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Messages - epticrin

Pages: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: BW Zombies - Comments
« on: April 18, 2017, 07:34:37 pm »
I love the tribal love Zombies are getting in Amonkhet! I just built a mono-black Zombie deck that might be more efficient. I'm worried about how aggressive you'll be able to be with 8 lands coming in tapped, and I agree with Anuben that Diregraf Colossus is too much creature advantage to pass up in a devoted tribal strategy. The white zombies-matter cards are intriguing though.

Let me know what you think about my list.

Deck Comments / Re: R/W Zada - Comments
« on: October 22, 2015, 12:39:51 am »
Why no Zurgo or Lightning Berserker? You're going to want more creatures than instants that target creatures or else you might end up with a hand full of unusable spells. Once Zada hits the board, you only really need one or two targeted spells to win, given your cheap creatures. It seems right now you're relying on Monastery Mentor's prowess Monks without the card draw necessary to find it (Abbot, while good for red, is not enough). I hope you take my humble opinion into consideration.

Deck Comments / Re: Abzan Aggro - Comments
« on: May 13, 2015, 12:03:50 am »
In an aggro strategy, you probably don't want 10 lands coming in tapped. I can't come up with good alternatives in the Standard meta, but I think you would rather have an extra mana than the Scry in a majority of your games. Also, consider playing Den Protector morphed for an aggressive play (esp. if your Fleecemane or your Warden was zapped).

Deck Comments / Re: Temur Midrange - Comments
« on: October 20, 2014, 05:40:30 pm »
I'm a big fan of Temur. I thought I would say a couple things that I think you can do to improve your deck. If you are running a mid-range strategy, you should definitely have some more planeswalkers to give the deck late game pressure. Xenagos, the Reveler is especially good in a monsters deck. I think it would be good to main board at least one counter spell because you will want one no matter what game or which match-up you are playing; counter spells are almost always great to have in hand. Finally, the mana base is slow with all of the tapped lands. Try switching the faux Refuges for some pain lands. It'll make your deck a lot faster. Here's my take on Temur if you want some ideas:

Good luck and have fun!

Deck Comments / Re: $20 Deck That Will Shame Their $250 Deck - Comments
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:18:26 pm »
In a aggro control or burn matchup, this deck is wiped out really quickly. You should have some spells that don't target creatures. Despise or Duress come to mind.

Pages: [1]