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Messages - Jabilac

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 21
Nice deck KouriNick!  Just a few suggestions :)


Genesis Hydra - Cast trigger, Mana Dump, Card Selection and Value.  Plenty of times I've used it to find Planeswalkers/Finishers or had it be the finisher.

Fertile Ground - if you need/want more ramp/color selection.

Primeval Titan - 6/6 Trample and finds Kessig Wolf Run


Fracturing Gust instead of Ancient Grudge?  Cost more mana but your a ramp deck.

Summoner's Pact?  Find whatever you want when you want it.

Other then those suggestions you got a solid list.  Great job on the 9-0 Finish!  The Brew was strong with this one.  Keep us informed of any other events you play this in.  I like it quite a bit and have been looking for something more competitive to do with my current casual mono-green deck :)

On Garruk Wildspeaker, he is surprisingly effective.  He ramps hard with his +1, his 3/3 tokens are nothing to scoff at, and his -4 turns your Mana dorks into 3/4 or 4/4 trampling beaters for a turn.

General Magic / Re: Ruling on multiple triggers of some ETB effects
« on: March 31, 2017, 06:06:31 am »
The rulings on Ironclad Revolutionary are just telling you that you can't sacrifice more then one artifact for its ETB effect.  You can't decide, of your own free will and volition, to sacrifice 2 artifacts and have the effect happen twice.  If you have a Panharmonicon out then the trigger happens twice, so the game is giving you more chances to sacrifice artifacts.  You do have to sacrifice an artifact for each trigger if you want the effect.

For Aetherborn Marauder it might be beneficial to move counters twice if you had say a Winding Constrictor or Corpsejack Menace on the Battlefield.  Those cards augment how counters are added by replacing the original effect with a new effect.  If you had Winding Constrictor, Panharmonicon, Several creatures with +1/+1 counters, and you cast Aetherborn Marauder then it would be better to move counters for each trigger because Winding Constrictor would add an additional counter each time.

General Magic / Re: Amonkhet Spoilers
« on: March 29, 2017, 06:21:01 pm »
The Invocations are cool and all but I think Wizards missed out on a chance to do a Masterpiece series on Mummified Planeswalkers.  Could have even made it story related.  Bolas is creating his own versions of each Planeswalker by stealing the sparks from his Trial Champions and putting them into his Mummy Walkers.  Woulda been awesome :)

General Magic / Re: Amonkhet Spoilers
« on: March 29, 2017, 06:08:06 pm »
I disagree about Embalm being dumb or not "feeling like mtg"... How doesn't it?  You are taking a creature that died and creating a Mummy out of it... If that isn't Magic what is?  Revolt is a great mechanic.  One of the better ones that has been created recently.  It works both in Standard, by not being overpowered, and works in Modern by being just powered enough.  Without new keywords, mechanics, and card types MTG would grow stale and boring.

General Magic / Re: aetherborn marauder
« on: March 28, 2017, 04:59:24 am »
HowlingLotus is correct.  Moving counters for Aetherborn Marauder is completed as one action.  Winding Constrictor replaces that effect with that effect plus 1.

General Magic / Re: Amonkhet Spoilers
« on: March 27, 2017, 04:47:46 pm »
Here's some pic of the cards.. Kinda dark but that's all I could find this morning. Edit: Now they look great :)

-1/-1 counters on the return!  Exciting for those Constrictor Players :)

Exert seems like an interesting mechanic.  Getting a free "activated ability" as something attacks can be very powerful especially if they continue to focus on dealing damage to creatures.  It does make me wonder how it will work though, Will these creatures still deal their normal damage or will that damage be prevented for the effect?

I'm with you Mnemosyne, Archfiend of Ifnir has some serious potential.  Shrink your opponents board while casting Madness cards seems like a win win to me :)

Edit : Amonkhet info from Wizards.  Contains information on Embalm and Exert.

