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Mensajes - CardAgain Sweater

Páginas: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 36
Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Graveyard Turnstyles
« en: Julio 22, 2018, 06:01:42 pm »
Graveyard Marshall was the weakest creature: yes, it was a way to reanimate by proxy and make a bat, but the most expensive way. The 3/2 body was nice though. More card draw.

Now I need to fit in a 23rd land.

Revision 2

Added/removed cards:
-2 Graveyard Marshal
+2 Dark Bargain
-2 (SB) Bontu's Last Reckoning
-2 (SB) Dire Fleet Poisoner
-2 (SB) Lost Legacy
+2 (SB) Plague Mare
+2 (SB) Sorcerous Spyglass

Changed amounts:
-1 Ifnir Deadlands
+1 Swamp

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Hadana's Hungry Hydra Please take a look
« en: Julio 22, 2018, 10:32:54 am »
This looks like a lot of fun. I like pounce as a better choice, but maybe 4 is too much? You have a solid core plan with hadana's climb and the counters.

Have you considered swapping out Marwyn, the nurturer x2 and 1 pounce for 3x Song of Freyalise?  Marwyn is great if you can spit out a lot of elves, but song of Freyalise should be more consistent to ramp, plus nice payoff if you need to start with smaller creatures - really big late game.

SereneTsunami killed me today with carnage tyrants and something like your build. They are good, I can attest. The tyrants are especially good when your opponent has already used most of their removal on other threats. Playing this on curve, no mana cheating even - that's bad enough.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Graveyard Turnstyles
« en: Julio 22, 2018, 06:22:12 am »
Im worried this deck will not have enough draw - do I try to use dark bargain with Arguel's blood fast? Instead of blood fast? It can put creatures in my gy for reanimating later, or to pitch excess lands. Although with the mana sinks, will I have excess mana?

Plague mare for the sideboard in case of token decks; I'd like to try yawgmawth's vile offering to go with the theme, but I dont think 10 legendary creatures is a high enough concentration to have good odds at successfully casting it.

Vicious Offering seems like a good sideboard card until the amonkhet gods leave. I got a decent suggestion on bonepicker; that could be a sideboard 2-of.

Deck Comments / Re: Hadana's Huge Calves - Comments
« en: Julio 22, 2018, 04:57:41 am »
Is this the version I played tonight? I thought you might have been running more creatures.

That Vine Mare is disgusting and you are a terrible person for playing it. Hexproof; sure, fine. 5 power; ok, that seems excessive. Cant be blocked by black creatures; Eff off. That was the star tonight once the counters put it past 5 or 6 toughness. I was almost relieved when you started playing carnage tyrants instead. At least I can triple block the tyrant.

I would seriously consider ghalta for this deck, maybe even just a one of. You always had about 10 power on the board by turn 5.

I like the idea you mentioned about cutting back on Admiral's orders for another spell, maybe another blink of an eye.

Deck Reviews / [Standard] Graveyard Turnstyles
« en: Julio 21, 2018, 05:58:54 pm »
Graveyard Turnstyles

Graveyard abuse. This is a new deck strategy for me, so it is a work in progress. Trying to find the right balance between sac outlets, cards that return from graveyard, and sac fodder. Then of course, how much does one value strong 'enter the battlefield' effects to take advantage of rebirth from the graveyard.

Oh, also has to to have some removal and draw.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] 5 on 3 - no rares
« en: Julio 16, 2018, 10:56:04 pm »
I see you have no sideboard yet, so I'd like to put a word in for druid of the cowl. I'd consider putting it in the mainboard, but it slows down your plan by one turn.

The benefit would be the 3 toughness; goblin Chainwhirler made a big impact on deck building in standard, as it's enter the battlefield effect kills llanowar elves, other 1 toughness creatures and tokens. Llanowar elves can use its ability at least once before Chainwhirler comes down - unless red is mana boosting with goblins, etc., as well - but the druid lives through that, other 1 damage ping effects (like plague mare, ixalan enrage enablers), or shock type damage.

I like the druid better than llanowar elves, but your strategy may need to be faster; that's why I recommended the sideboard - if your opponent has the low damage kill thing going on you can side in the druids and slow down your curve to keep your main strategy.

Wayward swordtooth is also a 5/5 in your colors that would help you ramp, if you have extra lands to play.

