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Messages - ORCH1D

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
General Magic / Re: Next "let's build a deck together" Commander
« le: Juin 16, 2019, 02:42:34 pm »
I think we should all vote for the first sliver, just to annoy Red_Wyrm

General Magic / Re: Where do we go from here?
« le: Juin 15, 2019, 01:04:47 pm »
So you want origins as a TV show Red_Wyrm?

Commander Discussion / Re: EDH on Cockatrice?
« le: Juin 13, 2019, 08:08:52 pm »
I personally prefer XMage, but it sucks for EDH tho =/

General Magic / Re: M20 Spoilers
« le: Juin 12, 2019, 03:21:15 pm »
The problem is that this is a core set, and most new players don't even know what a command zone is. It's kinda like referencing the stack. Since you "get" emblems, I feel like the wording would be like "Chose an emblem target player owns. That player loses that emblem." It's a bit long for a simple ability, but it should avoid weirdness with targeting things that are in the command zone without acknowledging that issue.

Deck Comments / Re: Artifact Gate - Comments
« le: Juin 05, 2019, 02:08:59 pm »
Google translate's spanish is dodgy, but I have replaced chromatic lantern with powerstone shard. I hope that's what you were talking about.

General Magic / Re: Modern Horizons Spoilers
« le: Mai 25, 2019, 11:44:01 am »
Yay! Unbound Flourishing! Is temur experiment going to be viable in modern now?

General Magic / Re: Modern Horizons Spoilers
« le: Mai 22, 2019, 07:23:16 pm »
So, Planebound Apprentice on board, 3 red mana open, put Ajani, the Greatharted, Jace, Cunning Castaway and Nicol Bolas, Dragon God on board, get infinite nicol bolases, +1 exile all their stuff and then create infinite illusions and win the game? Sounds like an infallible plan =P

General Magic / Re: Modern Horizons Spoilers
« le: Mai 22, 2019, 09:11:35 am »
It also should be noted MOM can protect herself but giver of runes can't. That makes the giver quite a bit worse.

Deck Comments / Re: Niv-Mizzet, Master of Legends - Comments
« le: Avril 24, 2019, 10:14:15 am »

Revision 2

Changed amounts:
+1 Isolated Chapel
-1 Plains

General Magic / Re: Oathbreaker Format
« le: Avril 23, 2019, 09:32:49 pm »
The format seems somewhat interesting. If I had any relevant cards I'd probably give it a go but I don't have much money or time for it at the moment. Though, if I could, I'd probably put a Ral, Storm Conduit and Expansion//Explosion deck together because that sounds broken.

Sooo.... Sorin not in a rock any more? And Nahiri is fine with this I'm presuming?

Something that was missing from our previous deck, counterspell.

1) Noble Hierarch - It has a huge price tag, and I don't think that it will be game breaking in standard. This fits well in the Sultai Midrange and Simic Climb decks, but wouldn't make them tier 0.
2) Manamorphose - Again, this card definitely has a home in standard, this time in Izzet drake decks. This could give them the means to get to tier 1 and doesn't do anything in other shells to be an auto-include in every deck.
3) Hedron Crab - There is already the pieces of a mill deck in standard, with Drowned Secrets and Psychic Corrosion, but this could give it an edge to become competitive playable. It's also surprisingly expensive for how little it sees play. The only downside is it's very Zendikar flavoured, and so could only see a place in Core Set 2020.
4) Karn Liberated - Now, Wizard's of the Coast normally doesn't do Planeswalker re-prints in standard legal products, instead opting to create new cards, but I think if there were ever a time to break that rule, War of the Spark would be it. I think Karn, Liberated would probably be the safest to do in this case, because he's only really good because he's the best thing to do with exactly 7 mana in modern.
5) Phantasmal Image - Another suprisingly expensive card for its power level. Anywhere there is Jace, there can be phantasmal image, and Quasiduplicate and Repudiate//Replicate this could make some really janky copying shinanigans.

General Magic / Re: Nexus of Fate
« le: Février 06, 2019, 11:08:54 am »
I think Bant Nexus is one of the reasons we see for best of 3 games in Arena. There are so many ways you can beat it, but they are often not good cards in most match-ups. These are cards like Unmoored Ego, Syncopate, Mortify or Status//Statue for Wilderness Reclamation. You can see in paper tournaments Bant Nexus often shows up, but doesn't get very many top 8 results. This is because, as obnoxious as it is game 1, their game plan is so dependent on a few cards that are answerable that post-sideboard any deck can answer it.

Add to that the fact that most Nexus of Fate decks on arena wouldn't even win in paper anyway. This is because, once you demonstrate a loop, you have to say how many times you perform it and then you have to do something to win the game. While Bant Nexus without Hydroid Krasis can still do this with ultimating Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, exiling all the opponents lands and putting Teferi back into it's owners deck again and again until the opponent mills themselves, that's not the root that most arena players take, instead opting to just shuffle Nexus of Fate to take infinite turns. Under tournament rules this would be considered stalling (not slow play, as that is independent of intention and would often result in a warning) and would require the player to forfeit the match.

So, the problem isn't really with Nexus of Fate. The problem is with two of Arena's core systems, mainly the timer and best of one matches. So, how can this be fixed? With best of one matches, the answer is if you're sick of Nexus of Fate just play traditional and build your sideboard with the deck in mind. With the timer, however, that is something Wizard's of the Coast needs to address. The MTGO solution isn't really amenable, as if we just switched the timer for that, people wouldn't even need to take infinite extra turns to waste the opponent's time, they could just stall by taking longer on each decision within a turn. I think the real solution could be to keep the current timer, but also to have some kind of definition of a player doing something, then if the player doesn't fit that definition for a few turns they are warned, and if it continues they forfeit the match. Now, this definition of doing something might be a point of contention, but by working with the players and the community I believe that there will be a solution we can come to.

Sorry for the long post. TL;DR: It's not Nexus of Fate's fault, just play best of three, and push for Wizard's to introduce a secondary timer.

Hopefully, Arclight Phoenix ban.  :P

But seriously, I think that modern challenger decks are more likely than just a modern masters replacement. One of the problems with modern masters is that it just required too many cards to reprint and wasn't something they could sustain for a yearly release. Printing 4 played (probably not optimized, but at least played) decks is just scratching the surface of the modern format, and as the meta shifts with new sets it will generate more decks that they can print. This makes it very sustainable for future products.

But please, please, let it at least resemble something that is played. I'm not expecting fully pimped out jund, just a budget mono-red version of burn would be fine.

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