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Messages - llamadude

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Deckstats Feedback / Re: Can't scroll through list
« on: February 05, 2024, 04:41:15 pm »
Seems to be working for me now!

I'm glad for the fix, but I'd also appreciate some communication about what's going on with all of this stuff...

Deckstats Feedback / Re: Can't scroll through list
« on: February 05, 2024, 03:25:09 am »
Just started seeing it now too.

This in addition to my thread about server issues (,71747.0.html) is making me a bit nervous about the state of DeckStats...  :-\

EDIT: I forgot to mention that this is happening in both Firefox and Chrome for me.

EDIT: Another interesting (and useful) note-- it's only the desktop site. The mobile version seems to be working fine for me on Android Firefox, but if I switch to the desktop version of the site on the same, I have the same problem of no scrolling.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: Server issues??
« on: January 28, 2024, 06:43:27 pm »
Fighting with it again now. Just trying to search for cards in the deck builder, and it keeps hanging on "Processing..."

At one point I got something about not being able to connect to the card database, and if it keeps happening I should post about it on the forum.

Trying to load the forum took a few reloads and some waiting too.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: Server issues??
« on: January 26, 2024, 04:05:24 am »
Getting it again right now. Tried to save a deck after making a change, and it hung. After a few minutes I clicked the X button to close the "Please Wait" popup telling me it was trying to save, and then clicked Save again. After a minute or so I got: "Error: A database error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please report this issue to us. ()" Closing that I got a red error box in the bottom right saying, "HTTP connection error: 524. Please try again in a few minutes."

It tends to work after a while, but it is quite frustrating to waste so much time on errors like this.

Deckstats Feedback / Server issues??
« on: January 23, 2024, 03:59:50 am »
I've been having a lot of usability issues recently which seem to be server side.

For example, it just took me about 15 minutes to get the latest changes to my deck to save. I just kept getting 524 errors, "Error: A database error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please report this issue to us. ()", or "Error: Cannot update this revision." (Among maybe one or two others, I think.)

I think this has only really gotten bad in the last maybe week or three. Before then, I had occasional issues, but clicking the relevant button a second time would make it work. Now, it's fairly frequent that search results will just hang for a while, until I redo the search (eg. delete a character from the search field and then fill it in again). Etc.

Is this just me? Are there any plans to address this? Deckstats is by far my favorite collection/deck management site, but if this keeps up it's going to be unusable for me.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: How can I improve this 5c flash deck?
« on: June 06, 2023, 11:44:16 pm »
The current build has the following breakdown of the nonland cards, by the way:

37 spells with flash
7 instants
10 non-flash ramp spells
8 non-flash non-ramp non-instant spells (including Ramos, and including Rout which can be cast at instant speed)

Commander Deck Reviews / How can I improve this 5c flash deck?
« on: June 06, 2023, 11:22:09 pm »
I've not really touched Magic in the last 6 months or so, but I suddenly got invited to a commander game in a few weeks. I've got a couple of older decks lying around, but I thought I'd try my hand at something I've wanted to do for a while-- a flash deck!

This is not expected to be super competitive, and it has its fair share of pet cards already, but I'd like it to be fun and at least pull some weight at the table.

One of my regular problems with my decks is that I tend to choose commanders people are afraid of, and so I end up being Enemy Number 1 off the bat... Ramos, Dragon Engine is no exception, but I intend to inform everyone that I did not intentionally add any real powerful combos with him-- I chose him simply as a 5 color commander who happens to work decently well with the theme. Which is true. (And the reason I went 5c is because decent flash options are limited in most smaller color combinations.)

The idea with this deck is to be fairly, "Draw, Go!" I want a majority of my game to take place on other peoples' turns. I also want to discourage attacks on myself by leaving up my mana and letting people realize I've got a bunch of instant speed interaction. I want to also be building incremental advantage as I go, instead of being too explosive.

One of the main pet cards I wanted to at least give a chance of working is Slitherwisp. So there were plenty of times I erred on the side of cards with flash instead of other options. The few exceptions were cards I thought were just too good/effective to leave out.

I'm hoping my card advantage will work well, so to avoid it working TOO well, I've included Laboratory Maniac and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries.

I've got a small handful of kinda trash flash cards (Jeskai Barricade, Niambi, Esteemed Speaker, Rescuer Chwinga) which will allow me to bounce things back to my hand. I intend to use these defensively (blockers for non-tramplers, avoiding targeted spells), but also to reuse cards and get ETB and cast triggers multiple times.

(There actually ARE a few little combos in the deck using a lot of that bouncing, but they're not really intended... and they're kinda trash. For example, Ramos, Dragon Engine + Hullbreaker Horror + [2x permanents with total CMC<=5, and no more than one of each color symbol in their combined mana costs, but a total of 3 distinct color symbols, or if one of them is Dockside Extortionist depending on the board state] can set up an endless loop which Slitherwisp can make use of. Depending on the setup, the above loop could also/instead bounce all opponent's nonlands or create infinite mana. But that's about it.)

Anyway, I digress. Goldfishing has been a bit lackluster so far.

Do you have any suggestions? I'd love to hear them!

EDIT: Accidentally wrote Flickerwisp instead of Slitherwisp... some pet card, huh?

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Jared - Attempt 3
« on: September 14, 2022, 06:06:19 pm »
Do you have any particular feedback you're looking for? I don't think you'll get much from just posting a list.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Alaundo Storm v2.0
« on: September 14, 2022, 04:00:43 pm »
I like the concept!

