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Mensajes - Zandramaas

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So. I wanted to make a deck focussed on Baba Lysaga as the commander and the main wincon.

I’m hoping for the deck to be efficient and synergistic, but I’m not looking to combo and not looking to be super competitive. Main wincons are intending to be Baba Lysaga herself, and Braids, Arisen Nightmare; copying/untapping them to use the as much as possible.

So far, I’ve ended up with a bit of a sub-theme of playing extra lands, as sacc’ing them to Baba each turn can feel like quite a setback without playing extra lands to mitigate this. Add in that the commander inherently draws lots of cards to fuel playing extra lands it seems to fit nicely. I originally leant even harder into this and had a lot of creatures like rampaging baloths that made creature tokens on landfall, but I found that it was using up too much of the deck and have currently cut most of this.

Currently, I’ve got the deck down to 108 cards and I’m hoping for some general commentary on the deck, but also suggestions on what I could cut and preferably why.

Thanks for your help.

Commander Deck Reviews / Feather Spellslinger/Burn
« en: Septiembre 13, 2022, 12:02:32 am »
Hey. I have made a Feather the redeemed deck, with a focus on spell-slinging to burn the opponent out.

I am currently at 103 cards, and need to cut three more and was hoping for any suggestions. Also any general advice or comments are welcome.

Annoyingly, I think you may be correct. I love those cards in this deck, but I hadn%u2019t considered the prevalence of tokens and treasures. Maybe the real Ulamog would be worth keeping in if I had a copy, as annihilator 4 doubled is almost always impactful. Unfortunately, I don%u2019t.

I agree Klauth and Savage Ventmaw are arguably cuttable too, but I love how explosive they can make the deck if I have any beast whisperer equivalent on the board. Also, the art is cool.

I guess maybe the three baby titans are the cut then.

Commander Deck Reviews / Wulfgar Attack Trigger - Cutting the final 3.
« en: Junio 11, 2022, 03:13:38 am »
So, I’ve mostly got the deck built. It’s a mixture of budget cards, and those I already owned/pulled.

I’m aware if would be better to run proper interaction/removal like beast within etc, but I’ve gone for more thematic things for fun rather than optimising fully.

I’m struggling to decide what I should cut for the final 3 cards, and I’m looking for suggestions on what and why. For reference, the sideboard is cards I have already cut, but any other suggestions are welcome such as swaps, so long as we can bring it down to 100.

The deck list is:

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Budget Alela Deck Advice
« en: Diciembre 13, 2021, 09:26:22 pm »
So the first change I%u2019ve made is to replace Cathar%u2019s Crusade with gravitational shift. Though I am currently unsure whether it, dictate of Heliod or a cheaper anthem would be better. I think I would prefer Scion of Oona the most, but that%u2019s an upgrade for later.

My reasoning for dropping Cathar%u2019s crusade was that although it can be very strong here, it requires setup to shine and the effect isn%u2019t instant. Either dictate or shift both immediately affect powers on the board and are more resilient.

I am also considering cutting ghostly prison and propaganda, as I%u2019m unsure if they are worth the slots currently, as I%u2019m playing a fairly aggressive build. If I cut them, I would probably add estrid%u2019s invocation and something else I am currently undecided on.

What%u2019s the take on my choice of board wipes? Obviously the are a lot of good ones in these colours. I went for merciless eviction because it is an exile effect and flexible, and supreme verdict seems good. I did consider using time wipe rather than it because it would allow me to return alela to hand most likely. I also liked the idea of hour of reckoning, because I will likely have a lot of token myself, but decided against it because if I need to board wipe, I%u2019m likely not ahead and want to make sure it fully refers the board.

Does Dream Trawler fit with this deck do you think? It%u2019s flying, has card draw, lifelink and hexproof on demand. My thoughts lean more towards no purely because it%u2019s quite costly: 6 mana.

Also, I%u2019m torn on whether I should be using more enchantment based removal such as oblivion ring. They can be flexible and powerful, and trigger alela. But they are more costly mana wise than a lot of the instants I have included. They also don%u2019t work at instant speed. Generally, the removal spells I have included I have tried to either have as Artifact/enchantment if destroy, or if an instant as much as possible i have gone for exile effects. What%u2019s opinions on this, should I reduce my instant speed removal to add more enchantment removal?

Edit: Also, what%u2019s the take on Sai, Master Thopterist. If I had gone fully Artifact focussed, then I think this is an incredibly strong card. However with the spread of artifacts and  enchantments, do I have enough to justify including him?

Edit2: Why have all my apostophes been replaced with %u2019s ?

