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Nachrichten - NimrodPlanetE

Seiten: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: FATAL WIN NOBODY BEATS ME - Comments
« am: Januar 31, 2018, 04:02:18 Nachmittag »
I concede. Please don't hurt us moar ;D

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] mono creature clerics
« am: Januar 24, 2018, 03:29:59 Nachmittag »
Good idea, but manacurve is way too high. You'll be dead before you get started.

Deck Comments / Re: Drax's Elven Swarm - Comments
« am: Dezember 23, 2017, 11:51:44 Nachmittag »
Play 15 to max 20 Forests, that's more than enough because you've got 3 mana-ramp elves and Growing Rites. With this deck 23 Forests is just too much.
My suggestions: -3 Forests, +1-2 Hunt Master, +1 Essence Warden. If not a third Hunt Master, then maybe 1 Joraga Warcaller or 1 Nullmage Shepherd.

Deck Comments / Re: $10 Goblin Deck to Beat EVERYONE - Comments
« am: November 20, 2017, 12:20:36 Vormittag »
Although I like your deck, there are some serious problems.
1) Play 20 lands, that's enough. Maybe even 18.
2) Don't play Battle Hymn because you have nothing to pump that mana into. Maybe a fireball or another X-mana spell for damage if you really want Battle Hymn like Fall of the Titans.
3) Instead of Battle Hymn: Cast (spot) removal like Blazing Volley or something cheap for 1 or 2 mana.
4) DO NOT PLAY Goblin Cohort. If you can't cast creatures, this is dead weight. Honestly there are very few goblins who are worse.
My suggestion for better goblins, from top to bottom:
Goblin Glory Chaser - Renown 1, if it's renowned it has menace. 1/1 for R. Why not? A playset should cost about 1 buck.
Rigging Runner - Raid: gets a +1/+1 counter and first strike for R. Wonderful!
Mogg Fanatic - can kill/do damage even if it dies. Good enough!
Goblin Fireslinger - who needs attacking? He does 1 damage to targent player whenever you want it.
Goblin Balloon Brigade - well... a little bit stupid, but please, he is evasive at some moments.
Mudbutton Clanger - I never really liked showing my opponent the next card, but in this deck I couldn't care less. Goblin plays Gobbos and you play so many Gobbos that the Clanger almost always should get the bonus.
Raging Goblin - Turn 1, cast, attack, damage done, job finished. He will do MORE damage than the stupid cohort, trust me.
Akki Avalanchers - a decisive combo goblin for when you really need that push!
Lavastep Raider - BATTLE HYMN TARGET!!! Only downside: you need living goblins and goblins really don't tend to stay alive longer than some turns, but here's your reason for battle hymn ;D

Hope my opinion helped even a little.

Deck Comments / Re: merfolk combo - Comments
« am: Mai 18, 2017, 01:05:51 Vormittag »
Oh and concerning Mana Leak: I prefer Rune Snag for an obvious reason. And Index is ok if you haven't got anything else left, even a Ponder is better.

Deck Comments / Re: merfolk combo - Comments
« am: Mai 18, 2017, 01:04:11 Vormittag »
Concerning the Changeling: No ;D Because you want to play the following cards for a UW-Mill-Merfolk: Summon the School, Merrow Commerce, Cursecatcher, MAYBE Deepwater Hypnotist (I don't), Drowner of Secrets, MAYBE Fallowsage (I don't), Grimoire Thief (a must), Ink Dissolver (maybe, I do), MAYBE Lullmage Mentor (I don't have this card and until now I never needed it), Merrow Harbinger (he tutors EVERY merfolk card), MAYBE Merrow Witsniper, MAYBE Stonybrook Banneret, Wake Thrasher (as killer), Wanderwine Prophets (as killer of killers), Dire Undercurrents, MAYBE Drowner Initiate and Font of Mythos. I also play Information Dealer, although he's not legal in Modern :(

