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Messages - monkydonky1

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Deck Comments / Re: Vampire - Comments
« on: March 30, 2020, 03:39:19 pm »
Heja, first of all congrats for an awesome list and a playable deck! Actually I am trying myself too in creating a modern vampire tribe deck. I just chip in an bring my thoughts to your list. Probably we can find something power-full together.
(To make it simple I just use the male form of writing - we play an hypothetic opponent, which is male.)

1-Mana Drops:
- Viscera Seer: In one hand it's an absolute terrible drop (1/1 for one B) in aggressive decks. On the other hand he's effect is absolutely awesome. Especially if you go sacrifice-way together with mister super vampire Cordial Vampire.
In general: You wrote it right (!!) -> absolutely bad for modern, that vampires don't have power-full 1-mana-drops.

2-Mana Drops:
- Adanto Vanguard: You wrote: «great attacker, dodge most removal but is very easy attack into a (for example) 2/2, pay 4 life, on stack your opponent cast a bolt and you have a lose/lose situation :pay 8 life for a creature or pay 4 life for nothing, in defence you can block and pay 4 life but is not that good.» - Okay, you are right it is true, that it comes to a texas-hold'em-situation in which you must decide if you want to race or not, but it's rarely an all-in situation. Hence, you can decide what's better in this situation and that means a new advantage position for you. On one side 4 dmg with a 1-mana spell is painful. On the other side: mate; you play secondarily vampire life-gain. You don't care if you pay some more life! In any case your opponent want to deal as many damage as possible and when he start to waste his spells on your creatures instead of burn your massive amount of life - well than I think he won't have enough power to win this game. My question is: How much {W} do you want to play in a pretty good {B}-Deck. So I would just pick the absolute bombs in other colours -which he really might be - but probably not 4 of a kind.
Cordial Vampire: You mist out the one and only. He gives you such a power! How you describe your game-plan-problem with card removals - Cordial Vampire is a benefit for you by "losing" creatures. It's good to let go in his case ;-) Every kill, is a direct power-boost for every vampire-creature including Mutavault..... Yes, I looked it up in the rules - Mutavault keeps the +1/+1 counter. For me an absolute 4 of a kind!
Bloodghast: Indeed a hard to say card. In some games an absolute win-bringing card and in some games an absolute waste. Very, very hard to say. With fetch lands and Viscera Seer plus Collective Brutality totally good card. To double the effect play him with Blood Artist and Cordial Vampire and you have kinda super-combo.
Asylum Visitor: Fair enough 3/1 is good in our offensive game-strategy. Negative is nothing. I don't get your point, why his effect triggers seldom. And it really depends if you go with spells like Collective Brutality madness is strong (not overpowered - but really, really good).
Cruel Celebrant and Blood Artist: Agree with everything written. Think about the combination with Cordial Vampire + Bloodghast + Viscera Seer!!
Legion Lieutenant: Very, very power-full! Boost up all vampires for two mana and just crazy with aether vial (can bring him any time into play!) and aether vial doesn't care about colours.
Vampire Hexmage: First strike is brilliant but you play this cards for a reason. You cast this little witch to destroy your opponent's planeswalker. Sacrifice benefit for Cordial Vampire.

3-Mana Drops:
Captivating Vampire: It is pretty good. But if you don't play tokens generating cards such Queen's Commission you will not get the dominance to take over the opponent’s creatures. As a "lord" I see Legion Lieutenant definitely over Captivating Vampire. Maybe it is a one of.
Gatekeeper of Malakir: I count him as a 3-mana drop - you already wrote; we don't want to play him as a 2/2 effectless creature for two {B} mana !! Unfortunately it is really bad with Aether Vial. So we really need to make a cut and send him to the sideboard (I still play one, because I like this guy and I won many games with him ;-))
Stromkirk Captain: One of the best vampire lords but why does he need to be {B} and {R}? I really don't get it. I just had some moments when I really thought about play him one of. My experiences were mixed. Once I raced the game and won against a very creature based deck. Against control I had no chance of bring him into play as I want (ex. Aether Vial). For me a no-go in a max potential deck.
Drana, Liberator of Malakir: No experience. Never played him in Modern (sounds good).

