Deck: Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar, One-Word Tribal
First off, thank you for the continue support and interest in this deck.
I've spent time researching possibilities for One-Word Tribal in B/R, and I've identified 757 eligible cards. The process has certainly been fun, and allowed me to expand this motley crew of one-word misfits to now include new all-stars like "
Nefashu" & my favorite "
Phantasmagorian". Its difficult walking a tight rope of absolute trash vs. mildly playable jank, but I'm pleased with the current wackiness of these cards.
While I saved a Master List of the 757+ I left an assortment of maybeboard ideas that could be considered. I'll keep maintaining this as new sets come out. If anyone discovers a new One-word spell that I missed, don't hesitate to chime in.
PS - As a side project, I did research "One-Syllable" tribal for Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdar, to contrast 13 syllables... I think this idea falls just a little short (8 creatures/57 spells), so Im putting that one on the back-burner for a future variant. Man, its really too bad "
Mountain" has two syllables.