RG has a lot of fun choices, and this looks like an interesting way to go; thanks for sharing your idea!

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Panharmoniconica
« en: Julio 16, 2018, 10:18:15 pm »
Just formalizing good advice to include metallic mimic over vizier of many faces. Working on sideboard.

Revision 2

Added/removed cards:
+2 Metallic Mimic
+2 (SB) Essence Scatter
+2 (SB) Hour of Devastation
+2 (SB) Negate

Changed amounts:
-2 (Main) +2 (SB) Vizier of Many Faces

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Best Buds
« en: Julio 16, 2018, 08:36:29 pm »
I had fun with this deck before Chainwhirler became real popular. Trying some new cards to bring it back. Not there yet...

Revision 2

Added/removed cards:
-2 Growing Rites of Itlimoc
-2 Metallic Mimic
+3 Demon of Catastrophes
+3 Whisper, Blood Liturgist
-2 (SB) Crook of Condemnation

Changed amounts:
-2 (Main) +2 (SB) Aethersphere Harvester
-1 Blossoming Defense
+1 Fungal Infection
+2 Swamp
-2 (Main) +1 (SB) Tendershoot Dryad
-1 (SB) Vraska's Contempt

General Magic / Re: M19 Prerelease
« en: Julio 10, 2018, 09:52:26 pm »
I had a blast; did Friday midnight, then Saturday and Sunday noon events. 3-0-1, 3-0-1, and 1-2 with an early drop to enjoy the sunshine. $60, 12+ hours of entertainment, and - when you add the prerelease and prize packs together - I got 27 Core 2019 booster packs plus 3 promo rare/mythics. That's value.

Putting blanchwood armor on a rustwing falcon or a daybreak chaplain in a WG deck is hilarious.

I stole and sacrificed soooo many elder dragons.

I hate Switcharoo and Sleep. I have a bad feeling I'll be seeing those cards a lot.

EDIT: How could I forget to mention the absolute all star of every deck it was in: Skymarch Bloodletter. Especially when you have multiple copies. As a flying 2/2 that comes down turn 3, it is usually getting in for damage before opponent gets their flyers up in the air to block. If they do put up something, 2 bloodletters profitably double block many of the flying threats you may face. The lifegain/drain when it etb is gravy.

 In one game, the opponent removed the first skymarch bloodletter after it hit for 3 total, and then a turn later again removed the second bloodletter I played, after it had gotten 3 damage in. Then next turn I played a third and a fourth - in the same turn. We just laughed and laughed.

I put up all the decks I built for the three prereleases I attended, if anyone wanted the details.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Cat Lifegain
« en: Julio 09, 2018, 04:50:04 am »
Heavy on sweepers because mono white doesnt have tons of targeted removal options

If they fit in with your plan, there are a few good 'removal' spells in white:

Ixalan's Binding removes the immediate threat and prevents any other copies from coming down.
Seal away is all star mono white removal, get em after attackers are declared and before damage is assigned.
Luminous Bonds even works, even though it is inefficient at 3 mana.

Sorcerous Spyglass goes in any deck and is pseudo removal for planeswalkers, vehicles, artifacts, activated abilities like that belonging to scarab god - as it is an artifact it can go in any deck.

Those are my first thoughts after a quick glance at your deck, mostly about your point that white might not have the best removal - there are some good ones. I agree with the previous poster about sanguine sacrament; it seems out of place, a reliably repeatable lifegain effect (maybe a lifelink creature like sacred cat) would be better, I think. Anyway, I love cat tribal, and I think lifegain strategies give a player so much time to get things assembled. I hope you have fun playing it - come back and tell us how it does.

Thanks for sharing your idea!

General Magic / Re: How did I win? Why did I win?
« en: Julio 09, 2018, 01:35:17 am »
Alright, flying wins. Good thing I didn't go against Poison-Tip Archer.

Also, little Easter Egg I found; did you notice how similar the art of Vampire Sovereign and Sovereign's Bite is? Poor dude.

There seem to a few cards that are tied together; I noticed the one you mentioned, and the art from disperse and essence scatter is also similar, like from two different perspectives. My example is less spot on than the wizard's lightning / wizard's retort from Dominaria.

