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Messages - a_m_a_t

Pages: [1]
Deckstats Feedback / Elvish Mystic
« le: Juillet 16, 2013, 06:00:29 am »
I added Elvish Mystic to my cube before M14 came out and no image displays.

Chandra, Pyromaster and Kalonian Tusker work properly and I checked my spelling of the card name.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: General Site Error reporting
« le: Mai 12, 2013, 07:57:51 pm »
I am having the same problem with my cube list.

It keeps auto-correcting Turn // Burn to Turn.
I've also tried it as Turn/Burn without success.
Fire // Ice is right next to it and works fine so I assume it's just a problem with the Fuse cards.

Pages: [1]