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Deck Comments / Re: lel Mill (UB) - Comments
« am: Mai 13, 2016, 01:32:56 Nachmittag »
No, ty. I can see the appeal but I'd rather have proofing against the inevitable Leyline of Sanctity that effectively stalls everything by playing creature and a nontargeted ability instead of another Sorcery.
Besides, the correct choice would be Glimpse the Unthinkable. And that's 30 bux-a-piece.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Grixis control
« am: März 05, 2016, 09:35:01 Vormittag »

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Grixis - Delver - Past in Flames *1st Edit*
« am: März 05, 2016, 09:31:20 Vormittag »
Are the only 2 options Living End and Goryo's Vengeance?

In modern? For cheating in in big creatures, pretty much, yes, if you plan on staying Grixis and Modern an playing the graveyard angle.

Low costed creatures can be cheated in with more ways, but for big, +4 manacost creatures only playable alternatives are Through the Breach, Chord of Calling, Tooth and Nail and various bulk cards that really are unplayable.
Makeshift Mannequin, Unburial Rites, etc.

I think you are kinda misunderstanding Cauldron Haze, those creatures still need to die for Persist to trigger on them.
Just casting Haze gives them Persist but does not kill or make them go to graveyard nor can you target creatures in the graveyard already.
Or maybe this is just a case of miscommunication.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Grixis - Delver - Past in Flames *1st Edit*
« am: März 03, 2016, 02:32:25 Nachmittag »
Well, if nothing else, it's good brain exercise trying to make a deck work.
There's late, and then there's late.
Modern has multiple ways to be early with that idea but let's see what you got here first.

This is a list of my thoughts about every card in the deck.
I'm not a master magic mystery man who has ultimate knowledge so take it with a grain of salt.


Burning Vengeance; Tis a funny kind of card, it CAN add to huge amounts, especially in UR where you are constantly casting stuff, but at 3 mana, it's kinda "Late game". If you were pure UR burn with many, MANY Cantrips (cards that draw a card for low cost) It'd be pretty awesome, here it's more of an afterthought. Potential rarely produces results without tools. Especially without Past in Flames.

Cauldron Haze; It seems good but honestly, I cannot see the use for it, you'd have to play an odd assortment of cards to get the benefit. Some sort of B/W 2/2 deck running Tidehollow Sculler and buddies with sacrifice outlets might benefit but here it's an odd outlier that MIGHT do something IF you have the mana up in certain situations.

Epic Experiment; The timmycard of timmycards. It seems good until you realize you kinda need +6 mana to get any real benefit out of it. Even then, it will not produce the exact result you want since deck isn't tight enough. UR burn control deck would love to have it. But here it's more of an "Why did i draw this now" card.

Faithless Looting; Has nothing wrong with it, especially as you do want creatures to be in the GY to fuel the overall gameplan and Flashback has extra use for you.

Flayer of the Hatebound; You really love this dude, huh? At six mana 4/2 it dies REALLY easily. Ofc, no one is going to kill it, wich is it's greatest pro, and it's greatest con, you WANT it to die. With Board sweep burn, it becomes marginally more useful but still remains a six mana dork that somehow has to get to the field to be useful. It's a huge conditional card without more robust means of reanimating it.

Forbidden Alchemy; Just the tool you need, I'd replace it with Thought Scour tbh, faster and you still get card advantage. Would play better together with Faithless Looting as well. At seven mana, you are going to never cast the flashback.

Incinerate; Lightning Bolt. Nuff said.

Inkwell Leviathan; Hueg. Big hueg. EXBAWX HUEG. Pretty obvious you are planning to reanimate this. And fair enough, it's a good target for that kind of shenanigans. In casual games just having something so huge will win you games but without more robust reanimate engine in the deck, it's a dead card. Even Flayer is still castable, imaginably. In it's place, I'd run something with Cycling on it, to assure it hits the GY on time and does not mess up your game plan unduly.

Izzet Charm; Hits the spot pretty perfectly and all modes are beneficial, run more copies :p

Kiln Fiend; Relies heavily on bursting out many cheap spells in one turn that do not require conditional targets. Your deck is full of conditional cards and average manacost creeps heavily over 3, sad to say but it's pretty unplayable here.

Mana Leak; Always good control card and with proper meta knowledge halts most decks for more than a turn. There's not much to say other than say it's good.

Nether Traitor; Funny little fellow, innit. BB manacost is pretty oppressive though. Ability is good and cheap, assuring constant output of damage but is very out of the left field for any archetype this deck tries to run. With more aggro more monoblack mainboard, he could be good but here is nothing but gimmicky 1/1.

