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Messages - 0verbeing

Pages: [1] 2
Deck Comments / Re: Eternal Artisan: Animate Tribal - Comments
« on: February 15, 2023, 02:28:49 am »
Right now it is just a card list. I had the idea, did a little research and started compiling the options. Ornithopter is a must in the deck.

Deck Comments / Re: Eternal Artisan: Mono Black Conduit Sagas - Comments
« on: December 31, 2022, 09:30:10 am »
Sorry, my most recent draft didn't save. I tested the deck out with a friend and we wanted a couple creatures that are also removal spells. So I added a shriekmaw and a plaguecrafter. Both are solid, but I like to diversify removal so I did one of each.

Deck Comments / Re: Eternal Artisan: GUr Turbo Fog Reclamation - Comments
« on: November 27, 2021, 08:05:10 am »
Thanks, I am always interested in players that build and play for the joy of it. I'll check it out.

Deck Comments / Re: Eternal Artisan: Unused Cards - Comments
« on: November 13, 2021, 10:56:08 am »
Each of these cards were added into decks or were used to create decks. They have graduated. And here I thought that this was a list where cards go to die...

Revision 21

Added/removed cards:
-1 Clarion Spirit
-1 Good-Fortune Unicorn
-1 Healer's Flock
-1 Imperial Recruiter
-1 Lingering Souls
-1 Pyrostatic Pillar
-1 Search Party Captain
-1 Seasoned Hallowblade
-1 Shardless Agent
-1 Trelasarra, Moon Dancer
-1 Victimize

New Primers / Battle Decks: What are they and how do you use them?
« on: September 14, 2021, 08:05:45 am »
What are Battle Decks?
A collection of Battle Decks are premade decks specifically meant to be played against each other. The old duel decks or commander precons are good examples of battle decks made by Wizards. They are a great way to level the playing field and have decks offhand to grab and play or to set up and event revolving around them.

I love casual Magic. Cube has to be one of my favorite ways to play, Commander is amazing if you have a good group and a balanced power between the players, but I wanted another option and a place to brew and isn't just jamming 1v1 commander or pulling out outdated standard or modern decks. So I started building decks using a restriction in an attempt to make them unique, and I have been building and refining my collection of decks for 7 years now.

The most common way I have seen other players build Battle Deck collections is usually honing in on a format. Pauper is an especially common theme for people to choose because the decks are so cheap. I have seen people do it with Standard decks across time or Modern decks too. My personal collection of Battle Decks is using my own format Eternal Artisan. Any black boarder card that has ever been printed as a common or uncommon and that I haven't decided to ban yet. My collection doesn't currently have sideboards, but I plan to add them eventually.

All of my decks that are sleeved up and ready to go can be found here:

I have another set of 5 Battle Decks that I call my beginner or Starter Decks. There is one for each mono color and I wanted them to represent and teach what magic is and what each color is about. I have only evergreen keywords and try to show examples of common creature types in each color. They are meant to be played against one another and have a balanced power level.

Check them out here:

How do you use Battle Decks?
The most common way I have used them is just grabbing decks and jamming games. We love to grab decks at random, play test new decks and play old favorites. I love playing King of the Hill (Winner keeps playing their deck, loser switches to a new one, sometimes we will try to switch to a different deck that we think will give us a good matchup bot mostly we like to make it random), King of the Pit (Loser keeps playing their deck, winner switches to a new one).

I have also hosted a couple events using them. Often when people build battle decks, they will build exactly 8 so they can set up a tournament bracket with their play group. You can add and change decks that are under or over performing for next time to keep it fresh.

My battle deck collection is currently over 70 decks, so I have gotten to be pretty creative with what I can pull off. 2 years back for my birthday, I held and event where I had around 25 people, all of my decks laid out and labeled, and I had a big whiteboard with objectives and leader boards. I had objectives like gain infinite life, win by turn 3, mill out an opponent. the leader boards had things like most damage dealt in one turn(without being infinite), highest ending life total(without going infinite), highest number of games won using different decks. I had bounties on the more experienced players and offered prizes for those who could defeat them. I had a crown that I started the event with, to get the crown, you have to defeat the person who is wearing it and become king of the hill. The event was a blast and the objectives kept everyone exploring and challenging one another in a casual Free Play environment.

