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[fr] Demandes de Revues de Decks / Re: [EDH / Commander] Ésix EDH
« am: November 15, 2022, 03:50:30 Vormittag »
I actually built two decklists for Esix. I decided to use the worse but more fun one as my actual deck, but I'll send you both if you want ideas.

The good one:

The big dumb green one:

Some ideas:

1) Add in cards that bounce things or counter things, especially en masse. For example: Amphin Mutineer, Exclusion Mage, Aether Adept, Disruptive Pitmage, and Disruptive Student are all cards that having a ton of can really ruin your opponents' plans.

2) Other big token generators. For example: Beacon of Creation, Snake Basket, Orochi Hatchery, Spontaneous Generation, and Nacatl War-Pride

Deck Comments / Re: Bounty Haunting - Mathas, Fiend Seeker - Comments
« am: November 06, 2022, 08:39:13 Nachmittag »
They aren't exactly best-in-class removal, but it could be amusing to force the creatures with bounty counters on them to fight each other with Rivals' Duel or Clash of Titans

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Wilhelt, The Rotcleaver
« am: September 05, 2022, 01:39:27 Vormittag »
Also if you run a lot of sacrifice outlets and you want a fun interaction with Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver may I recommend Poppet Stitcher? The backside of the card, Poppet Factory, can be very useful in the right circumstances.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Dragons Triumph
« am: August 29, 2022, 10:24:19 Nachmittag »
You can create custom categories in the editor by choosing "Create Custom Subsection" and by dragging and dropping cards into the different categories you create. You can move multiple cards at once by selecting them, then dragging and dropping. Just make sure if you do this that you un-select them afterwards. You can also re-order the categories with the up/down arrows next to the categories.

For an example, here is my Sidisi deck (probably not fully up-to-date at this point, but you can see the different categories):

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Dragons Triumph
« am: August 29, 2022, 08:22:28 Nachmittag »
Are you looking for feedback on the list? If so, it would be much easier to tell what is going on if you categorize the cards in the deck based on what they are doing for the deck. Right now it's just an alphabetized list of cards so it's very hard to visualize what the deck is doing.

Commander Deck Reviews / Arjun's Approach
« am: August 29, 2022, 04:29:23 Nachmittag »
Hey all! I am trying to put together an Arjun, the Shifting Flame decklist (with a bit of a twist, as you'll see below) and I have found it really difficult to fit in all of the cards I need to protect my strategy due to the number of cards needed to actually make it work. I think I struck an acceptable, but not ideal, balance; however, I am looking for your thoughts, especially if you've built a deck like this before.

The deck revolves around Dragon's Approach. Currently, it runs 25 copies, though an ideal deck built around this card runs 30-35 copies of the card. The problem is that the card on its own is such complete trash that it is very difficult to actually build a deck around it, since unlike similar cards (Relentless Rats, Persistent Petitioners, Shadowborn Apostle) the card can't even do anything useful (such as block) on its own. Also with a 6-drop commander, I can't afford to skimp on mana acceleration.

The deck is trying to win with a fiery combo finish achieved in one of the following ways:

1) Thrumming Stone. Due to the limited number of Dragon's Approach copies in the deck, it will likely be necessary to cast Dragon's Approach multiple times even with Thrumming Stone on the battlefield.

2) Mizzix's Mastery, with sufficient copies of Dragon's Approach in the graveyard.

3) Locket of Yesterdays + Birgi, God of Storytelling + Niv-Mizzet, Parun + Arjun, the Shifting Flame. Niv-Mizzet can be replaced with Archmage Emeritus; alternatively, once the strategy gets going well enough you can keep it going with Knollspine Dragon in absence of these. This combo is the hardest to assemble and easiest to disrupt, but it is also the only one that is likely to end the game on the first try if I get it going.

Cards like Pyromancer Ascension and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell are included for practical reasons, since none of the combos are guaranteed to go on forever. Inferno of the Star Mounts is in there because I have a foil borderless copy of the card I really wanna play, but also because if all else fails it's a 6/6 flyer with haste and if you have a good deal of your lands out you can fireball someone for 20.

I did originally try to fit in Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal but it didn't make a lot of sense after I started replacing mana rocks with cards that filter and make treasures.

