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Nachrichten - rnuvonsyc

Seiten: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Kustoms contraptions - Comments
« am: März 18, 2018, 02:18:29 Vormittag »
Here goes,

Nice, contraption madness.

Ik begin wel gelijk met een comment list :P

Hydradoodle, die doet dus helemaal niks voor jouw strategie, het is een beest. die zou ik er dus uit halen  -4
Steamflogger temp, recurring contraptions poppen lijkt wel leuk, maar 6 mana is way way too much. dan gooi je liever een dikke contraption rigger dude neer. -3
Joyride rigger is een beetje heel erg duur, hij doet hetzelfde als wrench-rigger maar voor +3 mana :/ voor die +2/+2 hoef je het niet te doen. ik ga eens kijken of hier betere opties voor zijn. (mogelijk -4)
Je hebt te weinig land, +4 rootbound crag (of iets vergelijkbaars wat niet tapped into play komt)

Ik zie trouwens meer heil in blauw als 2de kleur.
Incite insight +4 (hetzelfde als work a double maar beter... dus die -4) Kindly cognician +4 voor sneller shit te droppen, en Ghostly flicker +4 om te snoepen van je ETB assembling en misschien zelfs je beesten te redden als ze gesloopt dreigen te worden.

Ja dan gaan first pick en steamflogger service rep er ook uit!!! ja wel heel jammer van die service rep maar aangezien je je zorgen maakte over de snelheid van je deck helpt hij niet veel mee. dus -8

Snelheid? kindly cognician helpt natuurlijk, maar stop er ook maar een izzet signet in. de reden hiervoor is dat als je wilt bouwen op een specifieke gebeurtenis moet je een kaart ~6-8x hebben. kindly cognician en izzet signet zorgen er allebij voor dat je je beurt 2 op offert om beurt 3 zogenaamd over te slaan omdat je gelijk de 4 cmc shit kan droppen. dus +4

Even kijken, we zitten nu op -3.
Ik weet het!!! Contraption cannon

Dan wel even de rootbound crag vervangen met shivan reef.

Et voila:

So far het deck, nu naar de juicyness!!!

Je moet dus minimaal 15 contraptions hebben, en geen enkele mag dubbel, er zijn in totaal 45 contraptions. Hoeveel contraptions zou een doorsnee game assembled krijgen (exclusief contraption assembling contraptions)?

                                       (cum sum)
T1 wrench-rigger                1
T2 signet/cognician
T3 incite insight                   3-4  (afhankelijk van izzet of cognician) --> ik zie hier wel een issue voor goede T3 kaarten in de huidige setup, aanpassing hieronder)
T4 steamflogger OTM         6-8
T5 Ghostly flicker + ?          12-16 + ?

4 CMC kaart --> -1 garbage elemental(duur) -1 clock of doom (meer dan 1 ingame is niet nodig) -1 contraption cannon (eigenlijk is deze wel cool) +3 crafty octopus. fuck it, +1 contraption cannon -1 crafty octopus xD. ik bedoel kom op! als het een beetje goed gaat kun je met contraption cannon in 1 shot en speler slopen in T6
Het lijkt erop dat we best makkelijk bij de 20 kunnen komen. Maar nu nog de goede contraptions fixen.

OMFG waarom zie faerie aerie in je sideboard ?!? dit is de meest OP contraption ingame. gewoon 2 kaarten pakken !!!! sick shit.
Wel fijn dat je alle contraptions in deckstats geladen hebt though. waarschijnlijk kun je gewoon de hele stack van 45 contraptions kopen en elke keer een andere set spelen xD. maar ik ga alsnog een stack van 25 maken.... hoe meer er in komt hoe meer junk er tussen zit wat niet bruikbaar is.
Nouja, ik kom uit op 24 contraptions. wel heel veel is creature oriented though. maar gelukkig zitten er genoeg dudes in dit deck.

