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Messages - Capt Forest

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
Deck Comments / Re: Konrad - Comments
« on: September 26, 2024, 04:20:03 pm »
just drop the cut downs for another removal and this one is good to go in jackson

Deck Comments / Re: Frightening Foraging - Comments
« on: September 09, 2024, 06:11:01 pm »
Capt Forest will provide:
2x cut down
1x spider Food
1x duress
3x swamp
3x forest

Deckstats Feedback / Re: deck price discrepancies
« on: September 09, 2024, 05:23:15 am »
The overview tab is taking the prices of the cheapest version of each card in the deck.

Deck Comments / Re: Jackson Format ban list - Comments
« on: September 05, 2024, 06:55:36 am »
Our league is going through some major changes as we close the chapter and move out of our home for at least the next two months. During this time couch surfing I do expect attendance to drop off and with that running a quality Two Headed Giant tournament will be harder. This is not just due to the drop in attendance but also specifically the players that enjoy THG are retired, in hiatus or not interested in traveling to the new venues to game. Along with that the players who are week in week out gamers are not enthusiastic about the THG format. With that I am going to be phasing out the THG format and will begin the process of filling the void.

I have reached out to several of you about the potential for a new budget format. I have gathered opinions from many of the players in the league and the rough idea has been well received. The name of the format is tentatively known as “Jackson” format. Your deck will have a $20 cap that you must remain under.

Your deck will consist of at least 60 cards, and you may have up to a 15-card side deck. These 75 cards will count towards the salary cap of the deck. I have tentatively set the cap to $20 hence the developmental name “Jackson” format since Andrew Jackson is the man on the $20 bill. I have researched all the cards banned from all relevant formats from Throne of Eldrain forward. The Jackson format will have a comprehensive ban list that will follow closely to wizards of the coast. The reason for this style ban list which is unusual for our league is that when cards get banned out of 60 card formats the price tends to plummet. These cards would in general have a power to price ratio that is skewed due to the ban. Here is a link to the cards banned out of Jackson format:
This format could in theory take more upkeep when compared to the other formats we play since card prices tend to fluctuate over time. This is not a bad thing; this means that the format will be one that evolves over time. Older cards that are no longer in rotation will drop in price while the newer cards will be more expensive. As time passes players may discover new tech that brings the price of a card up causing a deck to move around resources to keep the card at its new price or cut the card completely and look for a unique replacement. This is inherently self-balancing. To keep the playing field level, we will be using as our system to determine the value of a deck. Many of us already use but some of us prefer other deckbuilding tools such as Areas deck builder or Mox field or even some old school guys still use the kitchen table. All of those things are fine, you can export a list into deckstats and it will give you a valuation. The $20 salary cap is not set in stone, it realistically could be $21.40 or as high as $25. I think $20 is a fine starting point and we can turn the salary cap dial up or down as we see fit.

This does not mean we will never play THG again, it just means that for now while we are couch surfing as a league it will be phased out. I do still plan to run a THG event using the tribes of Bloomburrow rules in Oct if interest is there.

If I have not spoken to you about this new idea, I would like to get those opinions as soon as you have them.

Common questions
Q: if I want to Gucci out my deck will that affect the $20 cap?
A: No, the deck will be based on the cheapest version of the cards available no matter what version you bring to the table. 

Q: Can I proxy expensive cards and count the value I paid for the proxy as the cost?
A: No, the amount you paid to acquire a card will not change its value as it relates to your $20 cap.

Q: How will we track the value of the deck?
A: We will be using the website to track the value of the deck. If you are not using this website, please make an account. It’s a very useful tool for deck building.

Q: What happens when the prices of cards change?
A: The price of cards fluctuates over time; you will need to track the changes in your decks cost as the tournament approaches. makes this very easy to do so you don’t exceed the cap.
Q: Do I have to have a 15-card side deck?
A: No, you do not have to have a side deck. This becomes a strategic deck building choice. If you allocate funds to the side deck or use the entire salary cap on the 60 and forgo a side deck entirely. You may also have fewer than 15 cards in the side deck. The total cards cannot exceed the Salary Cap.

General Magic / Re: Youtube Links
« on: September 05, 2024, 03:52:57 am »
It seems possible.

