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Messages - kleer001

Pages: [1]
Deck Reviews / El Cheapo : Dino Jungle Surprise 🦕🦖🐉
« le: Octobre 30, 2022, 05:00:26 am »
Big bois, lots of land draw, lots of card draw, lots of $$$cheapo$$$

Threw it out, inspired. I think I got all the pieces for a playable deck for under $10. But I'm probably missing something. Ideas?

Great mana curve! Picturesque.

Hopefully my review doesn't come off too negative...

Seems like a high average cmc (3.07) for the lands available. Might be slow because of that. Your mana dristribution between G and W is roughly 2:1. So, I would have twice as many forests as plains.

I don't see any card draw. I don't see any tutors (for creatures or land). I do see a couple mana dorks, those might help.

I don't see any removal, for singles or groups of creatures.

All the singletons IMHO makes it difficult to drive. I wouldn't want all that life gain cards, I'm not a huge fan unless that's the main flavour of the deck. The main flavor here seems to be buffing creatures.

Why 70 cards and only one copy of each spell?

Overall I would go back to the drawing board, find a few well harmonized cards and do groups of 4 of them, get some draw and removal and a tutor. Unless you wanna do a EDC like deck.

Deck Reviews / Re: Rate my Dwarf deck
« le: Juillet 06, 2022, 05:33:38 am »
I don't see any card draw. I like card draw.

I see a lot of artifacts compared to creatures to attach them to. I do see that you can make token creatures, but still.

You might do well with a bit more removal. Just the two very expensive Farewell seem a little overkill, but also not enough... hmmm...

The tribal and flavor seem really fun.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] Vampire Tribal 812
« le: Juillet 06, 2022, 05:25:48 am »
Hmm. 68 cards seems weird to me. Isn't 60 standard? I guess casual means casual.

I'd think with all the red/black lands coming in tapped it'd be slow to play and get goings. But maybe with the Sol Ring, Dark Ritual, and Jet Medallion it'd be fast again.

I don't see any card draw. I like card draw.

I see a fair bit of removal, that looks fine.

Why do you have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth? It doesn't look like it synergies with anything. Like, no card depends on their being a number of swamps.

In general my experience tells me this would be a fun and unpredictable deck.

I'd probably play it. But I wouldn't buy it in paper. Some of those cards are way too rich for my blood. 🧛🩸

General Magic / Re: Set Design
« le: Novembre 21, 2020, 09:12:23 pm »
Do you have a MVP or a pretotype? Something to print and play? And ugly but functional?

Deck Reviews / Re: Pirates vs Kraken duel decks
« le: Septembre 15, 2020, 06:36:19 pm »
I like both of these decks, I may use them for game nights in the future. :)

Oh, great! I'm tickled pink and gobsmacked.
Do PM me your results and reactions.

Deck Reviews / My Homebrew Game Night
« le: Septembre 14, 2020, 11:12:54 pm »
My first real exposure and regular play with Magic The Gathering was with last year's Game Night boxed set.
Looking at the reviews for it I saw all sorts of moaning and groaning from members of the community about the lack of value in the cards and decks.
Personally I thought it was a lot of fun and good introduction even if the raw value was underwhelming. That's fine, I'm not competing in tournaments.

Then I got furloughed from work because of Covid-19 and had a lot of time on my hands.
So, I decided to make my own Game Night box set.

I embraced some of the original Game Night techniques in building my decks:
Spells are mainly singletons or duplicated and only once in a while are there three of a kind.
This should increase the randomness and discover-ability when playing the set multiple times.
I kept to Common/Uncommon cards except that each deck has a single rare. I've kept to the Modern format.
The mana curves are pretty slow with an emphasis on interesting 4+ drops.
The strategies are pretty shallow and playing what you get should mostly work. Well, beyond not attacking and judicious use of spells there's not much else.

Somethings I did differently are:
I tried to accentuate the strategies and make each deck really good at mostly one thing.
I tried to keep to maximum flavour and keep the decks mostly tribal (and draw inspiration from those tribes).

So, I present my five mono colour decks. They should play well together, but I'm not entirely sure.

