I would appreciate it if anyone would be willing to give me some advice to make this deck stronger and more reliable. Thank you.
https://deckstats.net/decks/19961/1145414-cloned-by-the-sun/enDetection Tower is in the deck to allow
Settle the Wreckage and get around Shalai.
Rupture Spire is there because there was one, and seven basics each, but in the tests, dropping from seven basics each to six in favor of four R. Spires worked better.
Zhalfirin Void, well, I worked with what I had. It can be replaced in favor of a colored land should everyone agree that one color should have an advantage over the other two.
Helm of the Host duplicates Shalai so she too is hexproof. It can also duplicate R.
Angel for more
angel tokens,
Jungleborn Pioneer for more merfolk, or
Soul of the Rapids for more hexproof airforce.
Squire's Devotion is in there to provide lifegain, as well as a slight boost and a vampire token. It does end up making a difference, and is what led me to getting the one R.
Angel I could actually afford thanks to a Black Friday sale.
Devious Cover-Up counters and exiles a spell, which I love. Even more important, it allows me to reshuffle a few cards into my library. Mostly, this will be other Devious Cover-Ups, Gaea's Blessings, a slain Shalai, or most importantly,
Settle the Wreckage.
Settle the Wreckage is my answer to overly aggressive players. But one wasn't enough, so I'm trying three. I attempted to have only two in favor of
Ajani, Wise Counselor, but they tended to get lost to the
Vivien Reid +1.
Gaea's Blessing is there to assist
Devious Cover-Up in restoring
Devious Cover-Up and
Settle the Wreckage to the deck. But it also proved itself in another deck when someone tried to mill me.
Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants. You expect a simic biomancer to put +1/+1 counters on things, and having an eventual army of cats is well worth it.
Vivien of the Arkbow. Again, you expect a simic biomancer to put +1/+1 counters on things, but perhaps she should be displaced in favor of a
Vine Mare?
Vivien Reid, though
dangerous because she sucks away cards I need in favor of lands and creatures, provides
indestructibility to my creatures. I refuse to part with her.
Jade Guardian is hexproof and can give herself or a merfolk token a +1.
Jungleborn Pioneer makes hexproof merfolk tokens. Rare indeed to find a creature that brings you two creatures for the cheap price.
Reclamation Sage because why not rid myself of bothersome enchantments or artifacts opponents play?
Resplendent Angel is in the deck because trying the alliance of
Dawn of Hope and
Divine Visitation didn't work. They were never around together except once, and it burned up too many slots. R.
Angel does both things on her own. The only real question about her is, should I throw something out to put in the sideboarded Ajani to aid the
lifelink enchantments in providing the lifegain she requires? And if so, what?
Shalai, Voice of Plenty is staying in this deck because I love the idea of all hands hexproof, including me and my planeswalkers. But do I need two or three? It's hard to tell. Three seems an annoyance, drawing them when I don't need them. But two seems to be hard to actually
Skittering Surveyor is not leaving this deck. It's in all my standard decks now, because it works.
Soul of the Rapids flying hexproof. How can I resist? Why should I resist, even if it is slightly costly? Letting it
wear the
Helm of the Host can make it prove its worth, as does putting a
lifelink enchantment on it.
Ajani, Wise Counselor. I can't decide. He's so good at giving life to help R.
Angel help me make an
angel token
flood. But what to throw away to put him in? Or do I really need him, having the
lifelink enchantments? I just don't know.
Gaea's Blessing. 1 is sideboarded because I don't know if I need 21 or 22 creatures. If I need more creatures, it can stay sideboarded. But if the ability to reshuffle cards into my deck is more important, I can sacrifice a merfolk. But again, I just don't know.