Commander Discussion / Re: Best Boardwipe in Commander
« on: September 03, 2024, 04:16:51 pm »
Final showdown is an instant speed wipe. I think its crazy

Deck Comments / Re: Aegar control (Artisan) - Comments
« on: August 31, 2024, 06:42:33 pm »
8/30/24: Ranked match (1 - 0)
GW Title Match - Vs. DeckSmith WU Artifriends 2 - 0

Notes from set, This match happened because after last weeks set restricted event should my brother have passed me on the elo to become Grand Wizard, I would invoke my immediate rematch clause. Now this clause has never been used before but since i have been Grand Wizard for over 11 months straight i deemed myself eligible for it and my Brother being a good sport took the match. This set is the epilogue to the deck i so fondly refer to as InAegarWeTrust. *going 3rd person* The stage was set, the two brothers facing off in a title match. The two decks have each won multiple Artisan titles and in the process beaten each other. This leaves the series between the two best in meta decks tied at one win apiece. It was only fitting that with the title on the line in the third match up between these two decks Capt Forest defaulted to InAegarWeTrust one last time. Game one Capt Forest was able to avoid most of the heavy pressure that artifriends is able to apply early. Capt Forest got Avalanche Caller to stick and wore down DeckSmith to take game one with a well placed Negate to protect the caller. Game 2 Capt Forest side boarded in 3 abrade and one fading hope. These spells were added to the deck as a way to deal with the oppressive artifact beatdown Artifriends is capable of. Capt Forest side deck came to play as in his opening hand g2 he had 2 abrades and one negate. Capt Forest was able to position these cards to thwart any oppressive artifact synergies DeckSmith was able to mount. Capt Forest then got avalanche caller to stick again and along with a flipped delver of secrets applied huge pressure turn after turn until the game was won! Capt Forest retains the title and takes the series 2-1 vs Atrifriends. This is the proper send off for Aegar. One of the most successful decks i have ever built and played. STILL THE KING!

Deck Comments / Re: Obliterator Beatdown Tribal - Comments
« on: August 31, 2024, 05:53:25 pm »
Obliterator Beatdown Tribal
Overall Record after 2 events 6 - 1
Swiss Championship

8/30/24: Swiss Championship (3 - 0)
R1: - Vs. King Fro GW Human Enchantment 2 - 0
R2: - Vs. Waddell BW Clerics 2 - 1
R3: - Vs. Ty Mono Black Clerics 2 - 0

Notes from the event, Deck played strong. R1 i played King Fro who was the reigning champ in the format playing his championship deck. I rolled him, he did not draw the right combination of colors for his lands. King Fro is a creative deck builder but his mana bases are very weak. He overrates pathways and does not have enough dual lands in his deck. If he properly built his mana base he be much less likely to run into the problem of not having the right color in a 2 color deck. After I beat him and he blamed his bad draws for the loss, he promptly dropped out of the event, went home, advised me that he will not be playing the THG event next week and that he was just going to start playing yugioh again. R2 i was in a dog fight with Waddell, i won game one, Waddell had to mulligan down to 5 cards. Game 2 i got him down to one life on 2 separate occasions and he was able to rebound. The first instance i had invoke despair in my hand and one in my gy. Waddell cast deadly cover up and then collected evidence to exile invoke from my hand in a very high level play. He won game 2. Game 3 i side boarded in sword o forge and frontier. Weddell was running at least 5 board wipes i needed to be able to keep some power on the field in-between the removal. The sword allowed me to stock cards in my hand and just play off the top. I played through depopulate, deadly cover up twice and 2 the meat hook massacre before i was able to win g3. G3 went to turns. r3 i played ty and won easily. I did not get a single Phyrexian obliterator trigger all night. I think the deck needs man lands. Ill add restless cottage and see how that helps. This was also the last event at Tys until at least Nov 1st.

Deck Comments / Re: Obliterator Restricted - Comments
« on: August 25, 2024, 10:17:35 am »
8/24/24: Swiss 2nd Set Restricted (2 - 1)
Winners R1 - Vs. King Fro 3 BGU Toxic ONE 2 - 1
Winners R2 - Vs. Holyman RW WOE 2 - 0
Finals - Vs. DeckSmith BW WOE 1 - 2

Notes from the event, Beating King Fro round was a good win, deck did what it needed to do duress set up Glissa sunslayer by taking his only removal spell away, i then got sword of forge and frontier equipped and ran away with the game. r2 vs Holyman aggro deck i drew many weaker creatures and was able slowly win then in g2 i ripped the Phyrexian obliterator ruthless predation combo and won. In the finals i lost g1 it was a good game, g2 i won brother mulled twice, in game three i took everything away from him and we began to topdeck while i had obliterator on board. This should have been over except he tops candy grapple and bargains it  to neg 5 my obliterator. Then i top Bloated Contaminator and think that ok ill beat you down with this. I pass turn and brother top decks the end. I hit land after land while he hits an archon of the wild rose and proceeds to beat me down unopposed. losing in the finals in g3 off the top like that hurts but the performance was good enough for a 2nd place metal 🥈

