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Messages - Geralt of Rivia

Pages: [1] 2
Thanks ractraitor, I am really happy that you liked the deck. Thank you for you suggestion I have changed the two lands. Initially I have chosen Prismari Campus for his price cost since i wanted to make an ultra budget deck but even Eroded Canyon is not so high-priced and is a really good cards

If you have any other suggestions feel free to share them and thank you again for the comment!!!

First of all, as always, thank you for your suggestions!!!
I have removed Opt since it doesn't buff my creatures and I put 3x of Slip through Space.
I have put more dual lands like you suggested to me
I have removed 2x of Might of the meek to put 2x of Temur Battle Rage

If you have other suggestions feel free to share them and again thank you!!!

First of all @Zareck thank you for your suggestions!!!
I was already considering to put Ancestral Anger but now you have conviced me 100% to put it since it buffs at least of 1 point the Cyclops but it makes you even draw
I will surely put some of your suggestions in my side, that it will be more control, when i will do it.
Unfortunately, Reckless Impulse and Wrenn's Resolve, are too expensive for my ultra-budget deck, but I will put them on the maybeboard
If you have other suggestions you are welcome!!!

Thanks for your suggestions
@Zurkov I have put Kiln Fiend and I removed Jeskai Sage
@Akira Foxmind really thanks for your suggestions I have put more blue spell so that there is more balance between blue and red colors. I have put opt in 3x to draw a card and because is cheap and can at the same time it activate the prowess effect.
I have put 4xShore Up to protect Cyclops Superconductor. If you go against a control deck you usually play Cyclops Superconductor on 4 turn so that you can protect it with Shore Up or you can at least buff him of around 4 point dealing at least six damage to your opponent.

All the suggestions were really appreciated.


Revision 3

Added/removed cards:
-4 Spark Jolt
+2 Bogardan Lancer
+4 Kami's Flare

Changed amounts:
-2 Bloodcrazed Goblin

Thank you for your suggestion, I have made the changes that you have given although i'm not entirely sure about Bogardan Lancer because is a bit too late for my idea of the deck

Deck Comments / Re: Pauper elf token management - Comments
« on: August 25, 2023, 08:22:07 pm »
Hello DarkRitual,
I am really Sorry about this news but i have never given you a dislike instead when i like One of your suggestion i give you un upvote.
You should contact the assistance about this strange case

Thank you, as always, for your suggestion Dark Ritual
I can't add Skewer the critics because cost too much and i want to do deck really low-budget

I have put x4 Voldaren epicure in exchange for Bogardan Lancer(too slow) and Goblin Firestarter (too high budget)
I don't put viashino pyromancer because does an effect similar to Voldaren epicure but it's too slow and i prefer to do less damage and being more quick
volt charge In my humble opinion I think is too slow for its effect
I have put x2 smell fear in exchange for Mutant's Prey

Thank for your comment, I was busy in this time so i coudn't upload new decks but I hope to bring more new decks now

If you have some tips to share don't hesitate

Deck Comments / Re: I am a pauper samurai in a pauper kamigawa - Comments
« on: December 14, 2021, 08:51:07 am »
Thanks for your suggestion, I really appreciate it
I remove crushing pain
I put 2x into the fray
I put 2x blessed breath

Deck Comments / Re: Pauper soldiers...charge! - Comments
« on: December 12, 2021, 04:11:46 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion, I always appreciate it
I have put 2x of Gather the Townsfolk
I have put one more of Hunted Witness
I have put 4 cycling lands
I remove Daru Stinger

Deck Comments / Re: a pauper artifact, a strong vehicle - Comments
« on: November 17, 2021, 07:36:43 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion, I really appreciate it
I have put 2 Ancient Den because is really expensive

Deck Comments / Re: a pauper artifact, a strong vehicle - Comments
« on: November 16, 2021, 05:48:11 pm »
Thanks for the suggestions, I always appreciate it
I have put 2 Remember the fallen and 1 Workshop Assistant

Really thanks for the suggestion, I have put 4 double lands

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