General Magic / Re: Interesting pairing question
« on: March 25, 2017, 04:28:17 pm »
So, in order to get a friend into EDH, I gave him a Yidris, Maelstrom Weilder to partner with his Zada, Hedron Grinder.

Commanders need the Partner ability to actually have 2 commanders.  You could have an EDH deck with Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder as the commander or Zada, Hedron Grinder but not together.  Rules link

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Myrs with Swords
« on: March 22, 2017, 05:03:39 pm »
Nice Myr Deck.  I like Tribal decks :)

On to your card choices.  I think Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas is the better Tezzeret.  Digs for Artifacts, Turns artifacts into 5/5 creatures, or drains life for the win!  I would consider him over Tezzeret, Master of Metal even though its a great card name :)

Academy Ruins would be a nice land for this deck also Cavern of Souls would work to stop counters.

Thirst for Knowledge or Thoughtcast are both great draw spells for artifact themed decks.  Better then Avarice Amulet because they doesn't have the downside.

Sword of Fire and Ice, Sword of Light and Shadow, Sword of Feast and Famine, Sword of War and Peace, Sword of Body and Mind are all great equipment that provide protections from colors and very beneficial effects.  You could also run Trophy Mage to tutor up any 3 cmc artifact or Trinket Mage to find 0-1 cmc artifacts.

What about Myr Enforcer?  Gets cheaper to cast based on Artifact count and is a 4/4 so outta Lightning Bolt range and 7 cmc so outta Fatal Push range.

Also I think it would be better to remove Tezzeret's Betrayal and replace it with Go For The Throat its more thematic and its decently costed for an almost unrestricted kill spell.  Fatal Push or Dismember would be better but Go For The Throat is fun for this deck imo :)

Edit: Also cut yourself down to 60 card maximum.  Its not worth the reduction in draw possibilities to run 63 cards.

General Magic / Re: Amonkhet Spoilers
« on: March 20, 2017, 04:32:56 pm »
Yeah, this new mechanic is going to be interesting.  I am really hoping for Graveyard hate in this set but I was hoping for Energy hate cards from last set and was surprised when they didn't drop.  I think this opens up more design space for magic cards.  Instead of Flashback (just repeating the same spell) we can not only have different effects from our graveyard but also allows for different speed spells.  Imagine a Sorcery and then an Aftermath Instant.  I doubt we will see this design on anything other then Sorcery/Instants because of how muddled the card actually looks.  It does show that WotC is not afraid to change the status quo and at least attempt to do new things. 

Quote from: TheWakaEmu117
So seeing this first spoiler gives me hopes for some cool stuff in standard but it also makes me think that this sets power level might be really high. If we look at the past couple of years standard has been struggling with deck diversity. If you guys look at the banning of Emrakul, Reflector Mage and Copter, those actually lower the deck diversity and how standard is now dominated by Saheeli cat combo and mardu vehicles. Maybe this set will shake the format up and give us some powerful cards. I am think a 4 mana board wipe shows that they be printing some slightly more powerful cards and abilities.

I am not a Standard player and I really only play in Pre-Release events but I am always on the lookout for new Modern playable cards and I like when a few new cards shake up Modern.  I was excited about Aetherworks Marvel, Grim Flayer, Thing in the Ice (didn't make as many waves as I was hoping), Paradox Engine, and Smuggler's Copter because I thought they would shake up Modern.  Standard does need something to break the stalemate that is the top 2 decks.  I am still surprised they banned Reflector Mage but didn't ban Felidar Guardian.

General Magic / Re: Amonkhet Spoilers
« on: March 19, 2017, 04:27:36 pm »

Our first real spoiler for Amonkhet!  This tell us quite a bit about how Amonkhet will function.  We are going to have a new Aftermath ability that will only work in graveyards.  I also like how they decided to put the actual spell facing the correct way for us so we don't give away information by either cocking our heads sideways or turning our cards sideways to read them... I'm looking at you Fuse cards :)

We are also looking at a 4cmc board wipe in standard... When was the last time that happened?  As far as I can remember they have been printing 5cmc board wipes.  Interesting.  Hopefully they will actually print a new way to mess with people's graveyards.  Break up Delirium and these new aftermath effects.

