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Messages - Tjdojjo

Pages: 1 [2]
here are the cards i've found in my collection so far and what this website states

Faceless Butcher
      Creature - Nightmare Horror   Time Spiral "Timeshifted"   Special      $ 0.21   —
      Creature - Human Wizard   Time Spiral "Timeshifted"   Special      $ 0.23   —
Whispers of the Muse
      Instant   Time Spiral "Timeshifted"   Special      $ 0.24   —

awh ok.. i wont bother uploading them to the data base here then.. i'm glad i set them aside...  but on the black bordered cards i have uploaded this website says that the rarity is "Special"  ?!    do you know what that means?

I have found quite a few S rarity cards in my collection so far...  what does this mean?   

are the older MTG with white borders no longer useable?  better to use new black bordered cards?

Deck Comments / Re: My Son's First Deck - Mono - Blue - Comments
« on: January 19, 2016, 05:13:12 am »
oh! awesome!.. and yes quicksilver behemoth is one of the problems that we will be fixing as soon as i'm done entering my blue cards into my collection on here..  and i will definitely check out your deck for ideas and keep your suggestions in mind.. i was gifted a very large box of MTG cards and it took us two days just to organize it into respective colors lol!  thank you for your time!  it's greatly appreciated!!

General Magic / Re: Artifact Cards? Noob stuff.. :(
« on: January 19, 2016, 02:37:40 am »
Awesome!  Your explanation was exactly along my line of thinking with them.    Thank you and it helps a ton!!! 

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] First Deck I built...ever..
« on: January 19, 2016, 02:35:33 am »
Awh that's awesome ill definitely keep that in mind..   He built his first blue deck when i built my black deck....and weve been battling it out with these two decks since we made them...   From what i know...which is very little... He has built his deck really well...   And is surprisingly strong for him doing it on his own...   We're about even in our duels so far...  We're identifying problems with our decks and planning on changes as we play...   He literally just got done roflstomping me with his blue deck just now..   He really wants to explore so well definitely be looking into the other worlds now that we have some basic guidelines for survival under our belt...   Ill be posting his blue deck he has so far soon.  Thank you again

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] First Deck I built...ever..
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:51:50 am »
awh yes! that's beautiful! i totally have a much better understanding of it now.  i'll be examing your notes closely and often while me and my son are still learning this game..  thank you soo much for your time and patience! 

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] First Deck I built...ever..
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:03:05 am »
OMG!  Thank you soo much... that was soo simple to read and understand besides what i've looked up.. thank you soo much!  one thing to clarify

if attacker says," ill attack your 2/2 card with my 3/3 card."

is this a legal move or must it always be, "I'm attacking with my 3/3 card." thus always giving me the option to block or absorb the damage?

obviously spells can attack or attach to creatures not just the player..
 is this scenerio correct?

attacker claims, "  I cast enfeeblement on your 6/6 card and attack with my 3/3 and my 3/1 card."     (please keep in mind i'm just throwing a random spell out there and have no idea what that card does..but lets say it drags me down from 6/6 to 2/6)   My 2/6 i block with.. thus leaving a 2/3 card until the end of his turn.. his 3/3 card dies... he attacks with his 3/1, i block with my now 2/3 card.. they both die.. no other moves can be made... end of turn..

:D   sorry this will clear everything up for me :)

General Magic / Artifact Cards? Noob stuff.. :(
« on: January 19, 2016, 12:52:50 am »

i've been playing magic for  about two days.. was gifted a box of well over 3,000 cards... prolly much more... have built 1 deck of black cards.. but my questions are as follows

How many artifacts is generally good to have in your deck?

Are they regular creatures as far as how they attack or are attacked (besides their card specific details)?

Can they block (on their own without card specific saying they can) ?

that's it for now.. thank you!!!

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] First Deck I built...ever..
« on: January 18, 2016, 11:20:18 pm »
Yes!  I basically did just that... put my cards together based off recommended amounts of what land, creature, spells, etc...   60.. then started playing...figuring i'd be able to gt a better sense of what's going on in my deck or what i i can go back and rebuild... i definitely will work on it and use your suggestions...because i do definitely have black cat and some other's of that type.. i'm very excited to continue modfying my deck and i will post my second attempt at my first magic deck soon!   thank you again for all your insight!  this game has turned into a very fun family activity...and considering i have over 500 of each color cards not including's a daunting yet fun task ahead of me.. :)..  ill still to the monochromatic decks for now..' til i'm more comfortable with the game and the rules....  i've researched some online..but they are vague (to me) 

  i understand this game with noobs comes with a lot of questions... but ill post them just incase


     my biggest struggle is... when cards attack.. can they attack you? or just your cards? or both?

    i understand that if they attack you, you can use your cards to defend?...

    if they attack a certain card of mine then i can try and save that card with spells (instants) or let him die?...   


if a 3/3 attacks a 3/3  do they both die?

if a 3/3 attacks a 4/3 card.. do they both die and i do +1 damage to the attacking player (if true, can that +1 dmg be blocked?) ?

if a 3/3 attacks a 2/2 card, does the 2/2 card die and i still take -1 dmg (if true, again can i use another card to block that -1 dmg?) ?

thanks again for your time :)

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] First Deck I built...ever..
« on: January 18, 2016, 05:59:52 pm »
thank you!    i actually began uploading all my decks to try to make it easier to make decks...  and i realized that i have a lot of zombie type cards... i plan on re inventing my first deck...  especially using artifacts cards...but i'm staying away from them because i feel it's a level of complexity i'm not ready for as very noob beginner.. but thank you for your input!!!   :D   I'm really glad my thought to add zombies was a good one. :)

Deck Reviews / [Casual] First Deck I built...ever..
« on: January 18, 2016, 09:48:45 am »
First Deck I built...ever..

just beginning to play...was given an enormous amount of decks to choose from.. kinda went through picked 23 mana 30'ish low cost creatures spells..and 7'ish high cost ones...

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