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Mensajes - stebobibo

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Deckstats Feedback / Many custom sections = move bug
« en: Abril 03, 2021, 08:07:42 pm »
When you have a lot of custom sections for your deck and you try to move cards (either single cards or multiples) the popup that shows up showing all the sections takes up the whole length of the screen. You are unable to get to the "x" at the top to close the popup and you are unable to scroll down to sections lower on the list because of some bug that forces you back up. Attaching a screenshot to show what I mean.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: small suggestions
« en: Abril 25, 2020, 04:39:26 am »
Hey Nils,
When you download your deck and choose "for Arena", it does something funny with split cards like Connive//Concoct. It puts 3 forward slashes (///) instead of 2. Arena doesn't recognize 3 slashes, so you have to change it manually for it to accept it. All the other download options do 2 slashes, which is good.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: small suggestions
« en: Abril 25, 2020, 04:21:44 am »
Hey Nils,
Just found a small bug. When editing a deck and you click on "update details". The ability to change "work in progress" status is not working correctly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You can click the checkbox and it works visually for checkmarking/uncheckmarking it, but it doesn't actually change the status of the deck (if you go back to update details screen the "work in progress" will be in the wrong state). The other checkbox "public box", however, has been working every time for me though.

Also I want to ask, where is the best place to post small bugs like this? It might also be a good idea to create a new thread that's stuck to the top for all small bugs. That way, users will know where to post.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: New Feature Idea: Card Tracker
« en: Abril 25, 2020, 03:59:02 am »
Thanks, Nils for pointing that out! It would be nice if getting to that screen would be easier. Currently you have to first type something into the search, click enter, and then the "more options" button for the advanced search appears. Would be nice if it was right there on the first screen (deck screen). Also wold be great if you could implement a feature for telling you right on that screen how many of that card are in each deck (cause having to click on each deck takes a while).

Deckstats Feedback / New Feature Idea: Card Tracker
« en: Marzo 19, 2020, 09:38:43 pm »
I just had an idea for a feature that I think would work really well with this website and be very popular and useful. What I'm proposing is a "card tracking" feature that allows you to track which decks of yours contain particular cards. I think this could work being implemented into the current collection manager interface, or it could be a whole new section of the website on its own.

It's very simple how it'd work. You simply type in a card name, and you're told what deck(s) have copies of that card, and how many copies in each deck. You could also make it fancier by having it tell you exactly what version of that card are in each deck (so telling you what set, foil status, etc). Another thing to improve this feature would be the ability to search particular folders if you wanted (instead of all decks). That way, you could keep all decks you actually own in one folder, the others in another. Then, when you search, you can search in the correct folder and get only relevant results.

I think this would be especially useful for players who own less copies of card than the amount they need for all their decks (and therefore need to share between decks). This happens frequently with commander players. It can be hard to remember where to find these cards, but just knowing what decks it could possibly be in will save time in the search.

Please let me know, guys, what you think of this idea!

Deckstats Feedback / Re: small suggestions
« en: Marzo 19, 2020, 09:18:08 pm »
Just a quick suggestion.
When on the details page of the deck screen, there is a table/graph on the far left that says "change card grouping" under it. There is an issue with this graph, that if you have too many custom sections, the key/legend blocks out part of your decklist below. What I suggest is to make the "change card grouping" button enable toggling on/off of this key, and rename the button appropriately. Currently, the button serves no use, so it'd be the perfect solution I think.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: small suggestions
« en: Marzo 17, 2020, 10:51:20 pm »
A few more quick suggestions.

  • When in the deckbuilder screen and you are pasting/uploading a deck, I wish there was one more option, that of adding the new cards to a new subsection (which can be called "new subsection, or whatever, until the user renames it). That way, we can keep our newly added cards seperate from the old ones.
  • When adding cards by pasting/uploading, it adds the cards in new "piles" when those cards already exist in your deck.It would be better if it put them in the same piles because it would be less cluttered and easier to look over the deck to see what's in it.
  • When looking at your deck on the details page, and you have the display set to "do not group". What happens is, if you have, say, 1 mortify card in main, and 2 in a custom section, then it displays them as seperate piles, like this: 1 mortify, 2 mortify. Instead of 3 mortify. I, and I think most people, would prefer the 1 pile method. I see no upside to having multiple piles. The downside of multiple piles is that it can mess with you when you're sorting by price, because it splits the prices up.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: small suggestions
« en: Marzo 17, 2020, 03:43:59 am »
Works now, thanks for fixing that so soon!