Polymorphous Rush; Nice card, it neatly even can choose Inkwell Leviathan to copy since it does not target the thing it copies. Main thing that worries me about it is the fact that it has to hit a boardstate that is already tipped towards your favor with some creatures on the field and target to copy. It's ultra conditional, i'd replace it with more cantrips or utility spells.

Pyromancer Ascension; To get the full power out of this card, you pretty much NEED TO run a deck with 4 off of everything in it. More one offs you have, worse it does. More card draw you have, better it does. It's a gimmicky card but benefit of it is notable, only "bad" thing about it is that you have to tool the entire deck to fuel it and usually that means playing Storm. Although casting Inkwell Leviathan isn't a bad choice either. Just kinda worse off since one counterspell screws you over.

Rise From the Grave; It's good, but it's five mana. With assorted mana accelerators I list later it becomes notably better but it still remains a five mana card. There are cheaper and more sure-fire ways ways to do it. Sadly it's just a bulk common filler.

Sedraxis Specter; I like Alara cards, and had it haste it'd be amazing. As is, it begs for removal and recurs itself, most def a good card. Although discarding it to your outlets and then unearthing it is definitely value as well. By all means keep a few as flavor if you want to.
Is it a 10/10? No, but it's nice enough to keep in any Grixis deck if you aren't planning to go in any GPs in the near future.

Through the Breach; Is good and always will be. As is, it kinda lacks targets to Breach out. Inkwell, although big, has Shroud, meaning you can't Cauldron Haze it for value and Flayer is just a measly 4/2 in the end. Maindeck Progenitus and/or some other HUGE creature for more uses other than gumming your hand.

Wee Dragonauts; Same applies to him as it does to Kiln Fiend, more or less. It's still Bolt-able and flying, while it makes a difference, isn't that big of an deal to warrant inclusion.

Stormchaser Mage; More Prowess creatures, Same as Kiln Fiend, they all pretty much require the deck to be built specifically for them.

Delver of Secrets; IIRC; 12-14 creatures and rest Instant/Sorceries and you STILL wont flip this guy without hideous amounts of Scry in deck. He's pretty much same as Kiln Fiend and buddies, requiring rest of the deck to fuel him.

Desperate Ritual; Here's your mana accelerant, more mainboardable than sideboard stuff atm. More on this later in the post.

Griselbrand; Now here's your Through the Breach target. Can't get much better than this. Sadly you need multiple, otherwise it's pretty RNG.

Black Sun's Zenith; While I have a love/hate relationship with this card in my Mill deck, I'd suggest Anger of the Gods or Radiant Flames rather than this janky card since you run Red. It's 5 mana versus 3 for the same result.
To get to the late game, you'd need some way to keep the board clear almost constantly.
Anger of the Gods or Radiant Flames fits the bill better than Black Sun's Zenith in most matchups.
Unless you get rich ofc, then you buy the Damnation s.
Even then, case can be made for 3 mana sweepers that hit 90% of the meta and 4 mana sweeper that hits 99% of the meta.


I won't touch the manabase anymore than casually, optimal landbase is optimal and expensive.
You work with what you got.
Firstly, if you have bad lands to choose from, use more Basics, not more taplands.
Evolving Wilds 4-off is a mere pittance and adds more play ability than 12 tapduals.
Anyone who has played over a year should have at least one playset laying around for you to buy for a dollar or so.
Tap Duals look good in decklists but work badly in plays outside draft.
That's my experience anyway.

Few lands of note though;
City of Brass, Crumbling Necropolis are cheap on-mana cards and City of Brass might be just useful card to have around.
Grixis Panorama and Terramorphic Expanse are both bulk commons that fit your colors.

Ghost Quarter is good but more of an sideboard unless your deck needs them to work which does not seem to be the case here.
Blood moon, ofc is the ultimate Land Control card for any Red including deck.
Prowess creatures in there now could be replaced with more control oriented cards, good ol' Lightning Bolt, Discard (Duress, Kozilek's Inquisition etc) and more counterspells / bounce cards.
I really like Sedraxis Specter though. Alara had the best cards.
Fish and Fish Guy (Gurmag Angler and Tasigur, the Golden Fang) seem solid options to jam up the the board state until you get to the OMGTFBQ part of the plan.
Of course, that dis-includes the use of any Graveyard plan since they nom it all away.

Considering huge manacosts involved, ya'll need mana acceleration.
Pyretic Ritual and Desperate Ritual. Another good one is Past in Flames for that extra graveyard fuel conversion and Manamorphose is the more expensive card that works as Filter to make Grixis (more) viable.
All are pretty dependent on Pyromancer Ascension to fuel out T3 Inkwell Leviathan and buddies though.
See some Storm MTGO videos on how to break magic and lose friends. :p

Reanimator is more of an Legacy thing. Hence Reanimate.
Then again, Modern has Living End.
It's triggered via casting Cascade (Violent Outburst, Demonic Dread, etc.) and not having ANY cards below 3 manacost in your deck. (And preferably having Graveyard full of creatures)
It's an outlier deck but certainly Tier 1 with proper piloting.
Which might be more viable of a deck archetype to build on the basis of having big creatures. Just discard the big creatures instead of Cycling them away somehow. Faithless Looting for example, or running scrylands and using Thought Scour or Hedron Crab or something along those lines.

