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Messages - Mnemosyne

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This topic has been moved to [Feedback].

General Magic / Re: A Casual Among Tryhards
« on: August 29, 2018, 03:17:33 pm »
I've been having issues lately in enjoying myself at my LGS. Most of the other players I see there are the more hardcore tournament players who have their own little clique set up where everybody knows eachother and their decks, so games between them go by at a rapid pace. I tried joining them for a 6-way EDH (for my very first try at playing EDH, period), and it was pretty obvious that I wasn't part of their inner circle. I had to keep asking them to slow down and explain the cards that I didn't know and what they did, and they got pretty annoyed at me just because I didn't have every card in their deck memorized.

I don't play tournaments, I don't have the money or time to keep up with the Standard rotation, but I still feel like I deserve to be at that shop as much as the high-rollers and regulars. I want to enjoy the game, and for that I need other people, but I don't feel welcome at all no matter what shop I go to because the regulars always sniff me out as someone who doesn't belong. What can I do?

I feel the same way as you. I know the majority of the Deckstats community supports you in this.
You are correct. You deserve to be at that shop as much as any other.
No one should be made to feel excluded because:

  • They are inexperienced.
  • They are new to MTG.
  • They aren't an LGS regular.
  • Or they simply don't have the funds to support competitive trends.

The retailer of the store is as responsible for ensuring this, as much as, the LGS' community. Far too often do I see poor management and customer service from retailers. It isn't surprising that people end up leaving their LGS because they do not, nor are they willing to support new customers.

I have had similar experiences at a number of LGS' near me. I first played in a store, and the community was tolerant enough to new players. There were a few people that were hardcore competitive players. One person, in particular, an MTG Pro wannabe, always used to beat down us n00bs with his $300 tier 1 Dark Jeskai net deck. Back then, I didn't know what the trends were, or how to build something competitive to even attempt to challenge them. They were a douche, plain and simple. They weren't gracious in victory, nor were they helpful. They seemed indignant that they were playing someone inexperienced, someone they considered beneath them.
In time I adapted, and so did the others.

However, unless you have that one person, that is willing to make you feel comfortable or accommodated, in your LGS, then it is going to be near impossible for you to want to continue.

Trust me, wanting to stay because it is close and the community SHOULD make you feel accepted, doesn't always happen.
You shouldn't have to keep going to a place that would make you want to die inside just to play magic.
I would suggest finding another place, because, despite the fact you are always going to find that super anal person that values winning and intolerance over all else, there are going to be inexperienced players, like you, that need you to form a clique, one of acceptance and most importantly, having fun playing MTG! ;)

It's not a cop out. If you know nothing and seriously want to learn then suck it up buddy because there's only one way.
When did I say you shouldn't go. I literally said you should because playing the game is the only way to learn. If people sre mean, you just have to consider how badly you want to learn and put up with

Sorin, you misunderstand. He doesn't want to stop playing at his LGS because he can't keep up, or doesn't want to get better. He justs wants to play in a friendly atmosphere, one where people that aren't impatient, and are willing to explain why they made certain plays, or the rulings of the cards, without being made to feel ostracised or stupid.

While I do not condone the way you expressed your view. There is some truth, but in this instance, I feel your point is not phrased in the correct way. These players, despite their nature, are good at playing the game, true enough, and to get better you need to have the mentality of rolling with the punches. But there is a distinction between being a superior player and making others feel uncomfortable because they aren't a part of another's social circle.

Anyway, that's hopefully the end of this discussion. I wish you luck Salohcin in your future experiences.

General Magic / Deckstats Competition - Format Poll
« on: August 27, 2018, 06:15:07 pm »
The poll will run for 14 days, and then I will start the next competition!

General Magic / Re: Deckstats Competition - Make an Artefact Deck!
« on: August 27, 2018, 03:55:59 pm »
Thank you for the kind comments. I've notified Nils to award you karma, if you have not received it already! I'll be starting another topic/poll to ascertain what formats I will be hosting in the future! Stay tuned! :)


General Magic / Re: Deckstats Competition - Make an Artefact Deck!
« on: August 26, 2018, 12:33:25 am »
Here it is folks, what you've been waiting for the results! (Apologies for the wait - Winners will get their Karma soon.)

Third Place

Monte Tribal - Rakdos Standard Eggs (3rd Place)

I want to say congratulations! There were so many decks to chose from, which made this especially tough to judge.