Ok, ik heb een kleur gewisseld (goal oriented) contraptions bouwen en snel. je early game kan kindly cognician en crafty octopus zelfs wat blocken met 3 toughness.
Mocht je toch heel graag groen willen spelen, stop dan wel 8 kaarten erin die je sneller mana geven voor 2 mana (rampant growth, sakura-tribe elder etc) en beloof me dat je contraption cannon erin gooit :P niks leuker dan 15+dmg voor 2 mana.

Dat was leuk, bedankt dat je me betrekt in je deckgedachten.

Deck Comments / Re: Unstable dice - Comments
« am: März 03, 2018, 08:41:28 Nachmittag »
okay, roll dice.

Urza, academy headmaster rolled geen dice :P dus ik zie hem niet echt in je strategie zitten.
pillar of paruns kun je in dit deck alleen voor Urza tappen, dus dat lijkt me niet zon handig land in dit deck.
Go to jail is best cool i guess, maar is hij leuk? :P
Als je go to jail en socketed sprocketeer eruit haalt samen met urza heb je een 2 kleuren deck... groen en zwart.
Opties naar mijn idee voor meer dice madness is 3 Big boa constrictor + 3 mother kangaroo + 3 multi headed + 3 steam powered ??? dan heb je gelijk je augment host deck :P boem pats en hoef je niet de prijzige multicoloured landjes aan te schaffen.

Verder cool bij elkaar gefixed, maar als je 5 kleuren wilt spelen moet je meer dan 1x4 kaarten van 1 kleur erin stoppen en het liefste multicoloured kaarten aangezien die per mana veel sterker zijn dan monocoloured (zoals woolly thoctar). Ik denk dus ook niet dat unstable zich goed leent voor een 5 kleuren deck aangezien er vrij weinig multicoloured kaarten in zitten

Deck Comments / Re: AGGRO TURTLE deck (see "main" only) - w/ Jarno - Comments
« am: März 01, 2018, 11:32:17 Nachmittag »
Some comments on specific cards:

Martyr of sands possibly could net you up to 12 life in turn 2 or 3. but the further you get into the game the less usefull it's going to as your hand will be quite small, plus gaining life doesnt really help killing others nor does it build a wall (just delays). but the howling mine helps (:
perimeter captain would be nice if people attacked you and your walls survive. but I would assume your opponents would opt not to charge into a wall that he or she cannot kill and give you life too.
righteousness i like. its a card you dont need walls for to be effective
serra ascendant is super powerfull if lifegaining is your game, but it doesnt seem like your fully dedicated to gaining life so i dont know if it's going to be worth it.
tethered griffin strong turn 2 flyer if you have an enchantment but i dont see 1 mana enchantments so having it out by t3 doesnt really give you an edge. plus strong cheap beaters are for aggressive decks mostly and i dont see that strategy working here.
aegis of the gods good for anything other than plain combat
brave the sands I really like that one, especially against decks making a lot of small creatures
cathedral membrane epic combo with brave the sands :P
howling mine you want to speed up everybodies game? (which can be fun but doesnt help a victory as you will be the last person to benefit from its effect)
luminarch ascension obvious turtle card
ghostly prison obvious turtle card
karmic justice insurance
rune-tail, kitsune ascendant now thats a cool defensive card but then again, getting 30 life isnt going to be that easy in this deck. the only cards you have for gaining life are matyr of the sands and perimeter captain, and you dont control the option to gain life from the perimeter captain.

currently I dont see luminarch ascension getting 4 quest counters easily as you will still get wrecked by flying creatures and with just 3 ghostly prisons you have ~30% chance to see one of them each game.

I see that you've had a lot of different strategies in your head by what you cooked up :P, because i think this deck needs a bit more focus. I would either dedicate more resources to gaining life or include more cards that make your "wall" harder to pass (stuff like magus of the moat, chronomantic escape, ensaring bridge, peacekeeper) the last one might actually help a lot in ensuring your luminarch pops if you draw one.
maybe some late game presence would be good? big stuff with vigilance always works wonders in a defensive deck (like the sun titan you found).

I think if you didnt already order all the cards :P you should do so with the next revision and adjust according to playing experience.