My biggest challenge has been balancing copies of Dragon's Approach with cards to protect myself and my strategy, such as countermagic, removal, board wipes, etc. The deck feels pretty brittle as it is, though with Arjun out I have a better chance of cycling through my deck to find answers.

My questions are:

1) Do you think that I should be trying to add additional copies of Dragon's Approach? Or do you think that 25 will be enough as long as I don't overcommit to the combo?

2) Are there any cards that just aren't doing enough in the current decklist which should be cut?

3) Are there any utility pieces that would enhance this deck enough that it is worth trying to squeeze them in?

Commander Deck Reviews / Looking for Advice - Nahiri Oathbreaker
« am: August 01, 2022, 01:16:10 Vormittag »
Hi All!

I am new to Oathbreaker and I am trying to make a deck that is remotely justified in this format over EDH. I know this is a forum for EDH/Commander, but Oathbreaker as a format is more similar to Commander than anything else, being a singleton, casual format with guaranteed access to certain cards.

I am trying to strike a balance between being playable, fun, reasonably priced, and having as much Nahiri flavor as I can. I came up with this decklist and I am looking for feedback.

It is low on equipment tutors because the signature spell is an equipment tutor, and the Oathbreaker can dig for equipment.

The main strategy is to play Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients somewhere around turn 4, +1 her to make a blocker, then on the next turn play Open the Armory to search for Luxior, Giada's Gift. Then I can equip Luxior to Nahiri so she is a non-Planeswalker creature and therefore less vulnerable to being attacked. Note this is also why Helm of the Host is in the deck, it's just too cute to use it to try to make copies of a planeswalker.

The deck is really low on lands so I basically cut everything that cost more than 5 mana.

Anyone have thoughts and suggestions that don't break the bank? Like, I'm not gonna run Stoneforge Mystic or fetch lands for what is essentially a jenk deck.

Thanks for the feedback! After continuing to test the deck, Diregraf Rebirth is definitely beneficial due to the fact that you can mill it and flash it back. I've cut Mana Drain and Disallow in favor of Swan Song and An Offer You Can't Refuse; Counterspell stays in for the time being purely for vanity purposes since I have a foil Eternal Masters one which I think is very cool. I did improve the mana base though given the opportunity so that it's easier to get the UU. I might still take your advice on the signets but it wasn't my main concern; also I still don't own an Assassin's Trophy otherwise I would definitely swap it in over Sultai Charm.

I think tinkering with it right now is not my focus as I am very happy with where this one is and I am focusing on improving other decks.

Nice deck. Here are some comments:

- Diregraf rebirth seems too situational. Why not Reanimate instead?

- Counterspell being UU is gonna hurt in a 3-color deck. I'd consider Negate, Delay or Arcane Denial instead. Same for Mana Drain, despite its undeniable power.

- I don't like Disallow. Most of the times, it's just a Cancel. I'd replace it with one of the above mentioned counterspells.

- You have too many non-zombies for a zombie tribal deck. This will decrease the synergy significantly. I'd consider cutting some non-zombies in favor of more zombies :)

- Why golgari signet and simic signet? You have so many better options, such as Arcane Signet, Three Visits, Farseek and Nature's Lore.

- Since this is a combo deck, you may want to consider playing some additional tutors.

- If you want to protect your combo, consider also Veil of Summer.

- Sultai Charm doesn't seem worth it. I'd play Assassin's Trophy if you want more interaction (and you probably need it from what I can see).

I appreciate the notes here. Diregraf Rebirth is actually incredibly useful because of the flashback: it often can work as an extra Dread Return and I can cast it for just BG more often than you'd expect.

I can see the point about the counterspells. I generally have UU to leave up but not always, especially since I've been taking out a lot of the dual lands which enter tapped. Arcane Denial is a great alternative.

Disallow is mainly in there because of Bojuka Bog since it is among the most ubiquitous graveyard hate out there. Granted: I added the card before Overcharged Amalgam was a thing so maybe having two Stifle effects in the deck is a little much considering how situational the effect is. I'll definitely keep an eye out for how much I use the Stifle effect once I get back to playing it.

Most of the non-zombies are in there because they have effects that I need that don't exist on zombies. For example, as far as I know they haven't made a zombie Eternal Witness, a zombie ramp creature, etc. I could replace Satyr Wayfinder with something like Armored Skaab or Master of Death but the effect where you can put a land into your hand is not trivial if the card is played on turns 1-3. Do you have any suggestions for zombie versions of some of the non-zombies in the deck?