Cauldron Haze adds an interesting twist to that deck and a very robust end-game.
It's what you might call Win-More though, you kinda don't need to win anymore than resolve Living End, usually.
Resolving Living End second time after Persisting your board seems just rude.

Alternative is to run Goryo's Vengeance.
That seems to be really close to what you want to out of this as an end product.
Vengeance Exiles so Cauldron Haze has no use in this deck, unless you get to the Trough the Breach part of the game plan.

That's my wall-of-text in the thoughts.
As final note, I would not limit yourself to JUST your collection when designing decks.
It's all make belief after all, until you buy the cards, so let your imagination run free and keep looking for more answers every where you can.

Hopefully this helps you by giving you ideas to build on.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Grixis - Delver - Past in Flames *1st Edit*
« am: März 02, 2016, 07:32:02 Vormittag »
Learn your lands, although Fetch and Shock lands are pretty much "necessary" for Modern, you can do without.
Pain lands (Shivan Reef), Scrylands (Temple of Epiphany) and Checklands (Sulfur Falls) all also work very well and can save you money. check prices though.
Here's a cheat sheet for you;

OGW even introduced cheap check-duals that go for a pittance right now and in the foreseeable future that might be worth a collection.
But if MtG interests you more than a bit ,GET FETCH LANDS.
They will only get more expensive as time goes on and Ally Colors are more than affordable right now. Enemy colors, not so much.

Prowess Aggro seems the easier, more affordable and more established approach without checking prices.
Kiln Fiend, Stormchaser Mage, Nivix Cyclops and  Monastery Swiftspear are not expensive.
Cards to trigger that Prowess are also cheap and almost neccesary investments for Blue and Red.

As I write this, Goldfish has just this archetype up as pennywise pauper, meaning it's cheap.
It will cut you down to two colors and seems to be close to Modern viable from a glance and archetype is easily expandable for more tighter, more speedier and resistant deck with time and money as you learn to pilot it.
Note, some of the cards in that Pauper deck are BANNED in Modern, replace them if you go that way.

If you are thinking about how fun it is to cast stuff from graveyard; Storm is the way to go. It's less interactive archetype, more akin to solitaire but it literally combo's it's entire deck in one turn, more or less, for graveyard.

Undying/Persist has never been much of an tested nor approved archetype, you are making new ground with that.
Only two playable cards that spring to mind are Kitchen Finks and Strangleroot Geist.
While the idea is solid, slapping late game creatures with high manacost has never been much of an win-condition unless you already control the game. Green can pull it off amicably with low cost big beaters, Red, not so much.
At T4, which seems to be earliest for any big red/black beater, you are playing against Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and Wurmcoil Engine from Tron and Cryptic Command in control matchups.

Overall, I'd say go for the Prowess deck first to get your feet wet.
invest in lands for it and go from there.
You can play fully enjoyable, competitive magic games with any Budget deck archetype and those are nearly always less than 100 money units.
It might not be the winning strategy for every single time but lot of people get sidetracked and surprised by budget strategies netting you few boosters in FNM.
And that way you can have multiple decks to play around with so you don't get bored.

Point of note, never buy boosters in hopes of getting more playables, buy the cards outright from re-salers, never trust RNG to give you anything.

And when looking at expensive cards, think if you really need it, or if you can get away with more budget option, Snapcaster Mage is an amazing card, true, but price never tells you anything apart from how messed up this hobby is thanks to silly people with more money than sense thinking they can get rich off pieces of cardboard.
There is nearly always an alternative card to play in that slot that does if not the exact same thing, something very close to it.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Grixis - Delver - Past in Flames *1st Edit*
« am: März 01, 2016, 06:20:43 Nachmittag »
It's a, uuuh, mess. :p
I don't know where to go with suggestions or such since it's so... All over the place.
There's Prowess aggro, there's Storm cards and then there are Casual cards in there.
There's really no reason to stick to one-off cards as much as you are doing.
Just leave cards out if they don't fit that well.
More often than not, more veteran players even have loan decks in FNM for you until you get your own deck.

While not "bad" that you have so much one-offs, it really does break the consistency meaning you have to be super adaptive to get it working in the first place.
Second issue of note is the manacosts.
4 is considered oppressive unless it wins you the game or puts it out of the reach for the opponent until you can slam it home.
In modern anyway.
You have 5-6 mana creatures in there that just sit pretty and act threatening until opponent smirks and casts Path to Exile.
But that's neither here nor there.