Hope this helps!

Deck Comments / Re: Hedron Alignment - Comments
« am: Februar 06, 2018, 01:46:26 Nachmittag »
This works allright, but i seem to kill people more often with the thing in the ice than with hedron alignment.
Time to make hedron alignment a secondary win condition and add some more beats with instant/sorcery synergy.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] Mortivore
« am: Februar 06, 2018, 01:24:30 Nachmittag »
I'm just checking your other decks now as well :P

how did you come to playing 24 lands anyways?

Bile urchin is a bit underwhelming, if you want to make sure your dudes deal some damage, go for anything like Vicious Conquistador, Thornbow Archer, Mardu Shadowspear, something like that.

Gnat miser is probably only going to have an effect with players who love drawing a lot of cards. To make sure you dont have a dead 1/1 dude lying around, just play Hymn to Tourach for some awesome 1 for 2 value, RANDOM.

I don't see anything in your deck that makes your mortivore stronger :P so in that sense i wouldnt call this a mortivore deck, just a black deck that also runs mortivore =D. Mindcrank and Mesmeric Orb are horribly helpfull in that regard. But maybe then you would like to screw around with more graveyard loving cards like sewer nemesis and apocalypse demon.

Do you ever use MTG gatherer? super handy, and if you do use it I think you have to get a bit more creative or experienced with the filter to get better fits for your decks.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] I need help with this deck please.
« am: Februar 06, 2018, 01:05:44 Nachmittag »
You need more trash mobs to sacrifice for your demons. Just reassembling skeleton isnt enough. perhaps butcher ghoul will function properly or doomed dissenter bloodsoaked champion, gravecrawler, dread wanderer.
Usually if i want a certain type of thing for a solid strategy i want 8-12 of those cards, in this case you want stuff to sacrifice. What would be amazing is bloodghast, but that of course is a bit pricey (:

What is your design strategy anyways? do you want to design around certain restrictions or a theme? or do you really want to play card X and Y and make a deck around it however possible? that would help in giving advice ;).

Remove 2 swamp (22 lands is golden). Dark ritual is a bit meh, 1 card for 2 extra mana isnt really helpfull.
as sabastus said, you need stuff to kill things as the archfiend alone isnt going to cut it, i see terror in sideboard, you might want to roll go for the throat (or smother)

You have 12 dudes for cmc=5, id suggest to reduce that to 4.

I never really thought the treacherous pit dweller would be usefull, you always need an extra card to get rid of it.

good luck!

Deck Comments / Re: Ots Kustoms speedshop - Comments
« am: Januar 20, 2018, 04:17:23 Nachmittag »
Underhanded designs is best wel grappig, maar ik geloof niet dat de impact nou zo super groot is om deze er in te stoppen. plus de kans dat je 1 van de 4 vault of whispers raapt om deze te casten is vrij laag. je kunt het allicht proberen.

Aangezien je je manabase redelijk uitdunt om artifact land te spelen zou ik aanraden om wat mana fix artifacts te spelen (zoals chromatic star, chromatic lens, chromatic lantern). Of misschien is het toch niet heel erg om 4 land te spelen die voor R of W kunnen tappen?

Wat betreft Hanna's custody is dat een super goed idee om je artifacts te beschermen. Maar je moet je wel realiseren dat jijzelf je eigen artifacts ook niet meer kan targetten en dus de functionaliteit van je peacewalker colossus compleet blokkeert dus daar zul je een keuze in moeten maken.

Dat is wat me zo in eerste oogopslag op viel.

Deck Comments / Re: Ots Kustoms speedshop - Comments
« am: November 02, 2017, 06:19:51 Vormittag »
if youre playing Ghirapur Æther Grid you might like Ancient Den Darksteel citadel and Great furnace

Deck Comments / Re: Ots Kustoms speedshop - Comments
« am: November 01, 2017, 09:02:19 Nachmittag »
Correction, you already have some pretty badass card gain in Daredevil Dragster =D

Deck Comments / Re: Ots Kustoms speedshop - Comments
« am: November 01, 2017, 08:57:20 Nachmittag »
You might want to use Battlefield Forge as land which gives you mana straight away and the option to make it colored.

