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Nachrichten - chrisdes915

Seiten: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Merieke Control/Exile - Comments
« am: Dezember 30, 2021, 06:18:29 Vormittag »
Hey! Yes updates are gonna come in the following weeks, so stay tuned I guess hahaha no timetable when tho. Happy you like the deck, fun fact, Post Malone uses this too (idk who had it first tho, me or him).

Deck Comments / Re: Black/Blue Commander - Comments
« am: Mai 27, 2019, 09:29:11 Nachmittag »
Yea, I'm trying to find more ways to add creatures. Mortal Combat isn't the main way to win, but it's a nice backup. My Commander is also one way to win, messing up my opponents land situation and then making them discard cards is another way as well.

Seiten: [1]