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Nachrichten - krizlee

Seiten: [1]
Deckstats Feedback / Calculation of Mana Curve
« am: August 27, 2024, 06:26:56 Nachmittag »

I was looking for documentation on how the average mana cost is calculated (how do DFCs, adventures etc. count towards the average) and why the average given next to the mana curve is different from the one on the bottom of the deck section.

Thank you for helping me understand.


Deck Comments / Re: Look ma, no hands! (EDH) - Comments
« am: März 30, 2021, 02:47:22 Nachmittag »
You cannot cast foretold cards from exile with As Foretold. You are (sadly) only allowed to cast them from exile for their foretell cost.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: How to update color stripes?
« am: Januar 23, 2020, 07:48:32 Vormittag »
Your fix worked! Thank you very much.

Just out of curiosity: Was this a community-wide "problem" or was I the only one experiencing this behaviour? If the latter, what did I do wrong? Thank you.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: How to update color stripes?
« am: Januar 21, 2020, 11:39:21 Vormittag »
Thank you for your help. I will keep your advice in mind.

Here is a deck where the color stripe does not update properly:

It should be Grixis, but shows only mono-U

Thank you for looking into it.

Deckstats Feedback / Re: How to update color stripes?
« am: Januar 14, 2020, 11:23:07 Vormittag »
dear Nils

Thank you for your reply.

It seems that I cannot replicate the "bug".

I have a follow-up question: Only colors that are needed for casting are shown in the color stripe? I am asking specifically about a) hybrid b) activation and c) alternate costs.

Thank you

Deckstats Feedback / How to update color stripes?
« am: Januar 09, 2020, 10:20:51 Vormittag »

I was wondering what I need to do to update the color stripes that are attached to the deck name?

I tried to move the cards from the "wrong" color to the sideboard, to the maybeboard or remove them altogether, but the color indicator still shows the "wrong" color. (There are no mana sources that can produce the "wrong" color).

Does anyone have the same "problem" and/or has a fix for me?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Seiten: [1]