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Mensagens - svenproud

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Deck Comments / Re: UR Tempo - Comments
« em: Janeiro 19, 2023, 11:34:23 am »
hey, I did play Merchant Scroll a lot in Blue Moon. The main cards to get have always been DTT, Gush and FoW with it. You either played an aggressive Merchant Scroll turn 2 on FoW to curve out Moon or B2B t3 or you used it later to make card advantage with either DTT or Gush. I did the same with Personal Tutor on Ruination and Treasure Cruise (when it was legal). For Tempo its probably not where I want to be right now since every single card should have an immediate impact, but as more midrange the deck becomes the more likely it is to play Merchant Scroll imho. Id say you can try it for a slower build but I tried it once in pure Tempo as it is right now and wasnt a fan of it.
Thran Portal I didnt even know, do we actually need the card? Im still unsure about City of Brass or Mana Confluence in the deck since I want to be more operative under Blood Moon and B2B but the way I sometimes have a basic Island with a red one drop in hand it might be time to play them...

Deck Comments / Re: RUG Tempo (EU HL) - Comments
« em: Dezembro 19, 2022, 04:19:55 pm »
gute Punke, sehr nachvollziehbar. Wenn du die Kurve nicht anhebst, dann gehören Mana Dorks auch nicht rein, das ist klar. Ich finde Highlander lebt ja BESONDERS vom high roller play, also immer einen "design mistake" zu slammen, wie du richtig gesagt hast. Consistent sind die Tempo Decks ja nicht wirklich. Tempo als Archetype lebt ja davon eigentlich nur die richtige Karte im richtigen Moment zu haben und genau den Gegner in den Moment zu bestrafen. Ich finde aus diesem Grund schon, dass die haymaker Karten gut in Tempo sind und man so viele wie möglich spielen will. Aber ich verstehe auch, dass aus diesem Grund das Deck eben oft fail rated und man deswegen die Kurve drückt, um durchschnittlich operativer zu agieren.

Ich teste das Dismember nochmal und gucke, ob es nicht doch einen Platz in UR findet. Bis jetzt war es immer extrem medicore genau in den MUs in den ich es haben wollte, geschweige den unspielbar gegen schneller Decks wie Mono R.

Deck Comments / Re: RUG Tempo (EU HL) - Comments
« em: Dezembro 19, 2022, 12:34:17 pm »
Hey Ahnung, paar Sachen die einen Überlegung wert sind:

1. Mehr GY hate mit Klothys, Endurance und/oder Malanthrope
Generell sind jede einzelne dieser Kreaturen ein Kracher und habe selbst mit UR schon öfters dagegen verloren, besonders Klothys wäre ne Karte die ich nicht missen würde, Endurance und Malanthrope lässt sich mit Ooze im Deck streiten.

2. Bonecrusher Giant ist muss imho, ich finde ja Dismember life loss macht zu viele Probleme (aber besser in RUG als in UR wegen Shaman und USea), da könnte man mit Bonecrusher einen Ersatz haben. Ich finde im aktuellen meta 5 Schaden gar nicht mehr relevant, viele Kreaturen sind entweder noch grösser oder sterben sowieso schon am Bolt. Mine Collapse auf der anderen Seite war immer SICK weils auch Planeswalker target, das war ein riesen Unterschied.

3. Noble und Ignoble Hierarch:
Passen wunderbar ins Deck weil RUG richtig starke cc3 Karten hat. Ich spiele ja regelmässig gegen RUG das bei uns im Meta mit Abstand das stärkste Deck und die höchste win rate hat; und die Hierarchen machen einen fundamentalen Unterschied wie viel Tempo das Deck generieren kann. Oko, Klothys, Fable,  Peezy into cantrip ist halt so viel besser turn 2 als turn 3, deswegen spiele ich ja in UR schon den Chrome Mox weil Moon, B2B und alles auch so viel besser turn 2 ist. Als topdeck sind Land und Mox schlecht, Hierarchen geben wenigstens noch Exalted, sind also nie wirklich dead.