Golgari Signet and Simic Signet are holdovers from an earlier version of the deck. They've worked well enough I've saved my copies of Arcane Signet for other decks, though admittedly Arcane Signet is probably better than either. Three Visits or Nature's Lore would indeed be more useful if I owned any shock lands, but unfortunately I managed to miss out on those both times based on when I was doing a lot of drafting.

Veil of Summer looks like it could be a great addition. I also think that Assassin's Trophy is pretty much always better than Sultai Charm; if I end up acquiring an Assassin's Trophy I will 100% swap out Sultai Charm for it. Adding more tutors is definitely something I could consider; Corpse Connoisseur is one I was considering, though it has quite a high mana value in the unfortunate situation that I need to cast it from hand.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: How can this Kadena deck get better?
« am: März 20, 2022, 04:39:49 Vormittag »
I can see that the basic plan is
1) Play big permanent facedown
2) Flip big permanent
3) Profit

I can also see that you've brought some of your own interesting ideas to the table with this build. The cards which bring back permanents when they die, such as Kaya's Ghostform, are a particularly elegant touch for flipping big permanents, assuming you have enough sacrifice outlets to make them work.

I have a lot of advice to you, which I will give in the form of a few questions for your to consider. You can, of course, disregard any of it that doesn't suit how you want to play the deck.

1) How much value are you getting out of your "bombs?"

It looks like you have a lot of big cards, but they don't synergize very well together. For example, you have Omniscience, but you don't have a draw engine and a combo that you can use as payoff. You have Surtland Elementalist, but you don't have a lot of high impact instants and sorceries that you want to copy. You have Koma, Cosmos Serpent, but without an army of serpents it's sort of just a 6/6 indestructible beater without trample.

Another example is Hornet Queen. Hornet Queen was certainly a draft bomb in its day, but it's not terribly impressive in EDH without synergy cards. I play it in my Kamahl, Fist of Krosa deck because the card becomes significantly more impactful when you overrun two or three times, and I play it in Esix, Fractal Bloom because you can make the 4 tokens come into play as additional copies of Hornet Queen instead, for the memes.

I would recommend making everything a big bigger if you are really committed to this strategy. The Kadena, Slinking Sorceror came with a copy of Apex Altisaur which I think would be excellent for your build. Impervious Greatwurm and Darksteel Colossus are much bigger indestructible beaters than Koma, Cosmos Serpent. Ancient Ooze can take advantage of all of your high mana value cards once you've flipped them up. Avenger of Zendikar may have more impact than Hornet Queen. I know some of these cards are expensive, but you can look for budget alternatives along the same lines.

2) What is your win condition?

You have a lot of big creatures, but not a lot of ways to get them through. It looks like Kamahl, Heart of Krosa may be the only way that you are giving these creatures trample. I understand if you don't want to spring for Craterhoof Behemoth, but there are budget alternatives. For example, End-Raze Forerunners is often fairly effective. Thunderfoot Baloth can also help you get your creatures through. If you don't want to spring for Pathbreaker Ibex, you can actually use Dragon Throne of Tarkir if you set it up with one of your huge creatures. I would make sure you have a clear vision of exactly how you intend to win, prune the cards that don't contribute towards that goal, and add new cards which synergize with that strategy. There is also one of my personal favorites, Nacatl War-Pride, to ensure you get damage through. You can also go full-on degenerate and play Blightsteel Colossus in the deck, particularly if you can flip it mid-attack somehow.

3) Speaking of synergy, it seems like some cards are in there to "check the boxes" rather than because they are useful in your build. If you have a ton of facedown creatures, Ruxa, Patient Professor and Muraganda Petroglyphs can be very strong. But if you are not going wide with facedown creatures, maybe these aren't so useful. Ashnod's Altar is an incredibly strong card in the right build, but it's a bit underwhelming if you don't have lots of creatures to sacrifice to it. If you just need a sac outlet, Altar of Dementia may be more effective if you have lots of big creatures, or just something like Viscera Seer can get the job done.

