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Messages - ohako79

Pages: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Premodern Eminent Domain - Comments
« le: Mai 07, 2022, 02:22:56 pm »

Revision 2

Added/removed cards:
-2 Fire Diamond
-2 Sky Diamond
+4 Star Compass

Deck Comments / Re: Pauper Tatyova v2 - Comments
« le: Janvier 12, 2021, 06:20:51 pm »
Some are, some aren’t. The duals aren’t basics, no. But they’re still snow for Into the North, still not-Forests for Farseek, and the basics can still be found by Search for Tomorrow, Terramorphic Expanse, and Exploding Borders.

Deck Reviews / 9 creature slots to fill in a somewhat blue Ninja deck
« le: Octobre 12, 2018, 03:43:44 pm »
Hi there. I recently got MTGO to work on my linux box, and so I put together a really cheap (as in cash) Ninja deck. Now, I've got all my ninjas and my 1-mana fellows all picked out, but I've got 9 creature slots that are keyed for 2-mana critters. Here's what I'm working with so far

3 Spellstutter Sprite
3 Quickling
3 Augury Owl

All good ETB dudes, and each make an excellent Ninja enabler. The Quickling is instead of Walker of Secret Ways, who is a little pricey and can't bounce non-Ninjas. But...

a) I am thinking of switching out the Owls for Nightveil Sprite. This would bump my Faerie count to 13 (from 10) for more spells countered by the Spellstutterers. This also bumps my Rogue count to 10, which tempts me to play Notorious Throng, even though my mana really isn't cut out to provide 6 by turn 6. Is this a good idea?
b) I'm also tempted to play with the count of each of these, maybe bumping Spellstutter Sprite to 4. a. good idea? b. what other creature would you cut?
c) What other creatures would be good with Ninjas? constraints: white, blue, colorless, modern, 3 or less CMC, does something interesting on ETB or LTB, and preferably has some built-in evasion. Tricky, I know! Eddytrail Hawk, perhaps?

Thank you!

Deck Reviews / [Modern] How to make a control theory?
« le: Septembre 18, 2018, 04:08:27 am »
So, I don't get out much to play Magic. I like to play, I like to make good decks and all, but opportunities are few and far between. I also haven't gotten MTGO to work with my linux machine, so I can't really use that to test deck ideas.

I've been using the tools to come up with decks, and especially on the 'Starting Hand' feature. It's a step up from straight Gatherer, but I think I've designed myself into a corner where I'm building in too much offense and not enough resilience into the decks I make. I can see what my hand will look like, but I can't begin to guess what I'll see from my imaginary opponent.

1) How do I build a Modern control deck, one that has less a plan of action and more a mindset of reaction to the board?
2) What kind of deck is good against Thoughtseize or Thought-Knot Seer? Take 10 cards from the top, strip out the best one, and there's a 4/4 you need to deal with. Now what?
3) Here's a deck I've been working on, inspired by the Mu Yanling pre-con, only with Tamiyo instead of Yanling, and red as a secondary color instead of white. It's full of blue tricks and red damage, a few relevant creatures, and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage. I'm not putting any combo pieces with Tamiyo in here, because a) I don't want to depend on a planeswalker ultimate as a combo piece, and b) Thoughtseize. I think the best card to use her ultimate with is Lightning Bolt.

I would greatly appreciate advice in general on control, and advice in particular about this deck. Thank you.

Tamiyo and Merponies

Deck Comments / Re: Imagine Dragons - Comments
« le: Septembre 03, 2018, 10:18:48 pm »
You know, I thought about that card a lot. I did recently find out about Dragon Hoard, which I really like a lot better. How about this deck then?

Dragon Horde

Deck Reviews / [Casual] Mu Yanling + Ninjas
« le: Août 31, 2018, 06:00:59 am »
Mu Yanling + Ninjas

1) Play cheap creatures that are hard to block
2) Play with ninjas
3) Play with a tricky color that ninjas aren't known for (surprise!)

There are a lot of creatures here that depend on each other (the ninjas, the quickling). Also, I don't really know if I have enough faeries to make Spellstutter worthwhile. Maybe? Not sure.

(Apologies for the crummy formatting. I don't know how to get the forum to organize the deck by card types without setting up all those groups myself.)

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] Mu Yanling + Birds
« le: Août 29, 2018, 05:07:25 am »
Mu Yanling + Birds

After looking through some other bird decks, I switched out a few things for critters that might help out better: Spell Queller and Thunderclap Wyvern. I'd still like some advice, if anyone would care to give it.

