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Nachrichten - Vensa4790

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General Magic / Re: M20 Spoilers
« am: Juni 17, 2019, 09:53:03 Nachmittag »
Scheming Symmetry then Archive Trap them, yes please.

General Magic / Re: M20 Spoilers
« am: Juni 14, 2019, 06:20:20 Nachmittag »
I don't think emblem interaction will happen and it would seem silly to make a card for that sole purpose. I mean, I have been an avid legacy/modern player for years and beating/losing to decks that seem to be able to turbo emblem has never been a issue to me. I find getting the slow death from pox/ponza/eggs decks to be more tilting. I just save my pyro/hydro blasts and red/blue elemental blasts or liliana's defeat to counter or just blow it up. For modern I would just save a bolt. And now with all the new cards that remove like 5 counters off a permanent, its my own deck building fault for letting the game go long enough for them to drop a fat walker on the board and lose to "defeat by emblem". I also just run stifle/ nimble obstructionist, god is cycling him so good when you get them with that or put the kibosh on a storm trigger, and let them kill their own walker with a failed ultimate. Pithing needle is also great.

Short story, there are so many ways to deal with planeswalkers when they are on the field or to counter/ make the player sac them that losing to an emblem is just your deck not dealing with it or they had a better game than you.

I don't play commander much so I figure complaining about it in that format is just like saying the sun is to bright, why can't they make better sunglasses.

Deck Reviews / [Legacy] Grixis Control
« am: Mai 28, 2019, 09:47:27 Nachmittag »
Grixis Control

I want to test out Saheeli, Sublime Artificer as a go wide option and way to turn a servo into a copy of a Baleful Strix or Gurmag Angler to speed my clock up if need be.

The third swamp over a third Underground Sea is so I can still hard cast "Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God" under Blood Moon, though I am still boned by Back to Basics.

General Magic / Re: do you think this card is good?
« am: Mai 02, 2019, 05:00:58 Nachmittag »
I say jam it. If you can also get Mana Drain though and run both I would definitely recommend it because yeah MD > PC all day, every day and even some holidays.

Deck Reviews / [Legacy] Miracles
« am: April 30, 2019, 07:14:36 Nachmittag »

Testing Saheeli, Sublime Artificer in conjunction with Monastery Mentor. Both will trigger tokens but Saheeli can act as a backup if mentor has been dealt with and her tokens wont die to Dread of Night.

I mainly want to how she can buddy with mentor by making a servo a mentor copy, thus doubling the amount of tokens generated.

General Magic / Re: What was your worst misplay?
« am: April 26, 2019, 04:49:02 Nachmittag »
I was at an SCG and we were one of the last matches still playing. My opponent was on Jund, I was Jeskai control. He had just attacked with a twice pumped raging ravine and I was without a path to exile. My turn comes around and I draw the path. I was so happy to draw the one spell that would save me from a lethal double pumped pile of boulders. So when I looked back at the board and saw the lone pile of rocks tapped, I proceeded to slam that path. Now between my opponent not returning his creature land with the rest of his mana after he attacked and my blinding hope that I might be bale to pull this lose from the ashes, I forgot there was no legal for the spell to target. As soon as I had finished casting my spell I had realized my punt and there was nothing I could do but just soak in the puddle of failure I had just spilled from my hand. He lets me return the spell o my hand, not that it mattered now anyway. I pass, he draws a thoughtseize and rips the last shred of hope I had for the match and then buries me under his rumbling mass of boulders. I drop after that as it was the deciding match to be able to continue on in the day and proceed to nurse my wound with a soft pretzel and as much nacho cheese as I felt was needed to cover my shame.

General Magic / Re: WAR Spoilers
« am: April 05, 2019, 05:45:54 Nachmittag »
Tomik looks like a spicy SB option to answer Dark Depths/ Life from the Loam decks.

Deck Comments / Re: UB Faeries - Comments
« am: April 03, 2019, 04:51:52 Nachmittag »
I recommend adding Liliana's Triumph. It does great against decks with hex-proof creatures you are unable to counter/target and can get a Reality Smasher.

General Magic / Re: Kess and why she isnt played
« am: März 05, 2019, 03:28:34 Nachmittag »
That is true, 4 mana is definitely on the higher end of the curve for the shell. Usually the most expensive thing I tap out for is hard casting FoW. Well, I guess I'll still try her out as a one of as FoW fodder or should both my anglers get exiled. Thanks for the input.

General Magic / Kess and why she isnt played
« am: März 04, 2019, 10:09:03 Nachmittag »
So I was brewing about for my legacy grixis control deck and I found my copies of Kess, Dissident Mage. They were kept in a pretty tight hold to prevent warping, as I recall those foils had bad warping issues, so to me they seem fine. I was just curious as to why she never shows up as a 1 of or as a SB option in both MTGO or actual paper format for any legacy grixis decks, as she seems to be great for those control decks.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Legacy] Golgari Shadow
« am: Januar 28, 2019, 04:03:58 Nachmittag »
Not seeing the reason for Chalice when you would be shutting so many of your own spells. Mox seems loose as well.

Deck Comments / Re: Rat Lock - Comments
« am: Dezember 04, 2018, 07:15:57 Nachmittag »
seems weak, needs more mountains

Deck Comments / Re: Jeskai Control - Comments
« am: Oktober 03, 2018, 09:23:59 Nachmittag »
This isn't Jeskai.

General Magic / Re: Brainstorm Alternative (modern legal)
« am: September 20, 2018, 08:12:27 Nachmittag »
There is nothing really that is an exact copy of Brainstorm for modern. Most modern miracles decks rely on cards like telling time or scry effects to dig through the top of their libraries and leave the miracle ontop. They also play 1-3 JtMS since he himself has the brainstorm effect as an ability.

Deck Reviews / Re: Help me with this deck!
« am: September 10, 2018, 09:26:35 Nachmittag »
oh yeah, its fine. The difference between the two formats is the banlists/ card blocks you are allowed to have cards from, thus leading to different deck types flourishing in one format but cant exist in another.

As per the creature...not entirely. Gaea's Cradle doesn't have a mana cost and is land, leaving it open to land tutors, Crop Rotation, and can be abused by untap triggers that alot of elf dorks have on them. I would recommend making some proxy's and playing with it to truly understand how it fits into a green elf deck.

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