This deck, is both unique and creative. You actually used Pia's Revolution!
Whilst I am prejudice against B/R decks in Standard right now, you have vindicated the colours for this artefact inspired deck.
Having that recursion with Pia, Scrap Trawler and 0 cost thopters, allowing you to replay those implements, is a great idea.
I also like the addition of Sly Requisitioner, using improvise and its servo generation using your combo.
However, you cannot sacrifice them if you don't have the correct mana and at present, you only have 19 lands, despite having Hub and Spires.
Which is why I think you are using Syndicate Trafficker as your sacrifice outlet to then draw a card off them?
It is a great idea, but you need a lot of pieces in place for that to work effectively, whilst holding off threats early game.
You'll have to forgive me but are you intending to use that 1 of Fling on your potentially massive Syndicate Trafficker?
I like your sideboard. Phyrexian Scriptures is so undervalued. I think you could move that Herald of Anguish into your mainboard, if you wanted.

Second Place

Jaster555 - Arcades Artefacts (2nd Place)

I've chosen this as the deck you've submitted, since it was the first.
When I started this competition I saw your deck by chance, and asked you to submit it.
Which you did, and I am glad you did, because I love the idea. It's like Assault Formation, without, well... Assault Formation.
Just loads of artefact walls to assign damage using toughness. Which is hilarious, as you've added Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
Your Bant deck has the right amount and types of land for your deck base to theoretically function nicely.
I like that you mainboarded Padeem Consul of Innovation, as it protects your walls.
Not from wraths, however, which is why you might consider making a sideboard (whilst it was not a condition it would have improved your result)
Add cards like: Negate / Spell Pierce / Commencement of the Festivities or Heroic Intervention
I like that you've added dive down and Aegis of The Heavens as it adds additional toughness, at instant speed, great synergy!
However, you might want to decrease the number of these to 3 max, too many and not enough creatures will cost you late game.
The mana curve is great 2/3 max with Arcades and Padeem topping the curve at 4 (I haven't added the Immortal Sun as it is a single addition)
I know why you have added it, and I think whilst it is good, in standard with the presence of Abrade and Forsake the Worldly, (Despite Padeem) it won't be that useful.
Instead, perhaps Sorcerer's Spyglass? low on the curve and stops Planeswalkers and cards like The Scarab God and Nicol Bolas, The Ravager.

First Place

Delver Mage - Sram's Army (1st Place)

Whilst using vehicles isn't new and the idea of using Peacewalker Colossus has been around, I have not yet seen a deck that implements it in this way.
So congratulations Delver Mage, this is worthy of being named first place!
I like that you have made eight changes to it, it shows that you have been finely tuning this, like a well-oiled machine! (Pun intended)
You have an assemblage of well-chosen artefact vehicles, that work well with your strategy. They don't just sit there doing nothing.
A turn 1 consulate dreadnought whilst does nothing turn 1, it is just a good 1 drop to implement your strategy.
It is also a low-cost artefact to utilise with Toolcraft Exemplar. You then drop a caravan, to add mana, or Aethersphere Harvester for lifelink - Crew Exemplar
This depends on being fast, which is good since you don't need to rely on Peacewalker, you can use Start Your Engines as a finisher.
Since you are running so few creatures, you might be able to get away with a few wraths, or even Settle the Wreckage in your main. Worth considering?

CardAgain Sweater - Tricky Treasure

I want to thank you in advance for supporting me in pushing the community that bit further to post their decks, I am grateful.

A solid deck. Marionette Master is a great strategy.
While I cannot put this in the top three you would most definitely would have been 4th.
I like that you aren't depending on it as your win condition, but the deck still supports it towards the end of the game. (Yahenni)
I see why you have, instead, opted for treasure, instead of the traditional servo - Hidden Stockpile Strategy.
- Goblin Chainwhirler is a threat to creature tokens, especially with the variety of wraths in Standard.
The cards you've selected have great synergy - Dire Fleet Hoarder, Gleaming Barrier.
There are some choices I am not too sure about, which I think makes this deck too vulnerable early game.
(Dusk Legion Zealot, Invigorated Rampage and Supernatural Samina) -
Dusk Legion is great for the early card draw, but have you instead considered Costly Plunder? -
Sacrifice artefact/creatures to produce treasures, and will trigger Marionette Master.
I know that you have added red mana for Cut // Ribbons - Abrade, etc in your sideboard, you have treasure tokens for that.
In this instance, perhaps adding Brass's Bounty, as a 1/2 of, - sacrifice to Marionette Master for the win.
I also think that mono-black would have been better choice, as a personal opinion. You, therefore, could put in more colourless sources, like:
Zafirin Void, which would have been useful, or Inventor's Fair (life gain - search) / Spire of Industry  (mana fixing - if necessary)

