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Nachrichten - SableMyst

Seiten: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Myriad Planeswalkers - Comments
« am: März 07, 2023, 08:38:18 Vormittag »
Added lands and a bunch more cards. Need to cut some now. It seems like it would run best if I drop a lot of the focus on copying, but that was the initial inspiration for the deck and I think it seems fun, making a bunch of copies of creature planeswalkers and swinging. Not 100% sure where to think out yet. Blue mana is important as it will likely be the main way to consistently turn the walkers into creatures.

Deck Comments / Re: Myriad Planeswalkers - Comments
« am: März 06, 2023, 06:08:26 Vormittag »
Still have to go through and clean it up but the basic structure is here. The idea is to turn Planeswalkers into creatures and attack with them. I wanted to lean into Myriad but there are problems in both execution and number of available cards, so I had to branch out and include other methods. Many cards will likely be cut from this list to streamline execution, even though it will never be all that efficient. This list is mostly a proof of concept and a collection of everything I'm looking at in one place for now, will clean up the list to (hopefully) make a functional deck, no matter how bad it is.

Commander Discussion / Does this work?
« am: Juli 22, 2020, 03:33:15 Nachmittag »
Had a question about the interaction between Angel's Grace and Lim-Dûl's Vault.

Making a somewhat janky esper deck and was wondering if there was a combo here. Say I cast angel's grace, then Lim-Dûl's Vault, and pay life down to 1 hp. First of all, can I keep paying life even if my deck has no cards left in it.  And second, since Angel's grace leaves me at 1 hp, can I pay the one life to Lim-Dûl's Vault, and then not lose any life because Angel's grace is active?

Wanted to see if it was possible to do that with Children of Korlis and Vizkopa Guildmage on board. Since Angel's Grace doesn't prevent the loss of life and just keeps you at one, pay a ton of life into Lim-Dûl's Vault, then activate Vizkopa Guildmage's second ability, then sac Children of Korlis to gain a ton of life and kill everyone.

Commander Deck Reviews / Fun Combos Oloro
« am: Juli 21, 2020, 01:40:43 Vormittag »
I'm attempting to make an Oloro combo deck, but with fun and possibly somewhat janky combos.

The best example of this I currently have is using detention sphere or Oblivion Ring to exile Barren Glory, then cast Kaervek's Spite right before my turn.

I also have a few ways to mess around with the Lich cards, by using repay in kind after casting Lich, or by using Fractured Identity on one of the lich cards.

Other than that I have two more common combos, Time Sieve and Thopter Assembly for infinite turns, and Aetherflux Reservoir + Sensei's Divining Top + Bolas's Citadel to win.

Looking for more fun combos to put into the deck, plus any input on the current list. Wondering if people know of any cards that seem less than ideal in the current build, or if you see a card that could be replaced by something better.

Thanks for the help!

Commander Deck Reviews / Atraxa Saga Tribal
« am: Juni 02, 2020, 04:37:07 Vormittag »
Attempting to make an at least semi-functional Saga Tribal deck with Atraxa. The current deck has 95 cards and only 18 enchantments, yet has multiple cards focused on getting value off enchantments.

Do people think it would be good to continue with this enchantment theme and attempt to use the last 5 slots plus maybe drop some unneeded cards to streamline the enchantments better? Or do people believe just stick with sagas and counter manipulation then use the rest of the slots to not focus on enchantments.

Any suggestions for cards not being useful like some of the removal or good cards to add here would be greatly appreciated, not sure if I have all the good counter manipulation or flicker effect cards.

Edit:Forgot to add the deck

Thanks again for any input or just discussion about the deck! ^^

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Brudiclad Combo Deck
« am: Juni 02, 2020, 04:31:59 Vormittag »
Went ahead and removed some of the worse cantrips like Peek for card draw like Rhystic Study. Also added Tamiyo's Journal for tokens plus potential tutors and Mechanized Production for another win con. Added Helm of the Host for Godo, Bandit Warlord.

Thanks again for the input and help! ^^

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Brudiclad Combo Deck
« am: Juni 02, 2020, 01:54:34 Vormittag »
Thanks a ton for the input! I will certainly go back through and include some of the cards you suggested. Had one question for you before that though. Do you think the deck would run better if I included some token generators then put in some cards such as Sharding Sphinx, Wurmcoil Engine, Hellrider, Tectonic Giant, and/or Utvara Hellkite? Just to add another way to attempt to win beyond a combo attempt. I think I'll also include Helm of the Host so if I have the mana after getting Godo, Bandit Warlordout I can have that in case Godo dies in combat.
Thanks again for all the input, I really appreciate it!

