tappate.

Per quanto riguarda  Duskborne Skymarcher ( e Metallic Mimic ( stavo pensando anch'io di toglierli per mettere qualcosa di più utile e sinergico per il mio mazzo. Al posto di Duskborne Skymarcher ( volevo mettere authority of the consuls ( perchè rallenta l'avversario costringendolo a far entrare le sue creature tappate e dando spazio a me di poter attaccare più liberamente. Poi è costo 1 di mana bianca quindi non è male. Di questi ne volevo mettere in 2x. Te che ne pensi?

Buona idea per Forerunner of the Legion ( come valida alternativa a metallic mimic ( L'unica cosa che non mi piace di questa carta che comunque devo far rivelare la carta che ho scelto all'avversario. L'avversario se ha una rimozione potrebbe aspettare proprio il momento giusto per utilizzarlo contro quella carta. Tu che dici?

1x Radiant Destiny (, 1x Martyr of Dusk ( e 1x Skymarcher Aspirant ( effettivamente ci vogliono. :)

Per le removal hai ragione rallentano un pò. io addirittura volevo mettere in pasto agli squali ( ma ha costo 2 di mana nero e contro i tritoni non li posso utilizzare. Tagliato fuori diretto xD

Fammi sapere cosa ne pensi. Grazie ;)

In effetti mi sono reso conto solo ora che ho sbagliato nel conteggio delle terre, ma sarà stato un errore causato dall'orario in cui ho risposto
Quindi come terre sarebbero quele 8 più 7 Plains ( e 5 Swamp (
Per aggiungere l' Authority of the Consuls ( potresti togliere 2x di Vicious Conquistador ( dato che comunque ha un value molto basso dal 3°/4° turno in su, il quale però ad inizio partita è molto utile per togliere danni in più gratuitamente
Title: Re: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: Red_Wyrm on March 13, 2018, 04:37:41 am
First of all, I'm glad you appreciate a card that I added and that you found interesting for your deck. Right now I feel like a useful person for others as I'm a beginner at magic xD

I had thought about fatal push (, the problem is only one: that costs xD But of course, as you say, if you want to have a competitive deck you have to spend. What if I put myself in sharks' meal instead of fatal push ( It's not the same thing but anyway I could temporarily put an alternative to fatal push (, what do you say?

As for Radiant Destiny (, I thought about putting it to empower my vampire creatures, and since after 4 turns I can have the blessing ( of the city I could also take advantage of the second effect.

Mimic is a good card and is similar to the lieutenant of the legion but is obviously vulnerable to the effects that destroy artifacts. An alternative to this sense?

Then I thought about the authority of the consuls ( as you read in the topic. Of these I wanted to put only 2 to not take away space for the creatures. Same thing 2 copies also radiant destiny (

The lands I would like to bring them to 20 and above all remove a forsaken sanctuary ( that I see a little heavy put it especially in the first rounds in which I have to populate as much as possible.

Anyway thanks for the tips you're giving me;)

Sorry for the late reply. I am just getting into the interactive community part of this website instead of  just for deckbuilding, and I didn't realize it doesn't notify me when people reply to my posts that I know of.

You said something about adding sharks' meal instead of dropping about $30 on a playset of fatal push (, which I completely understand, but I couldn't find a card similar to that name so I have no idea what you're talking about sorry. If its 2 cmc (converted mana cost) or under and it removes creatures and is instant speed go for it. You really want cheap instant speed removal. Instant speed removal can be in the form of an activated ability too, just fyi.

If you want to keep the Radiant destiny (, there's nothing wrong with it, but I personally don't like cards that say "if you're winning, win more" because they usually do nothing or not as much if you're not winning and therefore not as useful. This card isn't exactly like that because of the +1/+1 effect though, so I guess its more like a lord that has an upside if you can get to 10 permanents. I wasn't trying to say this is bad to have in the deck. Perhaps authority of the consuls ( in the sideboard if you find yourself against another aggro deck and you need more life. You can take out the Radiant Destiny ( and put in the Consuls.

I can't remember if I acknowledged that metallic mimic ( dies to artifact and creature removal in my original post, but if I didn't, I would tell you its up to you based on your meta. If there is a lot of artifact hate then stray away from it, if there is next to no artifact hate then you're fine because people will remove it with creature removal. (and if they do, any +1/+1 counters it gave don't go away) As I mention I don't play standard, but from what I hear, aetherwoks marvel is banned and mardu vehicles is dead (, and I don't think there are any other big artifact based decks out there.

The last point about lands:
Lands can get expensive if you want duals that don't enter tapped or have the option to not enter tapped like stomping grounds or Overgrown tomb ( I don't know what is standard legal so I'll run a gatherer search and get back to you.

Aetherhub isn't useless. In the first turn of the game it gets you whatever color you want because you can spend the energy it gives on its ability, then the rest of the game it gives colorless. It is a similar concept to vivid creek ( There is also concealed courtyard (, which I think you're already running. Do pay attention to the fact that if you control two lands, and the courtyard is the third land you played it enters tapped because when it checks to see how many lands you have, it is on the battlefield so it counts itself. (Sorry if I'm explaining things that are elementary, you said you were new and I wasn't sure how new.) In the gatherer search I learned they reprinted glacial fortress (, so that's kewl. Not helpful I know. There is also spire of industry ( if you choose to run the playset of mimics, but I'm not sure I would go with the land even if you did run 4 mimics. There is Unclaimed Territory ( which is great for tribal. So glacial fortress ( got reprinted, but I guess the checkland for orzhov (white/black) didn't. There are two (potential) cycles of each type of land. There are enemy colored and allied colored, 5 in each cycle for a total of 10 color combinations. I cannot remember which colors are allies and which are enemies, but orzhova and azorious aren't in the same cycle apparently.

As a side note, people generally don't like their lands being destroyed because that isn't a fun way to play the game. This is why cards like stripmine have been banned. It might be two words Strip Mine ( Either way, I would caution you when running lands that destroy your opponents lands for this reason, but I understand they basically reprinted gaea's cradle (, so I guess lands are fair game. Personally, I would only use land destruction on the flip cards from Ixilan that transform into lands.

Sorry again for the late reply, I am going to try and find a solution to that.
Title: Re: [Standard] aggro vampire
Post by: MagicVampire on March 13, 2018, 04:49:20 pm
Ragazzi, questa è la modifica che ho fatto prendendo in considerazioni i vostri consigli e aggiungendo anche il sideboard:

Lands (20)
2 Field of Ruin (
2 Ifnir Deadlands (
7 Plains (
5 Swamp (
4 Unclaimed Territory (

Spells (7)
2 Authority of the Consuls (
3 Legion's Landing (
2 Radiant Destiny (

Creatures (33)
4 Dusk Legion Zealot (
3 Forerunner of the Legion (
4 Gifted Aetherborn (
4 Legion Lieutenant (
4 Martyr of Dusk (
2 Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle (
2 Sanctum Seeker (
4 Skymarcher Aspirant (
4 Vicious Conquistador (
2 Yahenni, Undying Partisan (

Sideboard (15)
3 Harsh Scrutiny (
4 Kambal, Consul of Allocation (
4 Duress (
4 Walk the Plank (

Per il sideboard ho voluto aggiungere queste carte contro mazzi control e incentrati su lanciare magie non creatura. Che ne pensate di questo sideboard?

p.s kambal l'ho scoperto solo adesso e mi sembra una carta interessante