Just last week a ran what I called a Randomizer Tournament. We had 8 people and set up a bracket. Before round one, each player was presented with 3 random Battle Decks. They were able to look through them, look at the lists and descriptions online and ask any questions they had, then choose 2 of them to use for round 1 and discarded the other. For each round, you may play either deck for game 1, your other deck for game 2, then either deck if it goes to game 3. Between each round, each player was presented with two additional randomly selected Battle Decks and were given the option to swap 1 of their current decks for 1 of their new options.

I wanted a balance of random and decisions. I also liked that this limited the number of decks that they needed to evaluate and learn to play. It was a huge success and the only thing I would change is give the option for players to trade both of their decks in for 2 new random decks in the blind. A couple of the more experienced players just wanted to play as many different decks as they could. I liked that letting people slowly switch out their decks meant that if you had ones you didn't like or that you didn't think were good, you were able to make upgrades as the rounds passed.

Battle Decks are a great alternative way to play as casually or competitively as you want, with as many people as your collection can accommodate.

(Note: Battle Deck collections are sometimes called Battle Boxes, but that can get confusing because there is another format specifically called Battle Box.)

New Primers / Eternal Artisan, my Battle Deck Collection
« on: September 14, 2021, 06:38:13 am »
I have always loved brewing and deck building. I would go months on end bringing a different standard brew to my local FNM. Around 2013 I had the idea to start brewing and building in a format that doesn't really exist. I started brewing themed decks with no rares in them. At first just with what I have, but not long after I was building with anything that had ever been a non rare.

Check out my currently built decks here:

Some have called it SilverBlack, but recently I have been calling it Eternal Artisan. Eternal meaning that there all magic sets with the standard card back and non-silver bordered card frames, and Artisan meaning any card that has been printed as a Common or Uncommon.

The reason I chose this restriction instead of building in existing formats is that with all of the resources and data the magic community has access to these days, formats get solved and metagames develop, so I wanted to build in a space that was unexplored. I chose to build without rares because I think restrictions breed creativity and I wanted to build something a little more accessible. I think the Penny Dreadful format is successful in this aspect in a similar way.

I have designed well over 100 decks and currently have about 70 decks built in paper, sleeved and ready to go. Because I am the only person making these decks, it has functioned the best as a collection of Battle Decks. The most common way that they get played is players like to just reach in the box and grab random decks and battle it out head to head.

This has lead to my deck building style in the format to value a diversity of play patterns, archetypes and to optimize fun instead of power or consistency. The decks don't currently have sideboards, but likely will in the future. For now we have just enjoyed reaching for another deck.

I have a Ban List, but not quite in the traditional sense. Because I have complete control over the collection, I don't need to ban problematic cards, I only have to remove them from the deck that they are problematic in. That said, there are a few cards that have been printed as non rares that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole like Mana Drain, Skullclamp, or Library of Alexandria. I also have a list of cards that I am either currently playing or would add to decks in the right situation, but aren't allowed to be Ubiquitous. I don't want every deck to just be full of Arcum's Astrolabe, Preordain and Dark Ritual, but if the deck calls for it, I will add them.

Often the decks playing overpowered cards are decks that need them to compete with the rest of the Battle Decks or they are decks fully built around the card in a way that is an acceptable power level. I have also allowed the Planeswalker cards from the Planeswalker Decks to be legal in the format. Most of them are unplayable, but I think there is some fun to be had with them as an addition to the format.

The format is quite powerful here is a list of the cards I consider to be Format Staples.

I have been building new decks, updating and innovating with existing ones and retiring ones that aren't up to par for over 7 years now. I have decks that would be familiar to many players like Burn, Tron and Elves. I have decks using combinations of cards and synergies that just aren't quite powerful enough to compete in the other formats where they are legal like Shrines, Gates, and Bogles. I also have decks unlike anything in any other format like Boros Pyrohemia, Orzhov Hidden Stockpile, and Simic Turbo Mill Combo. There is something for everyone.