Jk31214 - Azorius Artefacts

I haven't seen you enter one of my competitions before. I like the base idea, and you use a lot of low priced $$ cards.
The most expensive being Karn and Tezzeret, and you only use 2 copies of each.
The idea uses non-creature artefacts, augmenting them with Skilled Animator.
I think your deck needs to rely on one strategy. Having Fumigate in a creature heavy deck is counterproductive.
It would work well if you focused on using low-cost artefacts (Short Sword) using wraths Fumigate,
Until you could put the third saga counter on The Antiquities War, which you would swing in with lots of 5/5 artefacts.
You could even put a few Skilled Animators and Tezzeret's Touches if you don't want to just rely on that strategy.

Firegriff - Rise of The Servos

I love the servo's and Mechanized Production strategy, especially in combination with Hidden Stockpile.
If wraths and Goblin Chainwhirler weren't an issue, this deck would be formidable. However, even though it doesn't tick the competitive box,
it does tick the creativity and unique boxes.
Cog Puzzleknot and Servo Schematic are great replacement engines - Especially with Hidden Stockpile.
I am surprised to see that Anointed Procession is missing? Did you consider it too slow?
Your sideboard makes me giddy, especially since you have included Costly Plunder and Phyrexian Scriptures.
I think you could have included Costly Plunder into the mainboard, as a draw engine, as hidden stockpile would have replaced a servo.
It probably would have been an idea to add some treasure sources, since you are running an Esper deck, or perhaps Prophetic Prism (mana fixing)

Burn your Face - Value Town

This is definitely value! It works well and top marks for being competitive. It has threats left and right. (Again, whilst a sideboard wasn't stated, it would have helped)
I would say that you didn't need to mainboard Aether Meltdown as you don't really need it - you need more energy sources.
Instead of putting Metallic Rebuke to 4 copies would be better, perhaps add two max Reverse Engineer, even though you have Tezzeret and Karn.
I love that someone has added Chief of the Foundry! It makes your thopters a serious threat instead of being just a nuisance.
Being Mono-Blue, I don't know why you haven't added at least a single copy of Padeem, Consul of Innovation.
With the mainboarded artefact removal in standard, any artefact deck needs at least one copy! (It also helps with Mox Amber, as he is legendary)

Robort - Thopter Exchange and Change

Haha, you come up with some unique stuff Rob. I like this deck for its creativity. I can't see this winning games.
But, if those thopters live long enough you will be ruining a lot of peoples' day. Taking control of Nicol Bolas with Switcheroo for a thopter is hilarious.
I honestly think the idea is there, but there are too few low-cost thopter generators for this deck to be feasible.
Combining it with servos, or perhaps splashing black for Tezzeret's Touch to augment it further. It just needs a little more support.

Well done everyone, and good luck in the future! You all did great, so don't be disheartened if you didn't place in the top 3! It was a tough decision.  :)

General Magic / Re: Nicol Bolas, the Ravager card rulling question
« on: August 20, 2018, 04:42:14 pm »
Was playing on cockatrice today and my opponent said that he could exile Nicol Bolas, the Ravager from the graveyard and transform him into the planeswalker and put him onto the battlefield
Is this correct?

Just so you know, unless it states that Nicol Bolas, the Ravager 's ability can be activated from the graveyard, then you cannot use it.
It must be on the battlefield for you to activate its exile ability.
That's why most graveyard activated abilities, you see on zombies will state it in the ability description.
I've made this mistake before.

General Magic / Re: Deckstats Competition - Make an Artefact Deck!
« on: August 20, 2018, 04:38:04 pm »
I shall be judging this soon. Stay tuned competitors!  :)

I played Guttersnipe back when it was in Standard during RTR in a burn-extort deck. It kinda worked in that but at times there was other stuff I'd rather play so it just ended up sitting in my hand.

