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Mensagens - forserenity82

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Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 15, 2019, 09:30:56 pm »
Oh, I think I’m going to name the Atraxa infect deck as ‘the viper, the sniper’ at the end when finished. :) I will let y’all know how it goes tomorrow.

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 15, 2019, 09:26:56 pm »
Kudos to Morganator 2.0, Red-Wyrm, and WWolf!!!

Y’all (Yes I’m from Texas) helped immensely for me understand:
1. the big picture of EDH and how it works
2. how to run efficient and effective to strive the deck strategy.
Lots of pops in my brain for playing magic.
3. The importance of mana base, land, and card draw.

Shank you so much! Hugs!!

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 15, 2019, 07:46:18 pm »
I actually decided to create 2 decks; 1 for infect and 1 for +1/+1 counter.
I see points from both of you guys. Valid.

Infect deck is very fun for me. It is like being a sniper.
When I first made an Atraxa infect deck, most of my creatures were infect and very creature heavey. However, my creatures did not make it to infect other opponents in my group's meta due to creatures heavy and removals from opponents.

Then, I thought of HOW I can make it through when it needs to and came up with make my infect creatures stronger and unblockable or return opponent's creature to their hands then strike. It has worked better. With Atraxa on the bettlefield, I can manage to impact an opponent large poison counter. If I have Atraxa on the battlefield and have tainted strike in my hand and an instant to make Atraxa stronger, one turn, one opponent out.

My strategy with the current infect deck is:
Seed poison counter as small in the beginning > defense, proliferate, and draw cards to prepare for later attack > then strike again with infect and finish.

I agree that people don't really worry about my 2/2 infect creature such as Phyrexian Crusader or their poison counter until it is 8.
But, that is my point, I want people to think that my 2/2 infect creature is not a big deal for them and they take the poison counter to get to my calculation. 2 poison counter is 1/5 of total 10 poison counter to win which can be converted to 8 life lose out of starting life of 40. Later in the game, if I can manage to do 7 poison counter with Atraxa on the battlefield to proliferate and an infect creature with instant to make it stronger or 8 poison counter just by a creature with instant without Atraxa on the battlefield in ONE turn, that is like doing 28 to 32 life damage.

Of course, if someone has a card to remove all counters then, I am screwed but, that's where Dovin's veto or any other counterspell becomes helpful from my hand.

My infect deck is more for casual fun:
1. It is exciting to give 8 or 9 poison at a turn and proliferate.
2. It is exciting to watch the board's attention change with the infect strike.
3. It is exciting to see opponent's strategy or anxiety level change with unexpected infect strike.

Regardless, I am going to add +1/+1 counter color into my infect deck to see how it works and create another Atraxa deck with mixture of +1/+1 counter and superfriends.

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 12, 2019, 07:00:39 pm »
or putting a card like center soul, artful maneuver, shelter, or crypsis better since it will give more chance to infect?

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 12, 2019, 06:31:03 pm »
Atraxa aggro infect Revision

Thank you for all giving me feedback and rooms for growth.
After suggestions and feedback, I modified the deck. Can you please review and see if I can tune more?

In addition to you guys' feedback, I added Conqueror's frail. How do you feel about it? Would Grand Abolisher be better or will both of the cards slow down aggro infect?

I am against 3 people in the group that I am playing with.
They usually play:
- Edgar, Markov (Life drain and vamp tokens),
- Angel deck (Angel token, all flying, and lifegain)
- Jodah superfriends
- Feather
- Niv-Mizzet reborn
- Reckdos, the showstopper
- Teysa, Envoy of Ghost
- Child of Alara

Thank you

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 11, 2019, 05:13:27 pm »
Thank you for your feedback. few questions on my end:

Echoing truth: I put that in my deck in case the opponent runs token deck and it will give me a chance to remove it if I have an infect creature on the battlefield to attack next turn. Not a good idea? or not effective?
Displace: What if I have two infect creatures or Atraxa and an infect creature on the battlefield and the opponent casts a spell to destroy creatures and I get to save my creatures?
Turn aside: it costs only one mana to counter to protect my creature. Rather put a different card?
Sleep: if the opponent is running token deck or summon bunch or creatures and I have a infect creature ready to go on the battlefield, I get to untap all the creatures and attack?
Vapor snag: It costs only 1 mana to return a big creature of the opponent and it gives me a chance to attack?
The other cards that you suggested to take out: I see your points.