Edit: Added Hellrider and Tectonic Giant

Commander Deck Reviews / Brudiclad Combo Deck
« am: Juni 01, 2020, 11:10:04 Nachmittag »
Point of this deck is to get Brudiclad and one of the target creatures out as quickly as possible then go infinite. You guys think it's too streamlined and needs to be able to do more? Also is there too much card advantage, and if so, any ideas on what to replace some card advantage with?
Edit: Mindslaver and Aeon Engine are just in there for a fun way to manipulate turns.

I'm making an Artifact beat down deck and I can't decide which cards to cut. The deck has a decent number of token generators, probably too many, and not really enough removal. This is my first Izzet deck and I don't really know any good removal cards to add in these colors. Deck description explains the Aeon Engine and a few other cards, any help on deciding what cards to remove and possibly some removal to add would be greatly appreciated! (The Sideboard is cards I plan to on possibly adding at a later date when I have them. Just there for me to remember them).

Deck Reviews / [EDH / Commander] Need Help Cutting 3 Cards
« am: Januar 30, 2020, 09:06:52 Nachmittag »
Hello! I need help cutting three cards from an Arcades deck list, I recently modified my Arcades and I'm not sure on what to cut from it. There are some creatures I'd be okay with taking out; but as the main goal of the deck is to overrun with creatures it pains me to take out any more than I already have as there's already less than I would like. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Check deck description for a little more detail into the deck.

Edit: Also if there's anything you see that could be swapped for something better more input never hurts. Thanks!

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Need Help Slimming Deck
« am: Oktober 11, 2019, 04:14:17 Nachmittag »
Hey man,

Cool deck.

Obviously I don't know what your meta is like so my ideas might not be relevant to what you find yourself up against, but if this was me, the things I'd consider removing would be:

One or maybe a couple of the lower toughness walls. Probably Wall of Blossoms or Wall of Omens. 4 toughness isn't all that great in Commander and the extra card seems a bit meh when you'd be getting one from Arcades anyway.

I'd also probably take out Fog bank. It's inability to deal combat damage seems a little counterintuitive for this deck.

I don't know if fliers are particularly prevalent in your meta, but it seems like you've added a lot of reach / flying walls, some of which are kind of bad. Consulate Skygate for example. If you find yourself facing down a lot of fliers it's probably fine, mostly because it doesn't care about land colours, but if not I would say you could probably take out one or two of the crappier reach/fliers.

The other area I'd look at cutting back on is the higher costed spells. 33 lands is a little on the low side and this deck doesn't seem to be packing a particularly bountiful ramp package. It's mostly fine because walls and defenders tend to have low CMCs, but things like Elspeth seem a little on the high side and you probably have enough effects that kill big creatures anyway. Venser too seems a little highly costed and not really doing anything to advance your strategy.

Builders Blessing and Castle seem a little narrow. I get that Arcades has vigilance and there are a few ways of giving it to everyone, but it still feels a little narrow. I personally don't feel that it's going to be relevant enough to warrant both copies if you want to run even one.

The other thing I would say is probably including more effects that do what Arcades does. Assault Formation and Huatli, the Sun's Heart do basically the same thing for a low cmc. We have a buddy who runs an Arcades deck and Arcades gets targeted a lot, just because the deck really shuts off without him and is devastating when he's around, so having a back up plan or two might be worth it.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts. Please feel free to do with them what you will. Either way, it's a cool deck and I hope you have fun playing it whatever you decide.

Thanks a lot for the help and feedback!

Deck Reviews / [EDH / Commander] Need Help Slimming Deck
« am: Oktober 11, 2019, 05:46:07 Vormittag »
I really want to finish this deck however I can't figure out what to get rid of. There is currently 106 cards in the deck and I would like to get it down to 100. Been scratching my head over it for a few days now and decided to attempt and get some input from other people. Any suggestions on replacements for any cards is also welcome. Thanks!

Deck Reviews / [ EDH / Commander ] Arcades Defender
« am: Oktober 08, 2019, 07:26:12 Vormittag »

My first attempt of making a deck outside of the ones my friends have assisted in crafting, spent the last day working on it off and on. I tried to make custom categories to sort cards by what they did, but I couldn't find out how to do it. Not too sure about a lot of spell choices. Thanks for any input anyone has!

Seiten: [1]