Observations, comments, and suggestions are heartily requested.  ;D

(& please like if you find 'em interesting)

Deck Reviews / Re: Pirates vs Kraken duel decks
« le: Septembre 08, 2020, 09:01:05 pm »
Just glancing at them, the kraken deck looks like it'll be much more consistent. Only one color, most important spells are relatively cheap, more interaction, better top end. I think the pirate deck could pull one out occasionally, but I'd bet on the kraken deck to win 3-4/5 games.

All of that being said, I mostly play edh, so take it with a grain of salt.

Good points. I've updated with a couple changes to make the deck run more consistent and themed and added Dire Fleet Neckbreaker for some high cost oomph.

Sure, the mana situation looks dire, and Treasure Tokens are a little slower than straight lands. But I've got Abundant Growth , Unknown Shores to help out with the Treasure generator spells and creature.

I found, using the "Starting Hand" tab in the deck builder I could get going pretty good by turn 10 at the latest. And at best I can do 20 damage by turn 7.

Treasure Based Pirates

Deck Reviews / Pirates vs Kraken duel decks
« le: Septembre 08, 2020, 12:59:34 am »
Hi All,

I've been working on these two decks so that they compliment each other.

My goal was to make a pair of fun maximum flavour, high RNG, low cost, medium difficulty strategy, decks for at home play.

What're you thoughts?

Mono blue kraken tribal


Treasure Based Pirates

Also, oh gosh, they're basically the same cost on paper.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Pioneer] Vamp it Up Buttercup
« le: Septembre 08, 2020, 12:09:51 am »
Hmm, maybe more card draw would have helped you out? With too many lands you probably needed to get to those more expensive spells. And with not enough land you wanted more land.

Looking now... Yup, no real draw in your deck. Lots of buffs though, good lord. Ah, and your highest cost cards are 5 drops.

There's artifacts and spells a plenty to choose from. Just no Vampire tribal creatures :(

Deck Reviews / Re: [Pioneer] Vamp it Up Buttercup
« le: Septembre 06, 2020, 09:05:49 am »
Where did you find you were stalling out?

What kind of decks were you playing against?

Deck Reviews / Re: [Pioneer] Vamp it Up Buttercup
« le: Septembre 05, 2020, 12:33:26 am »
I like it, I'd play it.  ;D
I like the variation. Personally I'm not a huge fan of token creatures, but with the vampire tribe synergy I bet they're deadly in force.

That said I'd try to squeeze in more vampire synergy like with Stromkirk Condemned or Indulgent Aristocrat .

I see Mastermind's Acquisition and Forerunner of the Legion so, you are able to have a bit of card draw. But I would possibly swap out something with something else with cycling or straight card draw.

With Opaline Unicorn and Pillar of Origins you've got some extra mana lined up. But I also see your curve is a bit more midrange so I suspect it'll be a bit slower to get up and running.
A wall or two might be nice, something to defend against the turn three super aggro win conditions  :o
I'd consider adding a wall like black's Barrier of Bones because it's a one drop. Then again there's a few white walls with reach and those sound good too.

Deck Reviews / Re: Treefolk Aggro(Abzan)
« le: Septembre 04, 2020, 11:20:04 pm »
(please excuse my perspective, not only am I a new mtg player, but this is also my first post)

GKHord24, can you walk us through a little bit what your strategy will be playing this deck?
At first glance it seems to be a bit on the slow and growing side. Right?

Are you planning on buying all these cards? Is it strictly theoretical? Do you already have them all? $1800, whew...

I've never played a multicolor deck with such a difference in color ratios. Do they work well?
Though, looks like you've got some of that covered with Verdent Catacombs and Cavern of Souls.
Is there a particular reason you're keeping a little slice of black in your deck?
Here's some alternatives to your Abrupt Decay :

My impulse, if this were my deck, would be to make it a little simpler. But then again I'm kinda new to this.

Deck Comments / Re: Discard Rat Mono Black - Comments
« le: Août 27, 2020, 07:48:42 pm »
(please be gentle, I'm new to mtg)
I like your deck (I've always thought a rat deck would be fun, and the discard mechanic seems nasty).
But I have some questions.
Usually a deck size is 60 cards, but I notice yours is 61 with only 19 swamps too. What's the reasoning behind that? To me it looks like you really wanted 2 non-land cards. Is that true? If so which were they and what were the trade offs?

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