Yes, I play my UW-Mill-Merfolk all creature with 2 dire undercurrents and 1 font of mythos (I don't have more of them). This usually mills the opponent's deck in 8-15 turns and usually disrupts him that much that he doesn't get a good card draw. Crucial are turns 1-4, where one should have 4 Mana for Merrow Harbinger => Merrow Commerce. 4 Commerces = 4x untap everything and tapping in-between everything = more tokens = milling everything down ;D

Deck Comments / Re: Nephalia Zombies - Comments
« am: Mai 17, 2017, 11:11:43 Nachmittag »

First and foremost: I know it's hard, very very hard, but you have to cut down to 60 cards. Period. Don't and your deck doesn't run. Sorry but 82 cards, that's almost Highlander! And no, your deck doesn't come back to live if it was stabbed - because in MtG, we behead decks if we win against them ;D So, now, how to lose weight and get your deck in shape.

1) Go down to 20 lands. Period. I play aggro-decks (not on where 16 lands are more than enough mana. So, you Sir go down to 20 lands, my suggestion is this line-up: 4x Watery Grave, 12x Swamp, 4x Drowned Catacomb OR, and this IS the better choice, 4x Polluted Delta. You could substitute the Deltas for Terramorphic Expanse (or something similar) with the drawback that you then need to play basic Islands. Either way, you need in color: 6-8 blue, rest black. 6 blue is minimum requirement for safety, if you feel lucky go with 4 and this is why Polluted Delta. It gets you your Watery Grave or your Swamp or your Island for the price of 1 life AND the advantage of shuffling your library! Never ever underestimate shuffling. Personally, I don't like lands like Sunken Ruins (they do what your deck should be capable of doing itself, I mean, you don't use crutches when your legs are healthy, right?) or Darkslick Shores (great on turn 1 and 2, afterwards they slow you down).

2) Planeswalkers. Sorry, but I don't see the artifact Mirror Gallery in your deck and even if... I don't think that this applies to Planeswalkers too, so DON'T play 2 planeswalkers EACH 4 times! You can't even play that many! And if your opponent slaughters them, then don't bring out a new one, do something to protect them, meaning: disrupt your enemy. Now, I clearly see why you play Lilianas 2x4 times: One Liliana tutors you lands, the other tutors you cards. No need for both if you cut down to 60 cards. The reason you need 2x4 Lilianas is the overgrown size of your deck. Sorry, but that's the core problem here. My suggestion to planeswalkers: 2x2 of both Lilianas, meaning 2 Liliana Vess and 2 Liliana of the Dark Realms. I myself wouldn't play both of them, because the Realms-Liliana is, sorry, not helpful in a good deck because a good black deck should be able to do the same things better. The 5-mana-Liliana can be good for tutor effects, but I played her long and she really is not good except for one thing: taunt your opponent's creatures to attack her! Everyone fears her last ability, but then again... It's not that good. I recommend this planeswalker: Sorin Markov. Ok, wasn't in Innistrad, but 8 Lilianas? Do I schmell there a fetisch? ;DDD

3) Rooftop Storm. Yes, tempting, but useful? Hell no, it costs 6 mana! Sorry, but until you can actually afford that, you should have won or you should have your opponent in a dead-lock or there is a problem which more and more zombies can't fix. I suggest: cut that card completely OR use 4x Dark Ritual / Cabal Ritual. With only 1 Dark Ritual you could play Rooftop Storm on turn 4 (provided you got 1 land each turn), with 2 Dark Ritual Rooftop Storm can be played on turn 2.

4) Color choices: Blue, ok, not bad, but actually... You play so few blue cards that it's an option to cut that card completely OR add more blue cards. I'd suggest: if blue, then add cantrips / counterspells, not many, but something to protect your deck and disrupt the enemy. This way you don't need 2x4 Lilianas because with them you either pay 4 or 5 mana for just 1 card. With 2 or 3 manas, even with 1 mana or with 2 life (Gitaxian Probe) you are able to draw 1+ cards - even on your opponent's turn with an added advantage. But this is entirely your choice and you mast make it. Personally, I don't quite see the advantage of blue splash for your deck as it is now (we'll come to that in a minute).