It's still in Standard, as of M19  :P

Deckstats Feedback / Re: Feature request - 4 or 5 point rating system
« on: August 14, 2018, 07:38:18 pm »
I would really like to be able to rate the cards in my collection.  I am not thinking that I would like my ratings to be public, but it would also be cool if the individual private ratings could be averaged to make a public rating.  Only for members, though, and maybe only if you are a level 2 or 3 membership.  That way random folks cannot come in just to skew (troll) the scores from our community.

By level, do you mean whether they are a junior or senior member? Something of a restriction based on post count? Sounds interesting anyway.

General Magic / Re: Deckstats Competition - Make an Artefact Deck!
« on: August 14, 2018, 06:10:41 pm »
-Use Voltaic Servant / Vizier of Tumbling Sands to leverage Traxos, Scourge of Kroog and get multiple uses out of Pacification Array. Also helps keeps creatures untapped for blocking or even Untap lands for extra mana.
-The overall goal of the deck is to control the board long enough to get big creatures out while keeping the opponent's creatures tapped or exiled as much as possible.
-Awakened Amalgam + 18 different land names.

@Jaster, let me know which one of your decks you wish me to judge; as I can only accept one for this challenge. You may change your final decklist any number of times before the competition ends. Good luck!  :)

General Magic / Re: Deckstats Competition - Make an Artefact Deck!
« on: August 12, 2018, 03:48:47 pm »
Great start guys! I need more decks for these tournaments to work, and for me to want to do more, (different formats) in the future. Please, if you have some time do design one!

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Arcades' Artifacts
« on: August 12, 2018, 03:43:56 pm »
Hey, can you do me a favour, and submit your artefact deck into the deckstats competition.
Here is the thread link -,39174.0.html

I'd you have the time, thank you.

Mnemosyne.  :)

General Magic / Deckstats Competition - Make an Artefact Deck!
« on: August 06, 2018, 05:58:12 pm »
Competition time, Deckstats Members!

I want you, the community, to design an artefact standard deck!

I will grade using the following criteria:

Creativity - Something that shows interesting synergy.
Uniqueness - Something that I haven't seen before - Something that isn't a net deck.
Effectiveness - Something that I can see winning an FNM or Standard Tournament with your card selection.

I will award you with the following Karma: (Thanks to Nils)

1st - 10
2nd - 5
3rd - 1

Post your decks below, the competition will finish fourteen days from today -
Sunday 20th of August @ (6PM GMT) - This deadline is final, unless I deem otherwise, so do not ask.


  • A deck that is similar to a deck already posted on this thread, will be overlooked by me, in favour of the first to be posted.
  • Try not to copy an archetype that is currently being used in Standard - Paradoxical Outcome - Unless it uses a different approach
  • You may use any card that is currently in Standard. There is no colour restriction, so if you wanted, you can make it 5 colours.  :P

Any other questions, please Private Message me - Rather than posting questions in this thread.

Happy building! - Mnemosyne  :)

General Magic / Re: Core Set 19 Power Check - By Planeswalker and color
« on: August 06, 2018, 05:36:49 pm »
Playing Tezzeret only using M19 cards. I approached this differently. I think it really depends on the perception of one's choices.
I chose to add a few more Non-Creature spells, and add a playset of Tezzeret. I know you initially had a playset, but I think it is probably better, as a control, to have a playset of all mono planeswalkers in each of your decks.

You are probably right in your deduction. I doubt mono blue can realistically handle mono-green aggro without it compensating for the limitations of the set.

//Lands (21)
1 Detection Tower
22 Island

//Spells (18)
4 Anticipate
4 Essence Scatter
2 Explosive Apparatus
4 Fountain of Renewal
4 Tezzeret, Artifice Master

//Creatures (19)
4 Diamond Mare
3 Exclusion Mage
3 Gearsmith Prodigy
3 Sai, Master Thopterist
3 Skilled Animator
3 Skyscanner

SB: 2 Cancel
SB: 2 Chaos Wand
SB: 3 Dwindle
SB: 3 Meteor Golem
SB: 2 One with the Machine
SB: 1 Skilled Animator
SB: 2 Tezzeret's Gatebreaker

This should work better, I feel. Average curve of 2.41 CMC

General Magic / MOVED: Card Rarity Incorrect On The Site
« on: August 06, 2018, 04:52:14 pm »
This topic has been moved to [Feedback].

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