I am only asking these questions to see if there is something that I don't see or if I am being too narrow minded and don't see the bigger picture so that I can learn and grow so please feel free to let me know. I mean it. I play against 3 other people in the set of 4 people playing.

Your land comments:
Totally makes sense. My strategy is infect aggro. If my lands come in tapped a lot because im worrying about having multi colors available, but it only delays to play my strategy.

Your card suggestions:
Loved to know verify circle. Notion thief + windfall. Thank you. It opened my eyes to another area in magic. Would it be too mean but great to play notion thief at the end of the opponents turn before my turn then, cast windfall on my main phase?

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 10, 2019, 11:22:23 pm »
Thank you both. Upvoting because I appreciate your help :)

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 10, 2019, 07:58:19 pm »
Thank you for your feedback.
Any card draw cards you suggest? I am thinking opt, chart a course, pond, and chemister’s Insight

If you were me, would you put card draw instants or sorcery? Or an enchantment that get me draw or put a creature that triggers me to draw a card?

I’m having a hard time which cards to take out and put more draw cards.

For lands, you make sense. I need Lands that do not come in uptapped so I can get my engine keep going right?

Deck Reviews / [EDH / Commander] Atraxa aggro infect
« em: Junho 10, 2019, 07:12:48 pm »
Atraxa aggro infect

Aggro infect deck with Atraxa for 1v1 or multiplayer.
Any modification or suggestion? such as do I need more card draw cards? Would putting deepglowing skate worth it for 1% draw chance?

Thank you!

Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Esper control Oloro
« em: Junho 06, 2019, 07:43:17 am »
Oh Wow. First of all. Thank you so much. Your detailed explanation meant a lot and is helpful. Knowing that you put much time into it, I really appreciate it. Please see my comment with ">>"

I would cut Blood artist. Not all that many creatures seem to die in commander. Maybe late game when people are going all in for their swings, and people HAVE to block, sacrificing their creatures, but for the most part if two people have a 2/2, they aren't going to trade, they'll just both sit there for a while. So I don't think the small amount of lifegain is worth it.
  >> It makes sense. Thank you.

Jareth, Leonin Titan is a decent card, but I feel like something like Avacyn, Angel of Hope would be better. Neither of them synergize with the deck, but Avacyn is a much better card.
  >> My original thought was to have him protection from color by spending one white mana but, now I know where you are coming from. I will switch to her.

Sphinx of Magosi is a decent card I guess. I would run consecrated sphinx as it is better card advantage, but it might be more of a target than Sphinx of Magosi.
  >> Same thing. Your suggestion is better, it does bring card draw as automatic with his ability.

Tetzimoc, Primal Death is another card that looks great, but it doesn't synergize with the lifegain at all. If you want a strong card, i would go with Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon over Tetzimoc, Primal Death as Skittles is a lot better at winning games.
  >> I see your point. Skithiryx has infect and flying with 6/6 and can be regenerated.

I think Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts is simply a card you don't need. It is so mana intensive, and it doesn't really do too much right away, you need 3+ attacks before you've gotten your mana's worth. It seems like a great card with great abilities, but in reality, it just stops people from attacking you. Knight dude that flies on a lion   (wait lions don't fly) WTF Even is an archon? does a much better job of that.
  >> It makes sense. A question. Blazing Archon costs 9 mana. Do you think it will be worth it?

Collective restraint is based on the number of basic land types, which normally won't be more than 3 (Island, Swamp, Plains) so i would run ghostly prison for the 1 less mana.
  >> That is so true. Already switched to Ghostly prison.

Followed footsteps is a great card. But what are you putting it on? I don't see any game breaking non legendary creatures. If you ran grave titan, you could totally justify running followed footsteps.
  >> I know that you mentioned that it will be better with like grave titan. I don't think I have that card and it is costly. Any other card you suggest?

You are already running sanguine bond. Run exquisite blood. 2 card infinite I win combo.
  >> The group that I play with is 4 people total. Our rule is not to have infinite combo since we want to have more fun to play.
Then should I get rid of sanguine bond and replace with something else?

Disdainful Stroke? Just run counterspell? 2 mana counter any spell as opposed to any spell with cmc four or greater.

Dismember is a decent 1 mana removal spell for some indestructible creatures, but why not just path to exile or swords to plowshares? They both deal with indestructible, don't deal damage to yourself, and don't have the 5 toughness limitations. The lifegain from swords isn't that big of a deal. The land from path is usually more impactful than the life from swords, but not by much.
  >> It makes sense. I have both of those cards. Will switch it.