Deck Reviews / [Casual] Mu Yanling + Birds
« le: Août 27, 2018, 03:39:07 am »
I got the Global Series decks (Jiang Yanggu and Mu Yanling) recently, and I wanted to make the decks themselves shine. I'm also interested in this 'tutor for a planeswalker' mechanic. For this deck, I took every card in the original Mu Yanling deck, and I tried to find some other card that did what it did, but cost one mana less. Unsurprisingly, this took the average mana cost down from 3.4 to around 2.5.

I think my favorite creature in the deck is Surge Mare. It's cheap, it's a huge wall, it can maybe swing for 4, it has a janky evasion ability, and it can loot when it hits. I put a bunch of looting effects in here, both for the Curator of Mysteries (if it shows up), but also for something for my 25 lands to be doing once I hit 6 on the board.

Here's the thing. I don't know what the heck I'm doing! I don't know if an aggro deck with 25 lands and a planeswalker in it would be any good. I don't know if my land mix is right. I don't know if a blue deck without any counterspells is nuts or what? (I once had a blue aggro deck with Lotus Petal, Skyshroud Condor, and Unstable Mutation, and even that had counters...) I don't know if the planeswalker tutors are a good idea.

So. Here's Mu Yanling. She needs to be in a creature deck. I put her in a deck where each of her original friends was replaced with something cheaper, and it ended up there were a lot of birds. I'm trying to stay in Modern, because I hope that one day she'll be Modern legal. What would you do?

Mu Yanling + Birds

if someone brings one of those to an FNM night, they're going to get ruined.

They contain mostly cards that are only legal in Legacy, Vintage, and Commander so they wouldn't be legal in FNM most likely (depending on your LGS but I've not seen one that plays those formats for FNM). You may be better off starting from total scratch since you'd have to replace so many cards to make it legal.

What part of 'inspired by' (in the title of my post) is hard to understand?

Let me try again. Say I'm trying to build a halfway-decent R/G deck that has some good-curved creatures plus a few nasty critters or a planeswalker at 6 mana. Say 4 spells at 6.

1) About how many lands should I play? 25 seems like a lot.
2) Aside from Jiang Yanggu 's busted +1, he seems like a pretty cool 'planeswalker', but I'll play Nissa, Nature's Artisan instead if that makes it legal. In R/G, what cards would make her overrun effect really work to end the game?
3) In R/G, what are some good ways to recover from board sweepers? Conversely, which cards make for good answers?
4) I adore the new cycle-lands. So, say, 4 Sheltered Thicket. Aside from Wooded Foothills, what are some other non-basic lands that I should consider, especially if I want to be able to consistently get {R}{R}{R} or {G}{G}{G}?

5) I'm new to these forums, but is there a way to get mana symbols to show up? hehe

I play Magic very very casually (and somewhat rarely), but I'm always inspired to try to make decks that do more with less. I picked up the Global Series decks the other day, and I have to say the decks they made are just plain awful. I'm okay with duel decks that are balanced against each other, but man, if someone brings one of those to an FNM night, they're going to get ruined.

(Speaking as an ex-little kid who brought a budget red/green deck from a book to a local Magic tourney in 1994 when Moxes were legal, and got ruined. Heh)

Anyway, I sort of like the idea of building a competitive Modern deck out of dreck, and I love the ideas there, just not the execution. I realized that I could replace all the bad cards with cards that were a whole lot better (like Unsummon for Drown in Shapelessness, or Arctic Aven for Moon-Eating Dog, etc), and then I'd have decks that were a lot better, but they'd still probably be just decks with a lot of 'semi-limited' potential: they could go up against each other better, and beat up 12-year-olds, but not much more. So I want to do more, go farther, yeah?

Given 1 Nissa, Nature's Artisan and 2 Verdant Crescendo (is that a bad start? I can't tell) and a G/R base focused on burn and trampling, where should you go?

Or, given 1 Jace, Ingenious Mind-Mage and 2 Grasping Current (this seems slightly better??) and a W/U base focused on...flying creatures and disruption, what's next?

I know I'm asking for something that doesn't exist: building good decks out of junk or overlooked cards, but I'm convinced it's possible to, say, go 2-2 on an FNM night with something nuts from nowhere (because I've done it once). Thoughts?

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