The strategy is clear but a bit straightforward, I think you need more abuse and less direct crewing, especially with the collosus there  I'd remove Gearshift Ace.

Most cards in this list are aggressive (haste or power buffing) which means you want the rest of your cards to follow the same direction, keeping the pressure on. So I'd remove the defensive cards Dawn Charm and Rebuff the Wicked.

So in my mind this amounts to swapping 4 land and removing 10 cards.

Now for my possible additions!

The 2 heart of kiran s could very well fit, but somebody said something about abuse and downplaying straightforward strategy?

Enter 3x Ghirapur Æther Grid (Ghirapur Aether Grid) + 3x? Unwinding Clock --> You want one of each per game, not 2 or more, so I'd suggest 3 of each.

2 spots left... I'd say we need something to kill stuff, Disenchant works but there are many options like that. (id actually prefer 4 options here... but you'd have to think about what to remove IF you want to introduce this option.

Do we actually need needle spires if we have the collossus to dump the mana in? maybe 4 basic land would be sufficient.

Good call btw on the sequestered stash could be pretty valuable later in the game.

Other ideas include some card gain so you dont run out of fuel ( ^.^ ) Bomat bazaar barge is something that fits the deck style or Smuggler's Copter which gives you options, not raw card gain...

Good luck pondering the options. The possibility looks super brutal T1 consulate dreadnought T2 heart of kiran T3 Peacewalker Colossus T4 start your engines smack for 23?!?
Other possibilities are cool to, multiple small artifacts + aether grid and the clock would give you both offensive and defensive options! Maybe some more small (0-2 CMC) artifacts could be beneficial?

Have fun brooding upon the options!

Deck Comments / Re: MONO-GREEN DEVOTION - Comments
« am: Oktober 24, 2015, 04:55:08 Nachmittag »
Cards you might want to include:

2 more nykthos, shrine to nyx (having an extra shrine to nyx is OK, use the one in play, play a second one and get even more mana!)

1 or 2 genesis wave instead of chord of calling

4 arbor elf instead of elvish mystic (to untap that shrine to nyx)

4 wistful selkie (instead of leatherback baloth, boring fatty :P)

4 garruk wildspeaker (much more effective than nissa, he gives a lot of mana advantage, brings out 3/3 beasts and can cast overrun) Also multiple here is ok, same as with shrine to nyx

1-2 primeval titan

2 primal command (combined with 4 eternal witness)

4 abundant growth (gives devotion, cantrip, nice with arbor elf and garruk)

What i wouldnt play:
- Arbor colossus, he seems to be just a fatty, not very interesting.
- hornet nest, this is only good when an opponent attacks with a big non trample dude, which rarely happens. and if that would happen this will get shot down anyways. Too situational and slow.
- courser of kruphix, you dont need more ramp, you have enough manadorks
- avatar of the resolute, i dont really understand this guy's place. as a T2 drop hes just a 3/2 guy without really doing anything but give you devotion.

Good luck =D

Deck Reviews / Re: Swing for life - Comments
« am: Oktober 24, 2015, 04:34:14 Nachmittag »
I guess you made this deck with whatever cards you have right? Because you have a whole array of mixed cards that dont really make sense. In effect you seem to want too much which reduces the deck's efficiency.

1. remove all the bolster creatures, this is way to slow. You want to deal damage with your creatures, not keep them at home for training.

2. remove all instants and sorceries except for harsh sustenance, get 4 of those

3. get 2 more siege rhino and 3 more ajani's pridemate

4. include 4 vampire nighthawks for easy deathtouch

5. since you are playing green, include 4-6 rampant growth-like cards.

6. include 2 vault of the archangel

i could go on, but you should really check
Fill in rule text what you want (things like, lifelink or gain life etc) and in colors get not blue, not red. etc etc. You will find what you are looking for for your abzan lifegain deck (:

Seiten: [1]