So does this give anyone some new ideas of things we might see?

LOL right here Yahenni's Expertise cost 4 :) Not to mention Languish which was popular. Then we have Incendiary Sabotage as well, didn't want to get the ones all in black :)

Your right Robort. I guess I was thinking of the destroy effects instead of the damage based or -x/-x based sweepers but I was wrong about it obviously.  Nothing about the rest of my post though?  Doesn't surprise me really.

General Magic / Re: Amonkhet Spoilers
« on: March 19, 2017, 03:48:00 pm »

Our first real spoiler for Amonkhet!  This tell us quite a bit about how Amonkhet will function.  We are going to have a new Aftermath ability that will only work in graveyards.  I also like how they decided to put the actual spell facing the correct way for us so we don't give away information by either cocking our heads sideways or turning our cards sideways to read them... I'm looking at you Fuse cards :)

We are also looking at a 4cmc board wipe in standard... When was the last time that happened?  As far as I can remember they have been printing 5cmc board wipes.  Interesting.  Hopefully they will actually print a new way to mess with people's graveyards.  Break up Delirium and these new aftermath effects.

So does this give anyone some new ideas of things we might see?

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Human Aristocrats
« on: March 18, 2017, 04:54:42 pm »
I would consider more Path to Exile or Fatal Push over Lightning Bolt honestly.  Bolt can go to the face but Push and Path just have more universal use. 

You could also consider Aether Vial.  Could increase the speed at which you can flood the board and produce a couple decent combat tricks with your creatures. 

Knight of the White Orchid has a strong ETB effect, First Strike, and is a human.

When you have to deal with multiple triggered abilities that happen at the same time (or so close as to be put on the stack at the same time) you follow whats known as Active Player Non Active Player (APNAP).  What that means is the Active Player (player whose turn it is) places all the triggers they control on the stack first (in whatever order they want) then the Non Active Player places the triggers they control on the stack in whatever order they want.

Now let's say it does go on the stack first. That means my Faerie Artisans' ability resolves first, and I make a copy of Fleshbag Marauder whose ability also goes on the stack.
Now, as part of Faerie Artisans' resolution, I have to exile Mantis Engine before I even get the chance to sacrifice it to either Fleshbag Marauder, right?
Now my own Fleshbag Marauder resolves and I have to sacrifice either it or my Faerie Artisans, then my opponent's Fleshbag Marauder resolves and I must sacrifice my Faerie Artisans.

This sequence of events is correct.  You create a token of Fleshbag Marauder then exile your Mantis Engine token.  Your Fleshbag Marauder trigger is placed on the stack then resolves.  You sac something they sac something.  Then your opponent's Fleshbag Marauder trigger resolves and you sac your Faerie Artisans'.

General Magic / Re: Amonkhet Spoilers
« on: March 07, 2017, 05:04:14 pm »
Its gonna be an interesting plane to say the least.  I am guessing that we will see some Mummies which are just fancy Zombies, right  :P  I am really interested in how they are going to represent the God cards.  I am hoping they use a different mechanic then with the Theros Gods.  Also are the Trial's going to be represented like the Quest cards? (Quest for the Holy Relic, Quest for the Gravelord, ect)

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Budget Death's Shadow??
« on: March 06, 2017, 05:26:15 pm »
I think what you've got together right now looks pretty good.  It will need some play testing and tweaking obviously but I think your numbers overall are pretty solid.  You might find you want that last Traverse the Ulvenwald.  Almost every deck I've looked at and played against have had 4.

Sideboard advice is tricky at best.  We will need to know your Meta before we can start suggesting cards though Tormod's Crypt is obviously the graveyard hate you are going to want to use.  So update this with the decks you play against and we will try to help you flesh out your Sideboard :)

Edit: Ran across an interesting article talking about Death's Shadow and Temur Battle Rage here.

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