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Topics - Jabilac

Pages: [1]
General Magic / MM 2017 Spoilers
« on: February 27, 2017, 08:46:39 pm »
Here we are, on the cups of another Modern Masters.  So far we have seen quite a bit of Lands, at Common we have:

At Uncommon we have:

At Rare we have:

That's a lot of lands!  Its really good for Modern to see a reprint of Enemy Fetchlands.  I have no clue why they would reprint the Guild Gates instead of the somewhat useful "Gain 1 Life lands" but WotC thinks about MM sets in a Limited enviroment so I'm sure we will see some cards that care about Guild Gates.  Now on to the real interesting stuff... Everything else :D

The last one is Restoration Angel.  Finally a Damnation reprint!!  That is exciting enough but we have more, New Goblin Guide art!!! Woohoo! Its way better then what we have been dealing with --> Goblin Guide.  That old art is just ugly. 

We also know that Griselbrand and Domri Rade will be in there because of this:

In the last picture, I think we are looking at some new Snapcaster Mage art.  It is just speculation currently but I can't imagine WotC would put just a random card on the box for MM.

General Magic / Pre-Release Games
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:21:48 am »
How did everyone do at Pre-Release this weekend?  What did everyone think of the the mechanics?  Any amazing plays?

I ended up 3-1-1 overall at my LGS and landed in 3rd place.  I got a promo Panharmonicon, drew a second one, 1 Kambal, Consul of Allocation, 2 Cataclysmic Gearhulk (one in my box and one from my prize pool) and not much else really.  I ended up running WB and won most of my games on the back of Multiform Wonder or Aerial Responder.  I never once got to untap with Cataclysmic Gearhulk even though I was able to resolve him in 4 different games.  The best I was able to do was force an opponent to sacrifice 3 creatures one being an artifact.  My worst game was also my first one of the day.  I summoned a creature on turns 2 - 5 and had my opponent down to around 6 life.  I was around 14 taking a few hits from his lowly 2 creatures and 1 artifact when he untapped on turn 5 and cast Fumigate.  Wiped 7 creatures off the board including my Fairgrounds Warden (I had just cast last turn and got back his 4/4 on a clear board)... I didn't last long after that.

Energy was very effective and the only other games I lost were to Energy based decks.  Voltaic Brawler, Fabrication Module, Harnessed Lightning, Thriving Rhino did the most work and honestly I was glad to not see them that often.  Even the worst energy based cards were good with Fabrication Module out there making things bigger.  I am interested in seeing what people make of it in Constructed.

Fabricate ended up just being being counters for me more often then not.  The only time I tended to make an artifact was if I had a card that needed one or if I planned on bouncing/flicker the creature.  It is interesting but it just ended up feeling flat to me.

Crews and Vehicles were pretty freaking nice.  Sky Skiff and Smuggler's Copter were really nice because they have a low Crew and got into the air early.  I got a lot of use out of Fleetwheel Cruiser and Ovalchase Dragster because of Haste and low Crew.  Overall I liked the Vehicles and I hope we see them again in future sets not just Aether Revolt.

General Magic / Kaladesh New Card Discussion
« on: September 02, 2016, 04:48:52 pm »
Spoilers are already starting to make their way onto the net for Kaladesh.  I've included the 2 that are available now and I will try to keep up with any releases over the next few weeks.  Here are our first 2.

The Inventors' Fair, so far, has me worried.  I would hate to see Affinity get any stronger.  As it is right now it is considered to be one of the "Unfair" decks anyway and while I am excited to see some new cards I am really worried about the impact on Modern and Affinity.  I would like to see 1-3 of the main Affinity cards banned personally.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Esper Blink
« on: September 01, 2016, 06:41:47 pm »
Esper Blink

The idea behind this deck is to get maximum value out of each card slot by re-using ETB effects, flashback, or returning from graveyard.

I built an Evoke Control ( deck a while ago and I really liked how the deck played but I was disappointed at how effective it was.  Some of the cards worked well and some didn't.  So I stripped the more effective cards out of it and built this current decklist.  It was so much of a change that I decided it was a new deck entirely instead of just a revision of Evoke Control.

I took some inspiration from Azorious Titan and BW Death (Eldrazi) and Taxes decks.

What do you guys think of the current build?  Any suggestions? Changes? Cards I missed?