Okay here is my general Esper removal/control package: Counterspell, Pact of Negation, Swan Song, Stifle, Disallow, Return to Dust, Cyclonic Rift, Render Silent (sometimes), utter end, Anguished unmaking, Path to exile, Swords to plowshares, Supreme Verdict, Merciless Eviction, and one more wrath effect, usually something like austere command. Do with that information what you will. If you have a question about something, please ask and I'll answer, most likely, unless I forget about this post. I don't think I will.
  >> Thank you so much. I wrote those down on my notepad :)

Lose Kaya's Wrath for Fumigate because usually you wont have more than 4 creatures you're losing because esper isn't known for its go wide stragety.
  >> Will do. it makes sense.

I used to always include chromatic lantern. But I am starting to question it because my mana base is usually solid enough that I don't need the extra fixing. Recently I choose darksteel ingot instead because people can't Krosan Grip it.
  >> I thought exactly the same thing. Rather have dark steel ingot since it is indestructible.

Since you are running new teferi, time raveler, maybe vedalken orrery and/or leyline of anticipation for a similar effect? They are great cards.
  >> Wow. Thank you. Teferi, time raveler is such a good card!

My favorite black card is Bolas's Citadel. And I always run necropotence and aetherflux reservoir with it. Bolas's Citadel combined with aetherflux reservoir will eventually gain you life as you cast more spells than the amount of mana it costs to cast them. For example: You cast 3 spells on your turn, then use the citadel to cast the top card of your library, which is 2 mana, you gain 4 life from the reservoir, and lose two to the citadel. Is there a land that you can't cast on top of your library? Pay one life with necropotence to exile it and get it out of the way.
  >> I wanted to put Bolas's citadel but I felt bad to put it in. I wondered if opponents will hate me or not. A question, If I run necropotence and aetherflux together in the mid game. Won't people try to get rid of my aetherflux because they fear that I could win soon? or should I save it to cast until I have life more than 50 life and can cast it the next turn with counter spell in my hand?

Alhammarret's Archive and Crested Sunmare are also great includes. So is Regna, the Redeemer. Pristine talisman has proven to be annoying to play against. Not because of the 1 life but because it is another separate source of lifegain.
  >> I am definitely putting Regina, the redeemer and pristine talisman! I know what you mean. I have alhammarret's archive and crested sun mare in my storage. I will bring them out. I think they will make me feel safe with many blockers or attackers and I can breathe and save others removal cards for me.

Urborg, Tomb of yawgmoth + Cabal Coffers or Crypt Ghast is awesome.
  >> I have Crypt Ghast but not Urborg, tomb of yawgmoth + cabal coffers :( and they are costly.

Torment of Hailfire is a good win condition. Phyrexian Reclamation is great to cast your bombs again if they get killed. Also Boon Reflection and Rhox Faithmender are great. Felidar sovereign and Test of Endurance are great. And Darksteel mutation on someone's commander is brutal.
  >> Thank you. Darksteel mutation is better than Kasmina's Transmutation that I thought of putting in. it is because of the indestructible ability right? the Opponent will either have to put minus effect on the commander or exile it. It made me laugh so hard when you introduced it. :) Thank you for that laugh. I would scream inside of me so much if someone did that to my commander.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry this is so long. But I hope I was at least a little helpful and not too terribly useless. Best of luck to you kind sir (or madame).
  >> Not at all. I actually really appreciate it and sorry for more questions. You opened my brain to another area in magic and I feel good that I am learning.

Edit: I wanted to point out that anything that has a decent ETB (Enter the battlefield) trigger will be great with followed footsteps, not specifically grave titan, although he is an absolute power house
 >> I mentioned earlier but grave titan is costly. Any other creature you recommend? That match up is this Sunday!

Deck Reviews / [EDH / Commander] Esper control Oloro
« em: Junho 05, 2019, 09:49:36 pm »
[EDH / Commander] Esper Oloro

Can someone please please give me some feedback on my deck?
Still a newbie. 6 months out.

1. How does the synergy in my deck look like for life gain?
2. Should I decrease the number of creature and increase other parts or add more white color into my deck?
3. Any cards you suggest to add to bring more synergy out of life gain and control?

Thank you!

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