5) Grave Pact. Or Deck Mechanics. Although Grave Pact is a wonderful card, it must be played in the right deck. If it's used in the wrong deck, it's worse than a dead card because it consumes 4 mana and with 4 mana you can summon 76.9% of your whole deck. Yes, in MtG we go for mathematics because at the end of the day it's just math. Everywhere. So, if you want to use Grave Pact (although it's not in Innistrad!), don't play Cemetery Recruitment. Gravepurge does the job better for just 1 mana. Again, smaller deck means higher chance of drawing Gravepurge.

So, to sum that up, I present 2 styles for your deck, one mono-black zombie and one UB-Zombies.

Mono-Black Grave Pact
Lands (20): 16 Swamp, 4 Terramorphic Expanse (or another search land, or Ghost Quarter or whatever you want; the advantage of search lands are, that you can accelerate your deck by playing 2 cards in 1 turn for 0 and that you can reshuffle your library - it's not forbidden to regroup cards that way if you see that manas are clustering together).
Planeswalkers (for free): 2 Liliana Vess OR 2 Sorin Markov.
Enchantments (8): 4 Oversold Cemetery, 4 Grave Pact.
Artifacts (4): Altar of Dementia (2nd win option)
Creatures (20): 3 Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, other useful zombies but if possible nothing that comes into play tapped or that has no abilities (which is why I'd go out of Innistrad a little bit).
Sorceries / Instants (8): Whatever you feel is needed. In mono-black there are tons of good spells for disruption. I suggest here 4x Dark Ritual (or Cabal Ritual if you want to go for the Threshold-Bonus; oh, threshold btw works wonders with a sacrifice deck) and 4x Sign in Blood (another win option, let your opponent die by paying life). If you want to use tutors, there are Vampiric Tutor (expensive), Demonic Tutor (also), Shred Memory (transmute), Diabolic Tutor (actually very bad), Rhystic Tutor (also bad) and Diabolic Intent (which interacts with Grave Pact, yay). If you absolutely know what you are doing, try Doomsday as a tutor ;D
SUMMARY AND DISTRIBUTION: 62 cards, of which are 2 Planeswalkers, 20 lands, 20 creatures, 20 non-creature-spells. So, according to maths, this should give you a median starting hand of 1-3 lands / creatures / 1-3 non-creature spells each. It should also let you draw "almost" 1 land every third turn and 1 non-creature spell for each drawn creature-spell.
FURTHER CUTS: Depening on what you want to play, use more creatures and maybe less enchantments or do it the opposite way round. Experiment. With a good sideboard, you can have both ;D

UB-Zombies Grave Pact
Lands (20): 12 Swamp, 4 Watery Grave (must), 4 Drowned Catacomb -OR- 9 Swamp, 3 Island, 4 Watery Grave, 4 Polluted Delta (advanced tactic: the 3 islands are used to save your booty if someone comes with Wasteland + Crucible of Worlds or similar "destroy non-basic land").
Planeswalkers (for free): 2 Liliana Vess OR 2 Sorin Markov OR 2 Jace, the Mind Sculptor OR 2 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (IF you want to play a combination of 2, let's say 2x2 Liliana and Jace Unraveler, then DO NOT count them for free).
Sorcery / Instant (13-16): 4 Dark Ritual (must), 4 Cantrip (something blue to draw cards), 2 Tutors (or more cantrips), 3-6 protection spells (Counterspell, Boomerang just something to bounce and counter).
Enchantments (4-8): 2-4 Grave Pact, 2-4 Rooftop Storm (with all your cantrips and tutors you should be able to find them quickly, if not: Both cards don't win you the game, so no reason to play them each four times while you're playing cantrips and tutors, right?)
Creatures (Rest to sum up to 60 cards+planeswalkers): 4 Diregraf Captain (2nd win option due to life loss), 2(-3) Grimgrin, Corpse-Born (he has 2 disadvantages: first he kills your board, secondly he can be killed, so your enemy let's you sweep your board for him for almost free - further, if aggro / sacrifice doesn't win your game, Grimgrin is a dead card), zombies and maybe other useful UB-creatures.
SUMMARY AND DISTRIBUTION: 62 cards, of which are 2 Planeswalkers, 20 lands, 40 rest.
IDEA: You don't play a control-deck because of Grave Pact, meaning you absolutely want to play 4 Dark Ritual for your Rooftop Storms to overrun your enemy, which is why you play cantrips and tutors quite excessively (for blue, there are cards like Gifts Ungiven, Fact or Fiction, Merchant Scroll, Gush, Personal Tutor, Mystic Tutor, yes, tutors tutor tutors ;D). All the while you sacrifice creatures to sweep your opponent's board via Grave Pact and if aggro fails, there is Diregraf Captain, but you don't play this style to boost Grimgrin or to fool around with Grave Pact. Grave Pact clears a path for your army and Grimgrin is a maybe finisher - just that, nothing else.