Commander Deck Reviews / Budget Alela Deck Advice
« en: Diciembre 12, 2021, 02:31:47 am »
So I've had a go at making my first deck from scratch (not that I haven't looked at other decks online for ideas and suggestions, but previously I have only done precon upgrades). It's a Budget Alela deck.

I haven't leant fully into either artifacts or enchantress, so I've kept to generic value trying to trigger Alela as much as possible, as quickly as possible. In the Maybeboard are some of the more expensive cards which would form planned upgrades over time to the deck.

I am hoping for some general feedback and suggestions for the deck. I.e. is there enough ramp? Too much protection and not enough removal. Any particular suggestions etc.


Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Kalamax Deck Advice
« en: Octubre 11, 2021, 07:20:32 am »

So I’d initially put in path of ancestry and the thriving lands as I was worried about colour fixing, as I am running a lot of basic lands. The MDFC lands are definitely ones I would like, just putting off upgrading it further due to the cost at the moment.

Initially, I was using a lot more of the modal spells I.e. Temur Charm etc as I was under the mistaken impression that a copy could be different modes to the original. I them swapped them for more efficient (budget) counters. Do you feel the extra flexibility is worth the increased cost / reduced efficiency?

Thanks for your feedback though, much appreciated.

I’ve had a quick look at your deck, there’s some interesting picks that I liked. Berserk for example seems like a really nice include, either as last resort removal, or trying for surprise commander damage kills with Kalamax.

I de that you run Wort, the Raidmother, what’s your mileage been like? Has she been worth running? Similarly, you run a number of cost reducer, both creatures and primal amulet. Have you found these to be worth it, or do they get removed too easily before gaining much value?

Commander Deck Reviews / Kalamax Deck Advice
« en: Octubre 09, 2021, 08:43:10 pm »
So, I’ve upgraded a copy of the Kalamax precon and managed to get in a few games with it. Generally seems to be playing pretty well, but I was hoping for some feedback from more experienced players.

Main points I am currently considering:
1- Are my land colour spreads about right? % wise, I have more sources for green and red than I possibly need as the deck is mainly blue currently.
2- Should I be including more ramp/fixing. I have the 3 relevant talismans, and I’m not sure if I should be including them or not. Currently I have dropped them and am using instant ramps spells, for added Kalamax value.
3- Are there any particular sections where I have too much/not enough?
4- Any general advice/comments/things to cut/add.
5- is it worth running some of the cost reducers for instants such as goblin electromancer?

Also, just to note I have tried to keep this on a budget, so please bear this in mind.

Thanks for any help/comments.

The deck is here:

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Kalamax EDH Deck: Looking for some advice.
« en: Agosto 21, 2021, 02:59:37 am »
So, I’ve cut it down to 100 now. I leant a little heavier into creature removal than suggested, as the local meta is pretty creature heavy.

Any further suggestions/ changes now I’m actually at a legal 100 card deck.

I’ve also added in lands, and updated some of the categories.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Kalamax EDH Deck: Looking for some advice.
« en: Agosto 19, 2021, 03:49:56 pm »
Thanks for the advice, was really helpful.

Cut out about 33 cards already. If I go for 36 lands like you suggested, then that’s just 6 more to cut. It was especially useful knowing that the modular spells don’t allow for selection of a different mode when copied, I had completely missed that. It made a lot of them much less interesting.

Currently at:

Revision 15url]

Commander Deck Reviews / Kalamax EDH Deck: Looking for some advice.
« en: Agosto 19, 2021, 12:32:55 pm »
So I have fairly recently got back into magic, and I have been enjoying upgrading some of the pre-con decks on a budget.

I am currently working on a upgraded version of the Kalamax Precon: Arcane Maelstrom.

Using the initial Precon as a base, I have been trying to create a deck using that framework, and cheap additional singles. Doing this, I have ended up with currently, way too many cards in the deck. So I was hoping for some advice on what would be good to cut. Currently, I think I should probably be cutting some card draw, as a number of the spells matter creatures draw me cards from instants. This by itself won’t be enough cuts however, and even on that front alone, I’m not sure which or how many I should cut. I’m also pretty sure there are too many counter spells, but I’m not sure which to prioritise.

Furthermore, I feel like I should be introducing a couple of strong win-con cards, but I’m not sure what these should be. I thought craterhoof behemoth/ finale of devastation would work with all the token creatures I should be making, however both are out of my current price range. So any suggestions would be welcome.

Finally, any suggestion on good cards that fit the theme/ could replace others would be welcome (though please note I am working on a budget and am not looking to include super expensive cards).

Just to note, I haven’t worked on the mana base yet, but I am intending (unless suggested otherwise) to run 38 lands.

Revision 10

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