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Messages - deaddman9

Pages: [1] 2 3
Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Early Polymorph
« on: March 11, 2018, 11:23:29 pm »
You don't have enough artifacts to consistently activate the metalcraft on mox opal. You should take out the MB artifacts and put in cantrips/ways to see more cards in your deck.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Wurms plz help
« on: May 31, 2016, 02:34:37 am »
Wall of roots works very well for ramping with convoke spells (i.e. Autochthon Wurm). I would definitely take out broodhunter wurm, I don't even think I'd keep that card in a draft.

Ramping into creatures that big can't really be done with one drop mana dorks. You'll play out your hand and hit a brick wall. I would play 6-8 +1 mana cards, and 6-8 +2 mana cards (like explosive vegetation).

Deck Reviews / Re: NEED HELP!!! Infect Deck
« on: May 28, 2016, 04:07:15 am »
I think you should build more toward mono green with only using a few hand disruption and creature removal spells from black.

I don't know how much you've play tested it, but it looks a bit slow for modern. I'd try curving out around three with only a few (if any) 4-drops. Also, I'd run a large number of 1 or 2 cost pump spells.

I really like that you're building infect without straight up net decking, definitely keep us updated!

General Magic / Re: which one
« on: May 02, 2016, 02:33:43 am »
If anyone's interested, look up "Elemental Combo" decks in the modern format. They're decks that are centered around using nivmagus elemental's ability and may give a bit of insight on how to make it work best. The best mechanics to pair with the card are phyrexian mana (to feed it faster) and storm cards, because you can exile every copy or just a few if you want.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] Elemental Researchers
« on: April 21, 2016, 05:55:50 pm »
If you're going to rely on the combo, you should add in some transmute and draw cards to thin the deck. Aether vial would be more useful if you ran more creatures in the deck. I like the idea of using it, since it allows you to leave mana open to play some disruption, but if you're only running 4 creatures I'd suggest taking it out.

Rather than going the pure-combo route you could add in some other cards that synergize well (but not infinitely) with the combo peices.

This is a cool combo, I've never seen anyone use it before.

Deck Comments / Re: $9 Infinite Combo - Comments
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:49:39 am »
More cantrips! Especially ones that help you control while you're at it, but above all else you need the extra draw. I know it'd bring up the price, but if you own a playset of remand definitely use those. This is a sweet deck!

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] UR Prowess Tempo
« on: March 12, 2016, 03:49:16 am »
Definitely stick with UR, as robort said KTK and FRF will be phasing out and playing 3 colors without fetchlands and only 21 lands will be way too clunky.

If you already own a playset of Jace's then I'm jealous. If not, then I would suggest only running 2 as the cost/benefit ratio goes way up for 3+ in a deck like this.

Also, I would suggest running 3 roast MB rather than 2, with 1 in SB. I find mid-range decks to be relatively tough match-ups for prowess decks (and roast is good against them) and control decks to be relatively easy match-ups for prowess (where all the dragons make roast suck).

All in all, this deck looks like it'd be way fast and definitely have some solid staying power.

Deck Reviews / [Modern] Land Tapper (Combo)
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:24:10 am »
Land Tapper (Combo)

Stack enchant lands onto a single forest, then use the (Arbor Elf / Magus of the Candelabra / Voyaging Satyr) + (Seedcradle Witch / Umbral Mantle) combo to get a creature as big as you'd like.

Gitaxian Probe and Manamorphose are in there for free deck thinning, Irresistible Prey is in there for the same purpose but also to destroy any block-worthy creatures they have with your giant Arbor Elf!

Budget deck intended for fun.

Let me know what you think! If I actually buy this deck I'll likely build an SB with alternate wincons/hate cards.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] Blue Black Ingest Tempo/Control
« on: February 29, 2016, 07:51:19 pm »
One small change I might suggest is taking out the bearer of silences for 3 more salvage drone and perhaps another sludge crawler.

Since you really only want to play the bearer of silence with its extra cost, it's essentially a 4CMC creature which you already have enough of in my opinion. Also, for a tempo deck, you already have a solid amount of creature control.

The salvage drones work great in tempo decks since they offer you an early chump blocker, and getting that extra draw/discard option is great for finding cards that will help you edge out a board advantage faster.

You have some great mechanics going with all of the cards you're putting in exile and being able to move them over to GY for the strangers and nullifiers.

General Magic / Re: Slip Through Space
« on: February 24, 2016, 08:02:47 pm »
Thanks Jace! Due to your suggestion I'm actually looking into splashing red for expedite and replacing the merfolk for 4 stormchaser mage. Also, with the expedite taking my 1-drop for an extra draw count up to 8 cards I may be able to cut out a few lands. The only reason I have 20 is that I need 2 mana to trigger most of my draw abilities. If only monastery swiftspear wasn't going out of standard here soon!

About Zada, I can't believe that his copies would let you draw more, that's incredible. If only titans strenth let you draw 1 instead of scry 1, because that would be an awesome combo as well.

Deck Reviews / [Standard] Quicknasty
« on: February 24, 2016, 04:40:09 am »

Low CMC budget deck, fill up the board early and try to prevent your opponent from doing so.

Let me know any suggestions/what you think!

General Magic / Re: Slip Through Space
« on: February 24, 2016, 02:56:14 am »
So I actually built a mono blue draw deck to test this, I have creatures with prowess and every spell I play is centered around getting my attackers thru, bumping their prowess, and drawing a new card to sustain it every turn. I'm playing with 20 lands and its working great, I draw plenty of lands since I'm essentially cycling through the cards in the deck. Heres a link:

No SB yet but I'm going to build one here soon. Its stupid fun to play (and under $10), and I havent had any mana issues yet.

Deck Reviews / [Standard] Inverted
« on: February 23, 2016, 05:48:19 pm »

Mill yourself and drop as many Erebos's Titan / Languish / Chandra's Ignition as you see fit until you play an Inverter of Truth and get all those cards back in your deck.

Most of the time you can win with just the control cards and a titan or inverter or two. Main board is built for playing against aggro, SB is to modify the deck against control.

Please share any thoughts/suggestions.

Deck Reviews / [Standard] Mono Blue Draw Combo
« on: February 23, 2016, 03:16:26 am »
Mono Blue Draw Combo

A dirt cheap deck simply intended to be fun. Palace familiar and salvage drones are in there to block and die and help you draw what you need when they die. Everything else is to get a sustained storm going while enabling your creatures to attack unblocked and get really big. 20 lands is plenty, since you draw through half your deck by turn 7. Just don't get milled...

Deck Reviews / Re: [Standard] token to dragon
« on: February 21, 2016, 06:25:07 am »
I would suggest taking out flameshadow conjuring and the devour in flames for 6 more lands. Maybe even a couple other cards for 7 or 8 more lands. 16 with 4 Sac lands is very slim, you would have to go thru nearly half your deck to get the 6 mana required for descent of the dragons

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