Deckstats Feedback / Re: small suggestions
« en: Marzo 16, 2020, 05:07:02 pm »
There appears to be a bug occurring in the "sets" pages. I first noticed this yesterday (March 15). The button for adding cards has disappeared and instead the field for entering numbers is elongated. I'm guessing that this happened since trying to improve the functionality of the plus button in the sets pages (which is a really appreciated change, btw!). I've attached a screenshot. I'm using firefox. By the way, Nils, is this the correct thread for posting bug reports?

Deckstats Feedback / Re: small suggestions
« en: Marzo 16, 2020, 04:54:38 pm »
Hey Nils, I really appreciate the recent changes you've made! I realize that there are arguments to both sides on the collection manager "pile" debate, as you and Spinsane have noted. Perhaps you could make a toggle button that adds cards as non-foil and non-premium, so that if there is only one set for a card it will add it with its collector number and set and put it in the same pile as others already in your collection like that. Also, something that could be useful is to have an optional column in the card database table for "amount owned", which will show you the amount in your collection. You could use the # symbol for the column heading to keep it the same as the your collection table. Or, if this would be easier to implement, a column for "owned" that just shows you if you own at least 1 of the card (functioning similarly as the "your collection" column on the deck details page, with a checkmark if owned and a - if not). Knowing that you have a card in your collection, you can then go to the "your collection" table and add to the appropriate pile there. So what this would do is save the user the time of having to check the "your collection" table first for if they have a card, when adding cards to their collection. This feature would be useful in the scenario I mentioned below while answering Spinsane.

Spinsane said
If you have multiple copies, why search the card database and add the card instead of searching your collection and clicking +?
There are multiple reasons why searching the card database could be preferred. For instance, you got home from a chaos draft. You have no idea about whether you have most of these cards are not. You want to add all these to your collection the fastest way. It would take twice as long to first search every card to see if it's in your collection.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« en: Marzo 11, 2020, 11:30:07 pm »
I find that adding it in separate piles is a lot more useful; just because I have multiple instances of a card doesn’t mean they’ll all the same set...

You may have misunderstood me here. I was specifically talking about instances where there is only one set the card belongs to.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« en: Marzo 11, 2020, 11:21:40 pm »
Thank you for all of your suggestions stebobibo! I will be looking into all of these but one thing I have already added now is a "Do not group" option for decks. So you can now, for example, remove all sections from your deck and sort by price. Hope this helps :)
No problem! Thank you for listening! The "do not group" option was just what I wanted! Thanks for letting me know about it.  :)

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« en: Marzo 08, 2020, 12:50:59 am »
Some other suggestions that came to me while adding cards to my collection. I wish it was easier to add cards from the database. I think that if there is only one set that card belongs to (ex. Questing beast is only in throne of eldrain), then it should fill out that for you in your collection, instead of making you do it. Also, in such cases, it should fill in its collector number as the default one (non-promo, the one u find in packs). This is probably the most annoying part about adding cards from card database. You then have to find the card on the right side, click edit, then look up the collector number, and fill it in. Otherwise, if you don't fill that out, it won't show up on the "sets" page. Also, going back to our example with questing beast. Let's say you already had two of them (standard one #171). I wish that adding another one from card database would put it in the same "pile", rather than creating a separate entry.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« en: Marzo 07, 2020, 11:39:04 pm »
Suggestions for the "sets" pages.
When you are on any given set page, you just have the option for adding cards. I would also add the ability to subtract cards. It's just as useful and necessary as the ability to add. People often trade cards/ give away and sometimes accidentally add too many cards to their collection. 

I would actually have 3 buttons: Add, Subtract, and Delete. I really dislike how it is now where you can only add 1 card, whereafter the add button changes to delete. People often want to add more than 1 card. Sure you can enter with keyboard, but it's often much faster, easier, more convenient with just having to use your mouse. You could also add a fourth button if you wished, that removes all copies of a card from the collection. So it will just save clicks over using the subtract button if there's more than 1 copy of a card.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: suggestions
« en: Marzo 04, 2020, 10:57:20 pm »
Hey Nils, loving the new update! Just had one just suggestion for you today.

In deck screen, on the "details" tab, going to "display" and "group cards by", I wish that here there was an option for "no sections", meaning all your cards are displayed with no headings. This way, you can then sort by, for example, price, to quickly find the costliest cards in your deck. This isn't a big change, but it'll make a huge difference!

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