4-Mana Drops (okay without Sorin I would never start a list in this category. I try to make it short):
Vampire Nocturnus: + Makes your army of vampires strong and flying. - It is gambling if the top card is black. Since you play artifacts too it's definitely not so crazy how it sounds. Advice: Play Fetch and solve the problem. In many situations win-bringing.
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: No experience. Never played Kalitas in Modern.

Let's move over to the Instants and Sorceries:
1-mana spells:
Thoughtseize: Absolutely brilliant card! Simply perfect against combo decks! -2 life doesn't bother us because of the lifelink abilities. Nevertheless, the card is not so good in late game so it's definitely not four of a kind.
Inquisition of Kozilek: Similar to Thoughtseize. Great card and absolutely power-card in this format (up to 3 mana).
Duress: Well, I would go for removals instead of discard.
Fatal Push: One of the best black cards in this format. I go for 4. Synergise with fetch lands.
Cling to Dust: Wow, what a good card! It helps you to cycle the fetch lands in your graveyard and bings grave-hate itself! Additionally you might generate a card advantage which can decide about win and lose. I definitely choose you as a sideboard-card!

2-mana spells:
Collective Brutality: Brings everything you need. I play one of it but sometimes I wish to have more of them in my hand. Synergise with Bloodghast!

Liliana of the Veil: One of the best Planeswalker of the game (my opinion). Absolute cruel card - I just love it.
Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord: Well, Sorin is the Vampire-Planeswalker. 3-Mana makes him strong and his effects are just sick. The second +1 (Yes! He has two crazy +1 effects!!) is a control ability which can be neck breaking with Bloodghast (once more "the victim" in a deck) and Cordial Vampire ("the core"). Sorin's -3 effect brings your very expensive vampires into play. Since you don't play any expensive cards it's a nice to have. Regarding this potential I would go at least for one expensive bomb trier which doesn't necessarily have to be a vampire (It could be a changing as well).

Mutavault: Great card but generates no {B}-mana. There are ways to get {B}-mana. One you already wrote down if you play Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.
Fetch lands: Really depends if you want to go for Bloodghast. In general awesome because they make your deck slimmer and take out some more lands which might bring you a win if you don't draw too many lands.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx: Can be an option if you go mono-{B} with some splash of white (or red).

Deck Comments / Re: Vampire - Comments
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:21:42 pm »
Awesome! Vampire-Power!! I would play Captivating Vampire in some way to boost ya little soldiers little more ;-) But never mind: I like ya deck.

[de] Deck-Bewertungen / Re: [Casual] Black Creatures
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:19:02 pm »
Awesome!! Just had some minutes ago my old-school black cards in my hands! Just love these cards. I just miss some reanimation like: Reanimate, Dance of the Dead and Animate Dead!! BTW Black rules!!

Deck Comments / Re: Mana Master of Plainwalkers - Comments
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:14:20 pm »
awesome. ;-)

Deck Comments / Re: Aggro Red - Comments
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:12:54 pm »
Congrats! Awesome Standard mix. Accidentally you choose "Legacy". I think you might want to choose standard ;-). BTW Bonecrusher Giant is a machine!!

Deck Comments / Re: Vampire - Comments
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:09:52 pm »
Hey, congrats to this inspiring deck! May I ask for your experience. Most people play Vampire BR or BW but you play something completely different with a lot of awesome removals. Haven't you considered to play mass removals instead of simple removals? I would really wonder how you see that.

Deck Comments / Re: BR Vampires - Comments
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:02:27 pm »
How would it be to play Vampire of the Dire Moon. Together with Stromkirk Captain it seems very power-full (lifelink, deathtouch and firststrike!!). To be honest I like your tribe-idea, but I think your deck is to slow for modern. Especially if you play Duress instead of Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize it appears to me that you want to go low-budget. In that case I would play Indulgent Aristocrat, Vampire Cutthroat, Vampire Lacerator, the already mentioned Vampire of the Dire Moon plus if you want to go aggro: Asylum Visitor. Okay, well I hope I could give you some new inputs. Keep going!

Deck Comments / Re: TURBOTHALLID - Comments
« on: March 24, 2020, 12:08:09 pm »
I really like your creation! I wonder how the power-level is. Please keep going - good job!

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