I don't really know how you could keep the Theme of it as is and still be competitive.
Kitchen table magic? Absolutely, go for it, read no more.

But in FNM?
You have to invest.
Sad reality of it is that MtG is an expensive hobby.

Delver Grixis in modern is an actual thing and there are decklists for it. It seems to be buried under Eldrazi on Goldfish atm.
Here are two examples of it.

I have in my profile a Grixis Pauper deck that kinda fits what you are going after, if that's your cup of tea. Fixing the landbase to modern standards might even make it competitive enough to play in modern. And maybe including a Monastery Swiftspear. No promises.

With 60 card limit and format where T5 is usually the last turn of the game, one way or another, there really isn't an opportunity play the field as wide as you are doing by going Prowess, Unearth and Delve mechanics in one deck.
Not impossible but harder.
Usually you have to pick one and stick to it while building a deck.

If you can tone it down to just one, or maybe two ideas you want to utilize, I might even offer certain cards to play around with to add.
But here, the margin is just too wide and I might as well just dump 100-150 cards here without any theme to them.
If you mention, let's say, five, six cards you want to run full sets then you kinda get a theme down and I can offer more constructive advice than this overall advice.
This is an amazing tool to use while deckbuilding once you get the hang of it and I suggest you play around with it once you know what you want.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Armored Cats
« am: März 01, 2016, 04:18:51 Nachmittag »
Godless Shrine x 4
Marsh Flats x 4
Arid Mesa x 2
Flooded Strand x 2
Plains x 4
Swamp x 2
Just so you can actually use Cranial Plating ability, which can be a big deal. Expensive but hey, play MtG, buy the Fetches.
Shame about artifact lands being banned in Modern.

Brimaz, King of Oreskos   For dem sweet ass cat SOLDIER tokens so you can get maximum benefits from Auriok Steelshaper. As a side note, you can run three copies of any one legendary (Kemba, Kha Regent) and be kinda safe from having two in hand at any given time.
Leonin Den-Guard   Becomes bolt immune and Vigilance on Equip.
Leonin Skyhunter   Flying is good. So are the card sub-types.
Leonin Squire   Recursion!
Lost Leonin  Oops, you just infect won.
Skyhunter Cub   Flying derp.
Steppe Lynx  Might have value if you decide to run +8 Fetches landbase.
Trained Caracal   Is one of the one drops i'd suggest adding but those might break the sub-type thing too much.

None of those seem especially expensive cards to add and might streamline your synergies. With the Knight/Cat/Soldier sub-type thing you got going on.
I'd cut down on the Equips a little. You still need to play creatures to equip after all, and investing in one creature to have ALL the equipment's seems far too greedy. 16 Equips/Artifacts and 20 or so creatures "feels" ideal for 18 manabase with few slots for solution cards but I might just be talking out of my arse.
Playtest solves that, eventually.

Although cute, you are lacking any game plan apart from "drop artifacts and watch my creatures get bolted" and that's kind of an shame. Can only equip as sorcery, after all. (Apart from Cranial Plating and that does not help the bolt-age from happening.) Leonin Shikari isn't always going to be there, much less in game two against a player quick on the uptake.

Run white, run Path to Exile. \o/

Apostle's Blessing springs to mind as possible solution for removal as well as pure wincon against mono-color. (Correct me if I'm wrong here but If it has Protection from Green, it cannot be blocked by Green creatures.) Mutagenic Growth could have value; to add "oomph" to the aggro, especially on a lifelinker without affecting manabase and somehow getting Trample in there somehow feels necessary. Rancor, maybe, but that does require Green.
Chariot of Victory, O-Naginata and Vorrac Battlehorns seem like the "best" colorless options.

Lightning Greaves & Swiftfoot Boots both seems like "requirement" for this deck to get running of the ground and I'd run 4 of both and skip the more "meh" equips like Infiltration Lens & Golem-Skin Gauntlets. Opp isn't going to block against card advantage and multiple equips is just begging for removal.
Eggs like; Chromatic Sphere, Chromatic Star, Prismatic Lens and Prophetic Prism could be a good way to keep your artifact count up for C-Plate and cycle towards more meaningful cards if you don't have a need for any right at that moment.

Mana Tithe seems like a shoe-in for sideboard since SOMEONE is going to Hurkyl's Recall all your stuff at somepoint and that might win you a game if they aren't ready for it.

Mostly what I'd add is Green as a second color, solely for Wild Nacatl and it's assorted buddies, but that might hurt the theme too much for you.
Maybe invest more on black if this was Legacy and Dark Ritual some goofy artifacts out T1.

Just spitballin here.

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