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Nachrichten - nicholas.bennie

Seiten: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Tribal Tribal - Comments
« am: Oktober 15, 2020, 06:18:44 Vormittag »
Super cool concept, never thought of doing that before!

Deck Comments / Re: Zombie Horde - Comments
« am: Januar 02, 2020, 06:36:35 Nachmittag »
Gempalm Polluter is huge, especially if you can get your curse of disturbance out, letting your opponents create zombies as well. Grey Merchant of Asphodel is a MUST HAVE for mono-black zombies, especially if you're playing Shepherd of Rot.

Landwise, Crypt of Agadeem/Cabal Stronghold and Unholy Grotto could be great for helping you get a lot of mana.

I see that this was a budget build, but if you get some extra cash for it; Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar + Vengeful Dead is an infinite combo that you will likely want to put in someday.

Seiten: [1]