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Mensagens - Brosmanj

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Commander Deck Reviews / Phylath, Plant Sculptor
« em: Setembro 04, 2024, 08:45:56 pm »

Deck Comments / Re: One Man Army - Comments
« em: Junho 07, 2024, 02:43:01 pm »
Your mana curve seems a little high. Maybe use less big creatures.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Yorrick Thar
« em: Maio 23, 2024, 01:47:17 pm »
Do you have strictly blue players in your group?

Commander Deck Reviews / Judith, Pain Slinger
« em: Maio 06, 2024, 03:57:18 pm »

Deck Reviews / Re: [Modern] U-R Ponza
« em: Maio 03, 2024, 02:56:23 pm »
Okay, i like where the deck is going, but I have some recommendations that aren't lands. preordain isn't bad, but consider might be a better choice if you are looking to get instant and sorceries in your graveyard. opt is also an option as they are instants.  Crackling Drake and Enigma Drake might be a good creature put in for evasion. they don't have haste, but if your opponent doesn't have lands it wont matter. Desperate Ritual might be a consider for fast land destruction.

Deck Comments / Re: Eternal Lands - Comments
« em: Março 22, 2024, 01:53:57 pm »
I would say that exile is prevalent in modern at the moment. Because of that indestructible might not be the way, but it is a fun idea! maybe put in spells with awaken in it like Planar Outburst. Wrenn and Realmbreaker and Nissa, Who Shakes the World is a good inclusion as well. Crawling Barrens is a good way to build a huge creature.

Deck Reviews / [Casual] Token Tower
« em: Fevereiro 22, 2024, 07:11:05 pm »

Deck Comments / Re: Jund Creativity - Comments
« em: Fevereiro 11, 2024, 02:52:19 pm »
I feel like Molten Collapse might be too slow, Have you thought about using Abrupt Decay or Assassin's Trophy?

Commander Deck Reviews / Approach of the dragons
« em: Fevereiro 01, 2024, 03:08:39 pm »

Commander Deck Reviews / Tawnos's B+B
« em: Janeiro 16, 2024, 06:02:51 pm »

Commander Deck Reviews / 4-color counters
« em: Novembro 19, 2023, 05:22:07 pm »

Deck Comments / Re: Ragavan - Comments
« em: Outubro 08, 2023, 06:35:11 pm »
I don't know man, the deck seems like it has a high mana curve. For real though the deck gets blown out of the water with Break the Ice. so maybe no snow permanents lol. I would love to see everyone waiting for you to cast something other than your commander and their cards, the anticipation would be insane. If you wanted to take the deck somewhat more serious you could put in nothing but mana ramp spells and mana rocks, and sprinkle in some way to make him unlockable. I feel like this deck isn't meant to be taken seriously so you're probably not looking for advice. I just think the deck awkwardly enough has weird potential with a little more work.

Deck Comments / Re: isshin 10 - Comments
« em: Outubro 02, 2023, 04:18:48 pm »
I'm curious to see how his deck would perform, because it looks like you googled "CEDH cards for mardu colors", and just slapped them in there.

Deck Comments / Re: dono - Comments
« em: Setembro 27, 2023, 04:31:43 pm »
I do not know if you're going for a budget build, but this deck can be improved on. I would replace the shock cards with lightning bolt and either add path to exile to the deck or at the very least the sideboard. unless you are going for gaining 4 possible lifepoints i would get rid of
Wind-Scarred Crag it is just too slow. now you can either add in blood moon for a lock or you can add in clifftop retreat and sacred foundry for faster mana and that's without the expense of the fetchlands. As a rule of thumb i would add some graveyard hate to the sideboard either in the form of rest in peace or relic of progenitus they are low cmc and quite effective. This seems like a fun deck and decently built if you are going for budget it will for sure cause some issues meta issues at a FNM, but if you are looking to be somewhat competitive in the format take consideration to the cards mentioned. good luck and have fun!

Páginas: [1] 2 3 ... 13