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Nachrichten - Foolish Caribou

Seiten: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Lantern of Chaos (Evelyn Style) - Comments
« am: April 30, 2023, 01:40:38 Nachmittag »
As this is my first cEDH deck, input would be very appreciated.

Here are some questions:
1: how hard/when should I dig for the lantern of insight?
2: How do I quickly and efficiently play from the top of my deck Mystic Forge style?
3: How many tutors should I run?
4: Can I get by with only 10 counters given I have top of library removal in their place?
5: Anything I forgot to time...

Commander Deck Reviews / Kess O'Lantern
« am: Mai 15, 2021, 09:49:43 Vormittag »
Kess O'Lantern

Lantern Chaos Control for cedh pods. I am looking for infinite shuffle combos with psychic surgery, especially ways to infinitely recur the Lantern of Insight (Mishra, Artificer Prodigy maybe?). Investigate + Goblin welder shows promise. Any compatible chaos ideas are welcome, under the proviso I can fit it without hurting the deck power level.

Thank you for your time,
---The Most Foolish of Caribous

Seiten: [1]