FOR BOTH DECKS: If you want to use Grave Pact, you definitely need more sacrifice-possibilities (Altar of Dementia anyone?) and "enough" sacrifice-targets (you heard of Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder?), whereupon "enough" is different for each game. I think Gravecrawler and Diregraf Colossus are very good for that.

So, that's it for now. Feel free to pm me if you've got more questions.


Deck Reviews / Re: Need help removing 6 cards from this deck.
« am: Mai 17, 2017, 09:45:14 Nachmittag »

In short: The reasoning to go for 60 cards is the draw probability. First, you only form a deck out of those cards which you want to play. Secondly, you want to draw and thus play these cards. Now it's self-explanatory that unwanted cards don't go into your deck AND that the possibility of drawing a wanted card gets smaller the bigger your deck is. THIS IS WHY WE PLAY TUTORS: TO PLAY THE PROBLEM SOLVER AND NOT TO WAIT UNTIL IT SHOWS UP!

For example, my Izzet Gatling-Gun fun-deck:

Although the winning combo consists of 3 cards (Lava Spike / Ideas Unbound + Izzet Guildmage + Desperate Ritual) there are a lot of cantrips / tutors in this deck to enhance the possibility of getting one or all of the desired cards (Doomsday, Lim-Dûl's Vault). Look at TPS decks: They play mostly 1 or 2 of the same cards, even if they are not restricted, because they only need them 1 or 2 times and use tutors to find them. So, 60 cards or very close to 60 cards boosts the speed of a deck greatly in comparison to 82 cards.

Concerning your deck: First, my friend, I'll gladly comment your deck and I hope that my advice will be helpful, but please open a new thread ;D It's kind of rude to post your deck in the deck-post of another player and asking for advice.


PS: I'll give you my advice for your deck on your deck-list in the discuss section.

Deck Reviews / Re: Need help removing 6 cards from this deck.
« am: Mai 16, 2017, 11:53:15 Vormittag »

I agree with Philippe Saner, except maybe for Eternal Thirst. Yes, I wouldn't play it because of the "Whenever ..."-ability (not-possibility = 0 counters), but in casual it can be quite disturbing.

Some other suggestions and sorry if they were already mentioned in Philippe's link:
1) Sacrifice-mechanic - Altar of Dementia, Grave Pact and Delraich / Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder and creatures that offer advantages. Grave Pact is a board cleaner for you.
2) UB-Control - Need I to say more? Yes, use Gravestorm ;D And beware, this can come (very) expensive regarding money and it will alter your deck quite strong because U-Control shifts to blue and for B-Control Vampires (Gatekeeper of Malakir) are imho more suitable than zombies, but nonetheless: If you add in some disruption (and card draw) spells, you'll have a (very) good UB-Control-Zombie for casual.
3) W(U)B-Zombo-Cleric - Yes, very old regarding that this were one of the strongest tribal back in Onslaught / Legions and today quite expensive BUT zombies and clerics (WB, sadly, so no blue) form a damn strong tribal which can even sandbag todays RG-Aggro-Decks without problems while they spit out tokens like hell and give you lifepoints beyond measure. If you're interested, I recommend you look for old clerics / zombies on and also demons ;D There is a broken mechanic where you can put out Scion of Darkness in turn 2: Dark Supplicant.
4) Splash red? Or UBR? There are a lot of possible choices, although I don't like decks that effectively play more than 2 colors because no / wrong mana = you're sitting ducks.


