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Messages - Mostlynotgay

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 29
Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Some of that Azorious BullSh*t
« on: April 25, 2019, 04:37:42 am »

I thought about that card but the way the deck goes, the whole point is they're not tapping stuff because they're not casting stuff. Between bounces, counters, and trinisphere, it's very hard for them to get anything worthwhile going. But I agree it could be something to slot into a maybeboard and bring in meta-dependant.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Some of that Azorious BullSh*t
« on: April 24, 2019, 09:30:10 pm »
Some of that Azorious BullSh*t

I love, love, LOVE land control decks.  I know, i'm sorry.  I have a Mono Red, several R/W, a R/B, and a UB.  I built a mono-blue land control deck ( I guess they're called "Ponza" decks?), which I really like.  But I really, really wanted to squeeze white into the deck so I could run Venzer, the Soujurner.  Venzer's ULT is just so perfect with the deck (whenever you cast a spell, exile a permanent).  The addition of white makes the game plan change a little bit. 

First, I got rid of Frost Titan and replaced it with Venzer, Shaper Savant.  it's ETB is another bounce that can hit any permanent.  With Venzer, you do his +1 which will essentially blink Vanzer, allowing you an additional bounce every turn.  It also lets you run Mainboard Leyline of Sanctity

Your wincons are:
1. Beats with Colonnade
2. Beats with Venser
3. Jace

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Mono-U ponza control
« on: April 22, 2019, 02:36:11 am »
Mono-U ponza control

Mono blue control deck based on land control. I guess land control decks are called "ponza"? Anyway, The new mulligan rules make it really easy to have gemstone mine turn 1, which means it is very easy to start the land denial as early as your opponent's first turn.

Your win on is basically beats. Or jace.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Azusa the Arbiter
« on: March 23, 2019, 05:34:11 am »
Azusa the Arbiter

The deck is built around the interaction of Azusa, Lost but Seeking + Ramunap Explorer + Ghost Quarter.  Basically Azusa + Ramunap lets you play 3 ghost quarters in a turn.  Play one and sac it. then play it from the GY, sac it.  Then again from the GY. Sac it.  So each turn you can essentially burn three lands from your opponent.  This combo has been around a bit.  I've kind of spiced it up with Leonin Arbiter.  Makes it a lot harder for your opponent to keep up with the sac machine. 

Sun Titan lets you get basically anything from the GY. 

Knight of the Reliquary helps filter and thin the deck.

Ramunap Excavator has the same effect of Crucible of Worlds, only it's on a creature so you can hit it off of Collected Company.

Turntimber Basilisk is a card I like a lot that works well with all the land drops we'll be doing.  Helps you take care of a utility creature. 

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Mycosynth Silence
« on: March 23, 2019, 04:12:54 am »
That makes sense. Blue would also give you cantrips. You could also have a transformational sideboard with a bunch of removal, ad monastery mentor and lyra or something.

Esper might be the best

I'm not a huge 3-color fan (I'm terrible at it) but I think that's a good combination. Basically everything in the deck that isn't the combo is there to stop your opponent. UB is really good at that.  I might redo the deck after DotW is chosen because i'm CROSSING FINGERS I get it with this ^_^

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Mycosynth Silence
« on: March 22, 2019, 04:03:11 am »
You can just shortcut to your opponent drawing out if they cant attack you

I did win a match against a guy who wouldnt concede. Round one he thought he'd take us to deck out. Before the game I slotted in an emrakul, the aeons torn. I just held it until I drew my last card, then discarded it to hand size. He was very mad XD

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Mycosynth Silence
« on: March 20, 2019, 10:57:37 pm »
Maybe some collective brutality to help against burn and discard extra mycosynth lattice and stony's. mana tithe is sooooo bad after a point that it might not be worth playing.

Sweet deck though. I kind of want to play it.

Most of the cards in the deck are bad after a point.  Mana tithe is just there to slow stuff down as much as possible.  Basically the entire deck is dedicated to slowing your opponent down until you can get the pieces out.  You're in for a really long game, though.  and game 2 is really tough because they are just waiting for you to play your stuff.  i've actually thought about going WU instead of WB which gets me access to lots of counters AND Monastery Siege, which has been a pretty good protection enchant in a lot of my decks. 

