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Nachrichten - Jusk-99

Seiten: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Rakdos, the darkdealings bro! - Comments
« am: Oktober 09, 2019, 12:29:04 Vormittag »
Hey, thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay of the answer. After 2 weeks of testing with my playgroup and with ur suggestions in mind, i've made some changes in the manabase and change some high cost spells with lower ones. I know that this brew its not the most optimal way to play this commander, but in all the games i 've already play with it i only get screw by lands in 2  games keeping a terrible hand with no searchers of any type. The deck is slow, but with the amount of ramp, boardwipes and tutors i rarely got stuck in a no land situation or outmatched by the table. The main idea of the deck was to embrace the spectable thing that caracterices the rakdos guild, going under the radar and taking profit of politics with the playgroup to end up stealing games. Its a really fun list and that was the goal of it.

[es] Solicitud de revisión de Mazos / [Standard] Praise the Memelords!
« am: Oktober 24, 2017, 01:56:33 Vormittag »
Praise the Memelords!

(Help plz)Cartouche control deck with the only objective of make keflenet usefull!

Deck Comments / Re: Legendary taxes (B/W control) - Comments
« am: Juli 15, 2017, 03:32:21 Vormittag »
Thanks for the reply! I really apreciate the time that you take to revise my deck and make all the necessary changes to make it more optimal, but the idea of the deck is focus on powerfull creatures with "taxes" effects or problematic habilities, like deathtouch, of cost 3 or less to extract the maximum potencial of yahenni expertise. Gonti and avacyn are exceptions to this rule for they versatility habilities and fun effects. The diversity of plainswalkers and the reasons to play only one of them are that I only have one copy of them and for fun. In the removal aspect I have 2 problems with the pushes. The first is that in standard are really meh without feches and with creatures like Glorybringer, and the second, I can't afford them like the fast lands. Before testing this deck I can say that midnight oil is one of the most underrated and amazing draw spell in the entire format. The number of cards that you draw are just ridiculous and the draw back never hits me cause I usually win the match in 2 or 3 turns after his activation. To finish the reply, I always like play control hand spells in my black decks for the value of see what plays my opponent and for gain tempo.

[es] Solicitud de revisión de Mazos / [Standard] Say hello to eldrazi!
« am: Oktober 10, 2015, 03:52:55 Vormittag »
Say hello to eldrazi!

(Mazo inacabado, ayuda para mejorar el mazo)

Utilizar el ingerir y el exilio en los primeros turnos y apartir del 3 turno, incluido, castear scions en multitud para poder invocar a los eldrazi y utilizar sus habilidades des del exilio. Todo esto acompañado de control azul y burn rojo.

[es] Solicitud de revisión de Mazos / [Modern] Tribal monorojo de elementales.
« am: September 21, 2015, 10:00:41 Nachmittag »
Tribal monorojo de elementales.

La estrategia del mazo se basa en sacar criaturas con un poder superior a 7 con arrollar a partir del 3r turno para fulminar al adversario en un ataque relampago entre el 4to o 5to turno o por lo menos dejarlo a golpe de rayo para rematarlo en el siguiente.

Seiten: [1]