4) You have a lot of high mana value cards. I know that the point is to cheat these in, but you always need to consider the possibility that you may not be able to do so, and then you'll just be holding a lot of cards you can't play. You may want to consider adding some more cards to cheat in your big beaters, like Elvish Piper. You may also want to consider adding in some morphs; just because you are taking Kadena in a different direction doesn't mean some of them aren't useful. Root Elemental is a great card for cheating in your bombs and also getting your draw trigger off of Kadena.

Ultimately, you will need to decide what direction you want to take the deck in based on what you find to be fun, and what you find works with your playgroup. If you play in a low-powered group where everyone is just trying to throw bombs on the table, play janky combos, and not really worry too much about winning, that can be great fun and this deck could work great! If you play in a higher powered group, you might find that your reliance on high mana value cards means you are left behind more often than you'd like. I would personally consider cutting cards that are just "known to be good" and instead try to build a more compact theme and strategy where you can create some fun synergies and combos.

Deck Comments / Re: Phenax, God of Deception - Comments
« am: März 20, 2022, 03:38:45 Vormittag »
Wow you're not kidding on the price there, when I bought Eater of the Dead 5 years ago it was under $10. It seems to have spiked just before Kamigawa, I wonder if there is some sort of other card or commander in this set that combos with it?

Also if you're trying to keep the deck budget, you might have some trouble with Intruder Alarm, which spiked because it combos with one of the new Kamigawa commanders. Some cards I like to use to untap a key creature are Freed from the Real and Pemmin's Aura. The creature Horseshoe Crab also isn't bad if you have a whole lot of mana.

I personally do not like decks that rely on "play your opponent's deck" strategies to win because I feel like they don't contribute to an interesting game since they rely almost entirely on cards and synergies contributed by another player. If your friend is committed to playing his "steal your deck" strategy very often, I would honestly just troll your friend by creating a legends tribal deck with something like Sisay, Weatherlight Captain as the commander and including Trostani Discordant in your deck. If you are using Green Sun's Zenith you can also consider Brooding Saurian, though it's not a very efficient card. I am not saying that those cards are particularly good, but I do believe that when someone overuses a "steal your deck" strategy it is very fun to troll them with these kinds of cards.

Deck Comments / Re: Phenax, God of Deception - Comments
« am: März 19, 2022, 08:29:07 Nachmittag »
Hey just want to give you a heads up on the Eater of the Dead + Phenax combo: it can create a poor gameplay experience when you're actually playing because:

1) It creates a situation where either someone has removal, or you just win after 1 turn, EXCEPT
2) The combo is non-deterministic. Because you don't know if you will hit creatures off of your opponents' decks, you literally need to play it out to the very end. Hopefully your opponents will get the idea and just scoop, but there might be one stubborn player who insists on going to the end in hopes that you run out of gas. This can take a long time, it is very sad when you fail, and it is not very satisfying when you succeed because you just spent like 5-10 minutes slowly milling all of your opponents with nothing else happening.

As long as you and your playgroup are okay with these two things you can totally go for it! I personally cut Eater of the Dead from my own Phenax deck because I don't like either of these features, and also because I built mine to be a janky and very ironic sea-monsters tribal deck instead of a typical Phenax build so it was a little bit off flavor.

Commander Deck Reviews / [EDH / Commander] My Pride and Joy: Sidisi Zombies Combo
« am: März 19, 2022, 07:53:43 Nachmittag »
Hello fellow deckbuilders! I would like to share with you all a deck that I have been working on obsessively for about the last six months or so, even though the roots of this deck go back more than five years. I have goldfished it over 250 times. I am definitely interested in some feedback about the deck, but I am also hoping that y'all will enjoy this decklist and maybe find some useful ideas for your own decks.

First, the goals and design features of the deck:

1) Sidisi, Brood Tyrant is the commander.
2) It has a Zombies Tribal theme.
3) It is primarily a combo deck.
4) It is NOT a CEDH deck, but I do want it to be powerful and interactive enough to play when everyone is pulling out their best decks.
5) Without any interaction from opponents, it will reliably combo off on turn 6-8.
6) It relies primarily on combos with at least 4 pieces, with lots of redundancy in case individual pieces are exiled. Combos with less than 4 pieces are to be avoided because I personally do not find them very fun for anyone.
7) It can utilize limited removal and control when threatened, but primarily hopes to advance its own strategy quickly while only minimally interfering with opponents' strategies in order to draw as little additional attention and wrath as possible.