Deck Comments / Re: The Last March of the Treefolks - Comments
« am: Mai 16, 2017, 01:26:27 Vormittag »
How about playing Sapling of Colfenor, Ebony Treefolk and Sheltering Ancient / Canker Abomination? Lastly, I'd switch the Birds for 2x Assault Formation, 1x Maelstrom Pulse and 1x Abrupt Decay. Besides that, fine deck.

General Magic / Re: Geistblast + Approach of the Second Sun
« am: Mai 15, 2017, 10:31:27 Nachmittag »

@Nutshell-Answer: No, combo does not work.

Why? As stated in the rules and on 4/18/2017: A copy of a spell isn’t cast, so it won’t count as the first nor as the second Approach of the Second Sun.
But it says also: 4/18/2017: As your second Approach of the Second Sun resolves, it checks only whether the first one was cast, not whether the first one resolved. If your first Approach of the Second Sun was countered, you’ll still win the game as your second one resolves.

@Harness the Storm: Works only if the first Approach of the Second Sun was countered AND you need 14 Mana.

Conclusion: Suggested "Combo" does not work, Harness the Storm is way too expensive, Aetherworks Marvel is a good option.

Another "good" but in another way "very expensive" option is: Approach of the Second Sun + Mana Drain = Approach of the Second Sun => Win! But who owns these days a Mana Drain? Personally, I'd go with Aetherworks Marvel OR think up a counter-combo, but then again... There are easier ways to win and I'm a lazy magic player so I generally won't ever play something that costs 7 Mana. (By the time I get there I should have won or lost anyways)


Deck Comments / Re: Mono blue Mill - Comments
« am: Mai 15, 2017, 03:13:11 Nachmittag »

Nice deck! I'll send you the decklist for my casual-UW-merfolk-mill as soon as I have it on deckstats. Your deck seems quite strong, but why playing Jace's Erasure? Except for the x-drawers (finishers?) you don't hit him that much with drawing, so I'd change the Erasures for something else. Maybe with cards like Merfolk Looter and a Jace-Planeswalker the Erasure would be better.

Also good mill combo: Helm of Awakening + 2 Sensei's Divining Top + Brainfreeze (although quite expensive to buy)

General Magic / Re: How can i beat this deck?
« am: Mai 15, 2017, 02:17:41 Vormittag »

First: What are you playing? I mean which color, what kind of deck and so on, because as long as we don't know what you've got all our answers could be totally wrong for you ;D
Second: Analyzing that "unbeatable" deck I found out the following interesting things

A) Agent of Fates: Very useless in this deck, because there are only 3 spells that could trigger Heroic.
B) He uses Lingering Souls and Doomed Traveler, although these tokens don't contribute to the "Sacrifice-Humans"-mechanic but instead just give him 1/1-critters.
C) No protection at all against nothing.
D) No card draw and a little GY-mechanics.
E) Good creature choice executed badly: There are several creature's I'd cut for raising the amount of other creature's because 4x Unruly Mob and 4x Xathrid Necromancer are much better than 2x Agent of Fate and 3x Doomed Traveler, at least in this deck.
F) Nothing to ramp, he only has lands.

What we learn about that: Your friend is actually not that experienced in deck building and doesn't seem to play against strong opponents (often). His deck really reminds me of our first decks, loaded with the biggest baddest creatures and... Well, as soon as disruption / denial / counterspell went against us, all our decks failed miserably. Ok, he plays an awful lot of lands (25! that's 25% [5 lands] more than a normal deck needs) just to get his expensive critters out, but that also means that he draws slightly more mana (you don't win with lands in this deck) and is thus slower.

So, how to beat it if you're playing a mono-color-deck.

