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Messages - Flarezium

Pages: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Marrow-Gnawer Rats - Comments
« on: June 19, 2019, 09:46:20 am »
Urborg makes Cabal Coffers produce more mana. It might not be a huge increase because I only have 10 nonbasic lands, but it increases it by a minimum of one because it turns Cabal Coffers into a swamp.

Strip Mine is legal in Commander:

Deck Comments / Re: Marrow-Gnawer Rats - Comments
« on: June 19, 2019, 09:23:32 am »
I'm not entirely sure if I'm translating correctly, but Strip Mine is legal in EDH and Urborg is in the deck because it combos with Cabal Coffers.

Deck Comments / Re: Aura Control - Comments
« on: February 24, 2018, 04:22:23 pm »
I'm not entirely sure. I haven't done any testing with the deck yet, I just though it looked really sweet when I saw Ross playing it.

Deck Comments / Re: Angelic Beatdown - Boros EDH Deck - Comments
« on: January 30, 2017, 08:48:40 pm »
Windswept Heath doesn't actually have the green mana symbol on it, it simply says search your library for a plains or forest. In this case I'm using the plains part of that to fetch Sacred Foundry or Plateau as comes into play untapped dual lands. In addition due to the importance of Mistveil Plains when I have Sunforger, it lets me grab it due to its plains type. At worst the fetchlands are basic plains that cost 1 life, but they are definitely legal.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] Vampires
« on: September 20, 2015, 10:57:40 am »
If I had to shave your current list down to 60, I'd remove the following cards:

2 Curse of Death's Hold, 2 Blood Tribute, 1 Cover of Darkness, 2 Eternal Thirst, 1 Exquisite Blood, 1 Sanguine Bond, 2 Falkenrath Noble, 1 Pharika's Cure, 1 Mephidross Vampire, 1 Markov Warlord, 1 Stab Wound, 2 Sangromancer, 2 Sorin's Vengeance, 1 Kalastria Highborn, 1 Last Kiss, 1 Stromkirk Noble, 1 Malakir Bloodwitch.

In addition I would add and remove a few more cards if I had the chance. For example I'd increase the number of hawks and captains to 4, these are your key vampires definitely want a playset of each. I'd up the land count to 22 and add a few more duals like Tainted Peak and Blood Crypt. I also really like Read the Bones. Also look out for Drana, LIberator of Malakir, Defiant Bloodlord, and Bloodbond Vampire from the new set.

It seems quite a bit of your deck is based around interactions with Exquisite Blood/Sanguine Bond and gaining/opponents losing life instead of the typical vampire tribal theme. In this case you could do things a bit differently, like remove some of the beatdown creatures and keep Pharika's Cure and Blood Tribute in and add creatures that interact with life totals like Blood Artist, more Dark Rituals, Draw, and Tutors(if you can afford them ::)).

General Magic / Re: Deck Colors
« on: September 11, 2015, 05:46:54 am »
If you want a larger sample size, take a look at Izzet and Azorious tend to be on top on just about every favorite guild of ravnica quiz, just something to keep in mind.

Deck Reviews / Re: [Casual] Vampires
« on: September 11, 2015, 05:28:14 am »
Unless you have a deck made specifically to have a ton of cards in your library(Battle of Wits), then you don't want more than the minimum number of cards in your deck for the format.

Take a look at my friends Vamp deck: It is considerably more consistent in what it can do. Cutting to 60 takes time and decision making, but your deck will be far better than if you were even a few over. I could offer further suggestions if you want, but I'll give you the option to look it over yourself.

General Magic / Re: [Modern] Rubber Glue Deck
« on: September 01, 2015, 09:17:46 pm »
One suggestion is to add Young Pyromancer because he synergises with quite a few of your spells. Also if you can I would add Clifftop Retreat to get white mana easier and replace lightning strike with lightning helix. And like Hervedgse said, boros charm is a great addition. Also something like Dragon's Claw would be a good idea for your sideboard.

Deck Comments / Re: Rubber Glue - Comments
« on: September 01, 2015, 09:13:12 pm »
Another suggestion is to add Young Pyromancer because he synergises with quite a few of your spells. Also if you can I would add Clifftop Retreat to get white mana easier and replace lightning strike with lightning helix. And like Hervedgse said, boros charm is a great addition. Also something like Dragon's Claw would be a good idea for your sideboard.

General Magic / Re: Newbie here! Looking for some help
« on: July 22, 2015, 03:29:19 pm »
Hmm, If you're looking for a competitive/tournament deck Mono-Red Burn or RDW work extremely effectively and cheap. Infect is also quite cool, cheap, and modern legal.

Although if you have someone else to play with you regularly(friend, spouse, etc.) then buying a few cheap decks that are balanced around playing against each other is a really good investment to make. The ones posted by themightyjang are an excellent example of this.

Deck Comments / Re: Izzet Control Burn - Comments
« on: July 15, 2015, 03:31:10 am »
Nice! I like the changes. Glad I could help.

Deck Comments / Re: Blue Red Control Deck - Comments
« on: June 16, 2015, 12:02:09 pm »
Hi! Neat deck(I love Izzet), I have some ideas that might make it better.

Shock is pretty inefficient for the slot and cost, and lightning bolt is legal in modern. If you're worried about cost then don't, every player whoever plans on making a red deck ever should buy 4x bolts because of how useful and cheap they are now. Mizzium mortars is amazing removal and running 2 is great in a control deck. With all the colorless mana spells you have I would recommend running 2x Goblin Electromancer because it makes the deck run smoother and makes X spells not so inefficient. If you like the X spell then I would switch the Volcanic Geysers to Banefire(Can't be countered), Devil's Play(Flashback), or Heat Ray(Instant.) Also running 2x Isochron Scepter is amazing(like one of the best cards in the deck) in a control deck because it allows you to imprint a Lightning Bolt or Counterspell into in and use it every turn for 2 mana which can completely shut down decks and let you win the game from this card alone. A slight upgrade would be to switch the Izzet guildgates to swiftwater cliffs, then plan to get sulfur falls, steam vents, and/or shivan reefs for this one and future red/blue decks. It would also be good to at least sideboard counterflux for when your opponent runs counters. Young Pyromancer is nice for developing a board. Quicksilver dagger is nice to throw on a guttersnipe or electromancer because you often don't want to attack with them because they'll die to your opponent's board, but this will let you tap them for 1 face damage and more importantly card draw. A couple more cards to consider are: Galvanoth, Djinn Illuminatus, Hypersonic Dragon, Snapcaster Mage, Teleportal, and both copies of Niv-Mizzet(Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind/Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius.)

Anyway nice deck, hopefully I was of some help to you.

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