Suspicious Bookcase in the same deck with skilled animator is cool - pair up gearsmith prodigy and gearsmith guardian while you are at it!

General Magic / Re: How did I win? Why did I win?
« en: Julio 08, 2018, 11:49:41 pm »
Bats n' Cats (Vampires too. Vampire Cats)

Answer this for me: why did I win?

I just got back from the Core 2019 Pre-release. I played 4 matches, and won all of them. But I don't understand why. I have literally two pieces of removal; Luminous Bonds (which doesn't actually remove, just pacifies) and Explosive Apparatus (which is absolute garbage). If I wanted to get rid of a Pelakka Wurm, I was multi-blocking it.

I've played limited before with low/no creature removal, and I would always be in last place. This time, I'm in first. How?

Most games would go with me attacking aggressively with flying dudes, or explosive bombs like Leonin Warleader or Inspired Charge (Apparently, Inspired Charge is a bomb). I could also generate bats off of Regal Bloodlord with either Fountain of Renewal or Herald of Faith.

Is Core 2019 unable to deal with flying aggro? Is removal not that important for this set? Is Storm Crow Rustwing Falcon actually a bomb?

Please help, I'm confused.

You had flying, lifelink, and a little more evasion from the white horse that taps down blockers. Also, the vigilance creatures and the skeleton lets you block all the time. Inspired charge is indeed a bomb, both on attack and defense, provided you have 'gone wide', and your deck was set up to do it with all the token creation.

Flying is indeed where it is at in 2019, but you had other good synergies as well. Congratulations on your success! Some of my best results in sealed is with decks that only use one rare and a few uncommons.

General Magic / Re: Mirrorwing Dragon and multiple targets
« en: Julio 05, 2018, 08:05:33 pm »
Thanks, I guess I didn't pay enouth attention to the text.

Happens to me all the time; I get excited by a card I haven't seen before and start thinking up possibilities...then I notice the way the text is worded ruins all those schemes. The folks at Wizard's R&D get a lot of complaints, but they a do a great job of choosing precise wording 99.9% of the time, if I take the time to read it before I start plotting.

General Magic / Re: Mirrorwing Dragon and multiple targets
« en: Julio 05, 2018, 07:18:26 pm »
Howdy, walkers from Earth(or Gea). Here is my problem. Assuming that I'm playing 2HG, that I control a Mirrorwing Dragon and four goblins token, if I cast Cone of Flame for 1 damage on Mirrorwing Dragon, 2 on an opponent and 3 on the other, will the dragon copy the spell for each of my goblin creature dealing 1 damage to them and 2 on an opponent and 3 on the other?

I believe it would not create copies. The text on Mirrorwing Dragon says: "Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell that targets only Mirrorwing Dragon, that player copies that spell...". Cone of Flame requires three non-identical targets. The Cone of Flame effects would happen, but the dragon would not copy any part of the spell, as there are more targets than only the mirrorwing.

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Commanderp Cats REBUILD
« en: Julio 04, 2018, 06:16:25 pm »
I would recommend Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares. I'm assuming you're only not running the other swords of x and y because you dont have them? And one card that really jumped out as being out of place is skullclamp. Is there any reason you're running it? The list doesnt seem to be the kind of deck that uses skullclamp.

You are absolutely right on skullclamp; it just ended up in there as I was building the deck and got lost when I was weeding out the weakest cards for the strategy.  Not that skullclamp is a weak card, but as you said, this is not a deck to optimize the card - not nearly enough 1 toughness creatures or counters to kill through equipping to net the two draws. It's #1 on the cut list.

Your other points on adding some more interaction like swords to plowshares or path to exile make good sense. As to the other 'swords of x & y' not being present, yep - it's just because I dont have them. The sword of body and mind is in there just because I pulled an Invention masterpiece copy from a prize pack. I figure why not use it here; I dont play modern, so if I want to find a home for it, it's edh or casual only. I haven't even drawn it yet, let alone cast it, but I'm excited for the first time I do even though it's probably one of the weakest 'sword of x & y'.

This is listed as a finished deck, not WIP, but it very much is open for improvement and change as I get a chance to take it out for games. It doesnt have a gotcha combo, or anything super broken; I'm shooting for a fair and fun deck and your suggestions fit that description. Thanks for your constructive criticism on my idea!

Páginas: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 36