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Páginas: [1]
Deck Comments / Re: Karlov Teeny Leader Stax - Comments
« em: Abril 09, 2020, 10:06:42 am »
Thank you, updated

The decklist needs to be 60 cards including your Planeswalker in signature spell. So 58 after they've been moved to the command Zone

Deck Comments / Re: Oathbreaker is a dumb format. - Comments
« em: Maio 17, 2019, 09:02:09 am »
Also whir of invention would be a lot better signature spell as its instant speed and technically cheaper with the improvised

Deck Comments / Re: Oathbreaker is a dumb format. - Comments
« em: Maio 17, 2019, 09:00:02 am »
I bet you're fun at parties

Deck Comments / Re: Oathbreaker Will/Rowan - Comments
« em: Abril 22, 2019, 07:07:02 pm »
What's the signature spell?

I'm fairly certain you can't have thopter Foundry as it contains White Manna

Páginas: [1]