Blue: Bounce spells like Echoing Truth, Eye of Nowhere (spliced with other arcane spells and copied via Izzet Guildmage do a fine job) and Counterspells like Counterspell (Mana Drain is so broken here 8) ) or just something like these will stall him effectively. Blue has enough cards to steal his creatures like these cards here: Actually, this list features other good cards like Apathy although, yes, they are old but blue has these kinds of things. Use it. And play cantrips. He can't draw! So as long as you draw cards now and then (Counsel of the Soratami, Brainstorm, Ponder, Gitaxian Probe, whatever) you'll outplay him. Even better with a merfolk deck featuring those cards: Aquitect's Will, Lord of Atlantis and islandwalk => you'll outrun and sandbag him.

Red: (Stupid) Red Burn does everything, you just have to use the right cards! First, you need mass removal like Anger of the Gods (no GY-tricks), Boiling Earth or Pyroclasm. Second, you need spot removal for his biggies like Disintegrate or Shivan Meteor. Note: Cast Disintegrate with X=0 and then Shivan Meteor to suppress regeneration. Another good spot removal mechanic is tap-damage like Vulshok Sorcerer offers it, but a Plagued Rusalka or a Scorched Rusalka are also quite nice. Third and last, make sure that your spells (instants, sorceries) AND your creatures correspond in one way or another (Guttersnipe). Since you're playing red there's NO card draw (well, almost, but don't go for that). You could use something like Titan's Strength and Akroan Crusader, but that won't really solve the problem here alone.

Green: Hardcast your biggies (Deadly Recluse, Goliath Spider, Ancient Silverback) with Llanowar Elves and other Elves while enchanting your creatures (Blanchwood Armor), searching lands (Attune with Aether, Lay of the Land, Scouting Trek) and killing his biggies. Green specializes in killing flying creatures, so a lone vampire and some demons shouldn't pose a problem. Especially if you Overrun him with the Howl of the Night Pack or something like that. Remember: Hard cast ramp with Elves, this can happen in turn 4+ where he has NOT something similar hard online and your Elves (4+/4+ trampler) will give him something unpleasant to remember ;D

White: Well... I'm not that usual white player, but Wrath of God, Holy Day and Angel's Grace should protect you when you need it the most. White specializes in exiling / rendering useless with cards like Balance, Ghostly Prison, Moat, Faith's Fetters, Cast Out, Celestial Purge, Council's Judgment, Oblivion Ring and what not. Just use it! He can't undo ANYTHING of it because he plays NO protection at all. So just mess around with him and my good friend the Catapult Master. Soldier is still one of the most easy-going and finest tribals (of old). And if everything else fails: Just give yourself lifepoints like no one has ever seen before and play Celestial Convergence, Near-Death Experience or Test of Endurance.

Black: So, now, my favourite. From a suicide viewpoint his deck is quite easy. Just cripple him with Hymn to Tourach, Thoughtseize, Temporal Extortion, Damnation, Chainer's Edict, Death Cloud, Diabolic Edict, Geth's Verdict, Pox, the evergreen Pestilence and creatures like Gatekeeper of Malakir, Malakir Cullblade (no more sacrificing your lunch), Kalastria Highborn, Corrosive Mentor, Kulrath Knight, Midnight Banshee (no more tokens), Needlespecter (or other Specters), Necroskitter and what not. Plenty playground to hit him hard. You could even play Gnat Miser and Locust Miser just to troll his hand. Remember: He has no removal what so ever and just relies on pure strength.

So, anyway, his deck isn't that fast, it's not that good, it's quite weak against everything that meddles around (Meddling Mage, Pithing Needle, Blood Moon), is vulnerable to every disruption and as soon as you keep his creatures in check... You've won. Besides from his creatures his deck doesn't do anything and no, it doesn't do nothing (Null Rod), because it's all muscles and no brain.

A very funny way to kill this deck would be a Cephalid Breakfast, meaning this combo:
Cephalid Illusionist + Nomads en-Kor + Narcomoeba + Dread Return + Iona, Shield of Emeria + dragon-enchantments (Dragon Scales, exist for every color) which can go off in turn 2 (!) and seal his black cards forever. Remember: He plays no removal, so Iona in turn 2 with black-denial is absolute win.


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