I'm not a cEDH expert, but after giving it a few goldfishes I don't think it's quite fast enough, consistent enough, or robust enough, to be very good in cEDH.

Perhaps I don't know how to play the deck well enough (or what is a keeper hand), but it seems to be inconsistent at getting its combo going. Or at least for more than a couple cycles. Partially this is due to the fact that I seemed to spend most of the combo topdecking with Alaundo, hoping to find something else to be able to cast. And that usually petered out after a few cards.

There is also no interaction that I could find in the entire deck. You need to be able to stop other players from completing their gameplans, and you also need to be able to protect Alaundo.

Lastly, Commander's Sphere should never be in any deck, in my humble opinion, and especially not a competitive one! xD

I do like the idea, and it rather reminds me of my (casual) Jadzi, Oracle of Arcavios deck (

It might play great at more casual tables, but I think it will struggle in something more competitive. And it could benefit either way from some more interaction!

Commander Deck Reviews / Two Decks-- God Tribal and Shapeshifter Tribal
« on: September 14, 2022, 02:51:51 am »
My playgroup is doing a tribal deckbuilding challenge, the basics of which are that each deck has to have at least 25 cards of the same creature type or directly supporting that type. There are more details, but that's really the important bit.

I've built two, and have finally whittled them down to seemingly reasonable decks. I'd really appreciate any ideas though, as I've never built tribal before! (Just FYI, I also mostly avoid infinite or insta-win combos, though sometimes they're too good to avoid...)

God Tribal - The goal is to survive long enough to get out lots of useful Gods-- benefiting from the fact that they're both creatures and enchantments, often have ridiculously good abilities, and many are indestructible. Generally one of my first goals will be to get WUBRG and The Prismatic Bridge.

Shapeshifter Tribal - The main idea is synergy with Reaper King-- all changelings are also scarecrows, so once getting him out there (hopefully with protection to avoid him being removed) I can start removing peoples' boards, including lands if there aren't too many threats. There's also a bit of flicker synergy, to gain more from those ETBs, as well as random other type synergies too such as with Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero. One of the things I'd really like to do is find a way to fit Thassa, Deep-Dwelling in there, as she's a perfect target for a one-mana Coveted Prize... but I'm not sure what to cut! I want to keep my changeling percentage as high as possible, and I've already cut it down a bit...

If you have any advice, please share!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Mono-White Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
« on: July 25, 2022, 02:51:26 pm »
Great suggestions, thank you!

I don't currently have a Halo Fountain, but I actually like this suggestion best since it really can do a lot of work without being a win-con. I didn't like the card when it was first spoiled, since I'm not usually such a fan of explicit "win the game" effects, but I don't think I realized its utility outside of that before.

I'm at least going to stick in Walking Ballista though, as it can also be a mana sink even if I don't have Heliod out.

I'm hesitant about Reservoir though, since the lifegain in the deck isn't the strongest, and I often get stuck topdecking lands after too long while goldfishing, so I don't even have a lot of spells to feed it.

Thank you! And I'll see if I can acquire a Halo Fountain to stick in there too!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Mono-White Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
« on: July 25, 2022, 04:52:29 am »
I've goldfished it a few more times, and while I'm worried that it has the tendency to just spit out lands and not do much else, I'm mostly satisfied.

However, my main issue is the lack of alternate win-cons. I'd like to find something which fits the deck better; I don't want to just jam in something like Approach of the Second Sun.

Any ideas? Thank you!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Why does no one like Jon's gifts?
« on: July 22, 2022, 03:22:56 pm »
Exactly-- since it's a normal part of the game, I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not. You seem to be implying that it might not be the biggest concern though, which is a good sign!

I agree Merchant isn't the best choice, I just wasn't finding much better in these colors in my collection. I was going to say that I would LOVE to use Exquisite Blood but it's out of my price range... but apparently I haven't checked the price in a while! Wow! Thanks for the tip!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Why does no one like Jon's gifts?
« on: July 22, 2022, 03:56:22 am »
I got rid of the four (main) tutors (Beseech the Queen, Grim Tutor, Mausoleum Secrets, and Profane Tutor), since the deck isn't really searching for many specific pieces. It's always nice to be able to find what you need for the moment, but it's not so necessary in a deck like this, especially in more casual settings.

So that solves the last problem, about cutting cards!

EDIT: I decided to take out Blood Speaker (too clunky, and I'd rather just have a threat), Bubble Matrix (decided it's more worth it for my gifts to die sometimes than that damage almost never gets through), and Evil Eye of Urborg (actually turns my other gifts into blockers, and enables opponents to get rid of them via combat).

I replaced them with In Garruk's Wake (safer late-game kill-switch than Homeward Path), Ophiomancer (endless gifts which I am okay getting back with Homeward Path, as well as good blockers), and Strionic Resonator (I had taken it out a while ago because I thought it was only Win More, primarily used to copy Jon's ability-- but I realized it can also copy most of my gifts abilities).

EDIT 2: I was tired. Strionic Resonator only works on abilities I control, so it DOESN'T work on gifts. I've replaced it with Baleful Strix for now.

EDIT 3: Random downvotes with no explanation. Yay, thank you. Very helpful.

Commander Deck Reviews / Why does no one like Jon's gifts?
« on: July 22, 2022, 03:33:45 am »
As soon as I saw Jon Irenicus, Shattered One, I knew I needed to build that deck. So now I've almost completed it!

There are few things in particular I'd like some help with, though I'm always open to other advice too!
I'd love any input on any of these issues! Thank you!

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