Deck Comments / Re: new artisan - Comments
« on: August 16, 2024, 04:21:20 pm »
Take a look at these cards Distorted Curiosity, i think this one should find its way into the deck as possibly a 3 or 4 of. Then check out this as a counter spell option Bring the Ending. As a counter spell bring the ending is nice early in the game when you dont have poision on the opp they likely will not be able to pay the 2 if you are casting on curve. Later in the game when you have the poison on them it will not care how much mana they have cause you will have them at 3 counters 

Deck Comments / Re: new artisan - Comments
« on: August 16, 2024, 04:15:51 pm »
How about the sac draw dual or the desert dual over the life gain land?

Deck Comments / Re: new artisan - Comments
« on: August 15, 2024, 03:19:20 am »
What do you think of Reject Imperfection and anoint with affliction?

Deck Comments / Re: Aegar control (Artisan) - Comments
« on: August 11, 2024, 03:58:32 am »
8/9/24: Swiss 3rd place Artisan (2-1)
R1 - Vs. Tashaun BU Zombies 2 - 0
R2 - Vs. DeckSmith WU Arti Beatdown 1 - 2
R3 - Vs. Plunder mono Black Negar control 2 - 0

Notes from event, This event will serve as a pseudo retirement for the deck fondly know as InAegarWeTrust. The torch was passed in this event to Artifriends as the King of Artisan. I prepared for this tourney attempting to continue my reign as Grand Wizard and worked on this deck to give me the best chance to win the event. My goal is to hold onto the title for a whole year, Sept, 9th makes that mark. I played vs DeckSmith Artifriends deck in r2 i won a grindy game one leveraging avalanche caller. in g2 i played like a coward and looking back on the game should have been playing the beatdown not the control. I was afraid of the power of Artifriends but in g2 that power did not show up and i gave up so many turns prepping for a problem that did not come i played like a coward and lost to fliers. g3 i felt that power that i was looking out for in g2. DeckSmith played the beatdown and destroyed me with ease. My side board cards did not show up and i kept a hand with no early game interaction. DeckSmith went on to win the event. r3 i played cousin of Aegar, Negar. I won this grindy mu 2-0 beating the cross town rival :) Aegar will be put on the shelf following this event. I will challenge DeckSmith to a ranked match one more time Aegar vs Artifriends as the two decks are the best decks the Artisan format has ever seen and are tied at one set each in the match up. After that Aegar will likely show up only for circuit play. I loved this deck and the legacy its left behind over the past year.  side note i swapped out sprite dragon for delver of secrets. Im going to keep delver in for now it played fine. p.s im still the grand wizard as i make this journal entry 29 days till i meet the one year mark, God Willing. 

Deck Comments / Re: With Aegar till Valhalla (THG) - Comments
« on: August 11, 2024, 03:58:00 am »
8/2/24: Swiss 2nd place THG (2-1) w/Ty WU Reanimator
R1 - Vs. King Fro & Princess Fro BU Mill and mono U mill 0-1
R2 - Vs. Holyman & Ginger Reigh RW Dwarves & Mono Green All will be one 1 - 0
R3 - Vs. Mitch & Slump GR Dinos & mono W Angels 1-0

Notes from event, r1 vs mill my team stood no chance, i was stuck on 3 lands all game. I was also the target for the mill players. I loaded up my deck with counter magic and attempted to counter Tasha's Hideous Laughter but my offer you cant refuse was met with test of talents while. To make matters worse i had a second offer in my hand that was also taken. We lost that game handedly as the mill players went on to easily win the event. r2 i was stuck on 3 lands again but Ty was able to take the game over out of his graveyard. Beating Holyman and Ginger Reigh almost single handedly. R3 was a big match vs Mitch and Slump both pr players. With my team having both decks playing lights out on curve into our more powerful spells. On t5 Ty had Atraxa, Grand Unifier on the board from invoke justice. He also passed my bone crusher giant 4 +1+1 counters while i had calamity bearer on the field. Both Atraxa and bone crusher giant got removed. On t6 Ty recast Atraxa from the yard and the opponents scooped it up. This list was changed to suit the partnership with Ty as the list above does not use bone crusher or offer in the deck.

General Magic / Re: Which Booster Packs are worth buying to open :-)
« on: August 09, 2024, 05:43:39 pm »
If you are using them to draft they are all worth it since the value you get from the pack is not tied exclusively to the secondary market price you could potentially sell the card for but is instead giving you value through a night of entertainment playing with the cards that you would otherwise never look at twice.

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