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Mycosynth Silence
« on: March 20, 2019, 06:32:44 am »
Mycosynth Silence

This deck.  This deck.  This is the ultimate prison deck.  Worse than lantern. I promise, PROMISE, you can't find a more oppressive prison. 

the idea of the deck is to get Mycosinth Lattice and Stony Silence on the battlefield at the same time.  Lattice turns all permanents into artifacts.  This includes lands.  Stony Silence prevents the activated ability of artifacts. 
tapping for mana is an activated ability. 
Silence does not specify that it doesn't affect mana abilities (unlike, say, Pithing Needle). 

So now, neither you NOR your opponent can tap anything for mana.  What does that mean?  Well, you can't cast spells. 

You can't pay 2 to attack through Ghostly Prison

You can't pay 1 to block with Archangel of Tithes.

So you can win, uninterrupted, with either Amor's Elocutors just adding counters.  OR you can attack with archangel

The rest of the deck is just a hardcore stall package to give yourself enough time.  Mana tithe to counter, Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtsieze to hand disrupt, and some removal to clear the board. 

It is filthy.  Filthy, filthy, filthy.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Ashiok's Afliction (UB 6-Rack)
« on: March 16, 2019, 02:13:33 am »
Ashiok's Afliction (UB 6-Rack)

Been a looooooong time since I've made a magic deck.  Trying to get back into it.

At it's core, it's an 8-Rack deck.  BUT, with the added twist that you can mill with Ashiok. 

I like the concept of adding a mill engine into the deck.  Ashiok can also be a win con if you mill a creature and they somehow stop your discarding.

Deck Comments / Re: What Lantern - Comments
« on: March 15, 2019, 04:33:54 am »
I played Lantern for a while.  The LGS I played at actually asked me to not play it XD. 
then it went and won a tournament.
now everybody plays it -_-

I like the splash for Trophy. 

OH my god I love this!

Deck Comments / Re: Karn wip - Comments
« on: March 15, 2019, 04:24:25 am »
This deck is upsetting because it costs $130 online but THREE F*@#$* THOUSAND in paper ><

General Magic / Re: Flicking cards
« on: March 15, 2019, 04:01:49 am »
Imagine if you are playing a game of chess, which requires a lot of skill and concentration, not unlike magic, and your opponent is constantly tapping on the table, snapping etc. to make noise. Not necessarily to mess with you, but because some people can't sit still. I would (and do) find it annoying regardless of their intentions. Personally I don't pay attention to a card that someone has  been holding onto for the entire game. If I bounce a card to their hand, I'll notice that I haven't seen it again, so it is still there, but I don't actively pay attention to what cards they're holding onto, and I don't think many people in the casual or FMN levels of magic do, so there isn't really any strategic gain by doing it aside from annoying your opponent if that is what you are going for. I would easily mess up a complex combo even if I know it well because of the flicking.

It doesn't need to be done. If you ask them to stop and they don't (not because they instinctively do it, but because they are trying to mess with you), you know what type of game your playing, and I personally wouldn't be having fun. If i'm not having fun, I leave. They can "shuffle" their hand quietly. I usually hold my cards so that I am essentially holding a stack of cards, and I fan them out if I need to. Don't do it as part of your strategy. If you can't beat them playing the game, get better. Don't be a [insert derogatory term of your choosing.]

I shuffle my hand constantly while i'm waiting for the opponent to do stuff.  But I do it silently.  and when I play a card down, I do it silently.  when I draw a card, I do it silently.  If it's a nervous tick, fine. But it can be a nervous tick quietly.  idk.  I see no point in it.  I'm convinced, *convinced*, that people only do it to look like they're professional or cool. 

General Magic / Re: Flicking cards
« on: March 14, 2019, 11:28:21 pm »
I fully agree with the professor.  I think it's aggravating and pointless. 

Child of Alara

Because why not?

However I know that 5 color might open the deck up to people just posting whatever without a plan so if that isnt an option, Sen Triplets.

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