Here is the decklist:

There are four main combos that the deck can use to win, with a fifth type of combo available only incidentally. Some combos have variations.

1) Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver + Poppet Stitcher // Poppet Factory + sacrifice outlet + life loss card

2) Nim Deathmantle + Ashnod's Altar + token generator + life loss card

2b) Nim Deathmantle + Phyrexian Altar + (Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver & another token generator) + life loss card

3) Relentless Dead + Phyrexian Altar + 2 token generators + life loss card

3b) Relentless Dead + Ashnod's Altar + Necroduality + life loss card

4) Living Death + Phyrexian Altar + Repository Skaab + life loss card + lots of other creatures

5) Gravespawn Sovereign + Rot Hulk + multiple token generators + life loss card + sacrifice outlet. It also works with Phyrexian Delver and Gray Merchant of Asphodel.

There is also one combo which is not infinite but can get the job done:

6) Tormod, the Desecrator + Withered Wretch + either altar + life loss card + a large graveyard

An explanation of a few cards included in the list:

Wonder is included because the deck is light on fliers and it is useful both to allow Sidisi, Brood Tyrant to attack more easily, and also to allow me to use my army of zombie tokens to block fliers.

Perpetual Timepiece and Turn the Earth are the only cards outside of counterspells which attempt to protect me if someone exiles my entire graveyard. Ultimately, I am willing to accept the risk that a lose a large portion of the cards in the deck to graveyard hate while hoping there are enough different paths to victory that I will not lose all of them at once.

Phyrexian Altar is the drug that this deck is addicted to. I must confess that I own the card because I am old enough to have opened one in a booster pack when I was a kid. I was very lucky in this regard and I am sincerely hoping that the card is reprinted, perhaps in the upcoming story which will prominently feature Phyrexians, so that other players can enjoy it.

Embalmer's Tools is the most effective self-mill card in the deck, but there are a number of other options available. Undead Butler proved better than expected because its second ability can be used to bring back another creature to hand in a pinch. Archghoul of Thraben is also extremely useful as it can allow me to mill my entire deck in a situation where I've assembled most of a combo but where I am missing a life loss card.

It is possible to construct an effective version of this deck in a more budget-friendly way by saving on the land-base, as there are no absolutely critical lands included in this decklist. Unfortunately, the inclusion of Phyrexian Altar is essential for certain combos and severely limits the possibility of constructing the deck in a budget-friendly fashion, though I should hope that your playgroup would be okay with you using a proxy version of this card. Necroduality, Relentless Dead, and Ashnod's Altar also don't really have budget equivalents.

There are a number of cards that I am considering adding to the deck, and I would like to know your thoughts:

Midnight Reaper is the first card that comes to mind for a lot of card draw, but my worry is that the effect is not optional so I may just kill myself or deck myself. The second card that comes to mind is Doom Whisperer because it is very efficient, though it is a 5 drop and I've cut pretty much every 5-drop that wasn't absolutely necessary (RIP Underrealm Lich). I would probably also add either Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist as well to provide some additional life gain if I use either of these options. I have also been wondering if Graveborn Muse may have a place in the deck, along similar lines. Finally, Murderous Rider // Swift End looks like it could be a decent addition to add a little more removal, plus the showcase version of the card is very cool.

I am content to omit The Scarab God, and also various cards which recur lands from the graveyard since the deck isn't very mana-hungry once it gets going. I have also generally removed cards which must tap to get their effects, such as Oriq Loremage and Whisper, Blood Liturgist, since these have proven not to be fast enough to keep the deck competitive, even though they are excellent cards for a slower build.

I hope that you have enjoyed this decklist. Please let me know your thoughts!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Ninja commander opinions
« am: Oktober 09, 2021, 06:25:27 Nachmittag »
The combo isn't super easy to set up because it requires four pieces, but all of the pieces except for Peregrine Drake were already in the deck so I figured adding one card to enable an infinite combo wasn't so much of a cost.

If you want to go more of a value unblockable route like your original decklist, you can try Vorpal Sword and see if it works out. I considered adding it but the card seems very zappable in a deck full of unblockable creatures and I'd rather have my opponents use their removal spells on each other than on me.

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