What would you want to build? I'm currently trying to figure out the right direction to come at a Soul Sisters deck,  a Naya Ephemerate Toolbox deck with Imperial Recruiter and Eternal Witness, and a Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver deck. I would also love any feedback or engagement with my decks, the format, deck building philosophy or anything else.

Primers / Re: [Primer] Fogs - what they are and how to use them
« on: September 10, 2021, 11:41:11 pm »
Constant Mists is probably one of the best ones and worth adding to the list. My play group banned it, so I wouldn't personally recommend it, but worth noting.

Deck Comments / Re: Eternal Artisan: Unused Cards - Comments
« on: August 21, 2021, 09:13:51 am »
Added shortlist of cards to add to decks. Removed some cards that have been added to decks.

Revision 4

Added/removed cards:
+1 Bag of Holding
+1 Battle Cry Goblin
+1 Cleric Class
+1 Druid Class
+1 Fly
+1 Gretchen Titchwillow
+1 Ingenious Smith
+1 Portable Hole
+1 Power Word Kill
+1 Scaled Herbalist
+1 You See a Pair of Goblins

added a lot of cards to tier 3. Making it a really good place to look to learn what the format is all about.

Revision 30

Added/removed cards:
+1 Abominable Treefolk
+1 Abrade
+1 Aether Hub
+1 Anax, Hardened in the Forge
+1 Ash Barrens
+1 Assault Formation
+1 Basalt Monolith
+1 Battle Screech
+1 Bloodchief's Thirst
+1 Blossoming Defense
+1 Brave the Elements
+1 Burning-Tree Emissary
+1 Capsize
+1 Cauldron Familiar
+1 Cavalcade of Calamity
+1 Charging Monstrosaur
+1 Cloudgoat Ranger
+1 Colossus Hammer
+1 Counterbalance
+1 Crop Rotation
+1 Darksteel Citadel
+1 Deprive
+1 Dismember
+1 Expedition Map
+1 Experiment One
+1 Fireblast
+1 Flower // Flourish
+1 Gatebreaker Ram
+1 Gates Ablaze
+1 Glint-Nest Crane
+1 Glistener Elf
+1 Goblin Lackey
+1 Hard Evidence
+1 Hashep Oasis
+1 Healer's Hawk
+1 Heartless Act
+1 Hedron Crab
+1 Hypnotic Specter
+1 Ifnir Deadlands
+1 Innocent Blood
+1 Ipnu Rivulet
+1 Laboratory Maniac
+1 Lantern of Insight
+1 Leatherback Baloth
+1 Lingering Souls
+1 Llanowar Elves
+1 Llanowar Tribe
+1 Militia Bugler
+1 Murmuring Mystic
+1 Night's Whisper
+1 Nyx-Fleece Ram
+1 Oblivion Ring
+1 Opt
+1 Pestilence
+1 Priest of Titania
+1 Pyrohemia
+1 Ramunap Ruins
+1 Raven's Crime
+1 Ravenous Chupacabra
+1 Reflector Mage
+1 Remand
+1 Risen Reef
+1 Rolling Temblor
+1 Saheeli, Sublime Artificer
+1 Shefet Dunes
+1 Shrieking Affliction
+1 Slaughter the Strong
+1 Slippery Bogle
+1 Smallpox
+1 Soulherder
+1 The Rack
+1 Thoughtcast
+1 Thraben Inspector
+1 Thunderstaff
+1 Treetop Village
+1 Vampire Nighthawk
+1 Wall of Blossoms
+1 Wall of Omens
+1 Wilderness Reclamation
+1 Wing Shards
+1 Winter's Rest

Changed amounts:
+1 Spellstutter Sprite

Deck Comments / Re: Eternal Artisan: GR Gruul Monsters - Comments
« on: June 20, 2021, 03:33:46 am »

Pages: [1] 2