4. Green Suns Zenith:
Das Ding war auch immer krank vor allem mit Shaman, Hexdrinker (!), Mongoose und Ooze. Es fixt relativ viele Situation weil du dir was passendes holen kannst, spielt sich quasi wie ein cantrip auf threat was in Highlander schon stark ist. Du weist nicht wie viele games ich im top deck war schon gegen GSZ into Hexdrinker und Schutz for Instants verloren habe :P


[it] Richieste recensioni mazzi / Re: [Legacy] Izzet delver (budget list)
« em: Dezembro 04, 2022, 07:58:42 pm »
This is probably not where a budget list wants to be, I think this way its better build and still extremely budget friendly:

4 Delver
3 Murktide
2 Shredder
1 Borrower
4 Brain
4 Ponder
4 ExIt
2 Bauble
4 Daze
4 FoW
4 Bolt
1 Heat
4 Waste
4 Tarn
4 Blue Fetch
1 Red Fetch
1 Volcanic
3 Island
1 Mountain
1 F Islet

-> You really need at least 1 Volcanic to be competitve to have early access for UU with R, 1 Volcanic shouldnt be to hard to get honestly. Also Predict is not needed, just stick to normal Delver with Baubles, DRC and instead of the 4th Murktide you can easily substitute it with 2 more Shredder to be more sensitive to your manabase. Rest is rather standard.

Deck Comments / Re: UR Tempo - Comments
« em: Novembro 29, 2022, 01:43:56 pm »
- With Urzas Bauble I feel like you were right, especially since I want to be more aggressive than RUG with this build so Bauble with 8 creatures naturally benefiting of it is the way to go!

- My problem with Bomat Courier is that its a horrible top deck post turn 3 or 4 unlike Swiftspear, which can get multiple triggers still in one attack. With Soul Scar Mage I liked the -1/-1 effect with burn spells leading to some very cute tricks, but I did cut it already for Swiftspear which tested to be suprisingly strong. But I will test Bomat Courier again and see where its at.

- I did play Memory Lapse for some time but it was always underwhelming, especially when floating turn 2 or 3 without a threat. Miscalculation is actually SICK, getting to either counter or cycle is huge and fills many gaps in which you wouldnt have used your mana. Miscalculation would be the last card for me to cut t

Deck Comments / Re: UR Tempo - Comments
« em: Novembro 23, 2022, 01:50:21 pm »
hey, yeah Im a huge UR fan, playing it in all formats like Legacy, Modern, even Phoenix in Pioneer so UR for Highlander felt naturally for me playing. Its true that RUG has better threats overall while UR is much stronger in mana denial and free wins through Moon, B2B and PoP. RUG makes a bunch of MUs like 4c midrange/aggro more consistent with its better threats but its more likely to loose against something like go wide strategies like Scapeshift ore big ramp stuff. UR shuts those shells down way better in deploying threats earlier and playing a Moon. In a vacuum Id say W6 + Oko are still a little better than PoP + Moon but its quite marginal imho. To the cards you mentioned:

1. Dismember -> I played it the entire time until I replaced it with Mine Collapse like 3 months ago. Mine Collapse doesnt cost life and also targets planeswalker, this had been huge!

2. Urzas Bauble -> the story here is the same argument for not playing Peek, you do not manipulate your draw (!) which makes it only a replace itself card. Mishras Bauble does cantrip when you combine it with a fetchland or T Scour /M Note effect, thats the difference. I could see including Urzas Bauble now with the new Iconoclast also but I dont have the space atm.

3. Bomat Courier -> doesnt have much impact if its not in the starting hand. I try to be as close to Legacy/Modern as possible with those list and Bomat Courier is most of the time a bad topdeck unless you cast it turn 1 otp. The effect is also not that great when you redraw Gush, DTT, ExIt so its kinda optimal to find them under Bomat Courier, otherwise you mess up optimal draws.

4. Memory Lapse -> in UR you need to really deal with the cards youre facing permanently unlike Grixis or Jeskai which have actual ways of dealing with x/4 or planeswalker once resolved. So unless you go Memory Lapse into Moon/B2B the card isnt where I wanna be in the deck. The tempo is rather marginal.

Key in Highlander is to thrive consistency so I try to minimize "atm" cards and rather go for all time stars being good in multiple situations. Thats why I did cut Flusterstorm and Gut Shot also, they had huge impact in specific matchups but werent good over a long period of time in various matchups. I replaced them with an other threat and Mana Leak.

Deck Comments / Re: CounterBurn - Comments
« em: Março 05, 2020, 12:03:28 am »
I think cards like Incinerate, Lightning Strike and Saheeli are not strong enough for the deck and the format. What I am missing are more impactful cards like The Royal Scions, Bonecrusher Giant, Brazen Borrower and maybe Madcap Experiment + Platinum Emperion. I suggest go to my account and check out my UR Delver version. Its more tempo than Counter Burn but there are some cards I mentioned which are just straight up upgrades without loosing the more aggro version of yours. CHEERS

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