Deck Reviews / U/R Standard Prowess
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:31:43 pm »
U/R Standard Prowess

So I've decided to put together a FNM deck to have some fun at my local gaming store.  I like decks that have a lot of interaction and make you think about how your going to play and I love my Modern Prowess deck so I decided to hack it apart a bit and throw together a Standard version. Eventually this deck will merge back into my Modern version but I couldn't pass up great Prowess cards like Niblis of Frost and Bedlam Reveler.  This is my basic verison that I proxied out and played last week with my Local Group.  I was able to hold my own against some decent Modern builds and I would like to have some fresh eyes on this deck.  Any and all suggestions are appreciated and encouraged.  Thanks :)

General Magic / Database Question/Problem
« on: June 26, 2016, 11:00:25 pm »
So I have been using this site for a while now and recently I have been unable to use the database option to see the any card in Gatherer. I click on a card, the card opens on a new tab then I click the upper right corner option to see card in Gatherer but I just get a white screen. I can switch back to deckstats database no problem and see the card again just can't seem to access gatherer. I don't know if this is a problem only I am having or if others are having this same issue. Anywho, just post a comment and let me know if you are or are not having this issue. Thanks :)

General Magic / Eldrich Moon Spoilers
« on: June 21, 2016, 04:44:06 pm »

New Spoilers for Eldrich Moon. It will be updated as they are released.

Emrakul, The Promised End is kinda ridiculous. On Cast control target opponent's next turn, Protection from instants, and cheaper from your GY, on a Flying 13/13 Trample body. Wow! Combined with all the other Eldrazi's and I think we are in for an Eldrazi Summer in Standard.

Ulrich of the Krallenhorde - a Werewolf with a +4/+4 till end of turn buff on ETB and flip back. Triggered ability to fight target non-Werewolf creature when it flips to Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha. Nice addition to Werewolf decks and a Legendary Werewolf for EDH/Commander.

Coax from the Blind Eternities - Lets you get an Eldrazi card from Outside the Game or Exile, Reveal it, and put it into your hand. Really strong effect for 2U. Makes Path to Exile and other exile effect cards less powerful and lets you get the exact card from your sideboard that you need when you need it.

What do you guys think of the spoilers so far?

Deck Reviews / Wub (Esper) Control
« on: June 19, 2016, 09:26:50 pm »

A new Control themed deck I have been working on. I like to play with budget cards so that might explain some of the choices I made when building this deck :)

I tried to focus around an Enter The Battlefield (ETB) theme and most of the cards reflect that


Flickerwisp - Exiles any permanent when it enters until End of Turn(EOT). Can exile my creatures to get a second ETB effect or exile their stuff to remove counters or aura's. I want to keep this card.
Aetherling - Is my finisher. Most decks find it hard to deal with him because he can exile himself for protection and can be buffed and made unblockable. I want to keep this card.
Reflector Mage - He has a nice ETB effect that can stop an opponent from re-establishing their board. Potentially remove-able.
Lone Missionary - 4 Life all at once is nice. Easy to bounce around and stay in the game longer. I like this card and I think it will be hard to replace.
Shriekmaw - One of my favorite cards in this deck. Early game removal and an evasive body late game (early if you play it right). I want to keep this card.
Mulldrifter - Again another favorite. Early game card draw and evasive body late game (early-ish if you play it right). I want to keep this card.


Lingering Souls - This card is beyond awesome. 4 1/1 flyers off of 1 card is amazing. Great blockers when needed and I win games with the tokens. I want to keep this card.
Cloudshift - This card helps me get extra value from the ETB effects of all the creature's also some other tricks when played at the right time. 4 more health, draw 2 more cards, destroy another creature, Exile an opponents stuff for a turn. I want to keep this card.
Mana Leak - Early to mid game counter. Not so great late game. I like this card.
Condescend - Good early or late but mana intensive. The scry 2 is really what makes this card nice. I like it but maybe replace-able.
Condemn - Budget pick and I think giving the opponent 3 - 5 health is less threatening then giving them a Land card from Path to Exile. I like this card but it is replace-able.
Undying Evil - Lets me block into something and trade then get another ETB effect from my creatures and a +1/+1 counter also some other tricks when played at the right time. I like it but it is replace-able
Unburial Rites - Get a creature back from the GY to the Battlefield like an early game evoked Shriekmaw or Mulldrifter. Also the flashback cost is nice. I like this card and would like to keep it.
End Hostilities - Another budget pick but my game group is currently using quite a bit of equipment so its nice to destroy all that stuff in one go. It is replace-able.


What I have available. I don't want to invest in the more expensive lands until I find out if this deck is worth it. I'm not too happy with the numbers and they could probably be adjusted.


I have no clue what yet... I put those Jeskai Barricade in there because of flash and return a creature for a second cast but I don't know if they are worth it.

I am looking at:
Essence Flux for exile effect. Very similar to Cloudshift for the same CMC.
Sun Titan for GY return effect but I think he would require additional cards to back him up like Detention Sphere, Journey to Nowhere, Oblivion Ring, ect.

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