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Author Topic: [Standard] BW standard control  (Read 1098 times)


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[Standard] BW standard control
« on: February 22, 2016, 07:54:40 am »
I'm trying to come up with an original new deck to use against my friends. i would really like to use Ayli and erebos's titan.
BW standard control


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Re: [Standard] BW standard control
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2016, 08:26:02 am »
I really like the build you have going on here.  For me, I think replacing Erebos's Titan with Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet may be the right move.  Then you could take out Ondu Rising (The lifeline advantage here is not needed), and replace it with Grasp of Darkness (Another removal spell that would potentially help out Kalitas).  If you are set on leaving Erebos's Titan in the main deck, perhaps you could use Utter End as well and/or Oblivion Strike.  Also, think about Silkwrap.  Nice deck!


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Re: [Standard] BW standard control
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2016, 08:28:19 am »
***sorry, I see you already have Silkwrap in the main deck.  One more thing though, you could drop 1 Murderous Cut and maybe think about adding a 3rd copy of Read the Bones for some more card advantage.  Obviously it's just a suggestion!


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Re: [Standard] BW standard control
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2016, 09:44:12 am »
I dont own any Kalitas or they would definitely be in the deck. Thank you for the suggestions though.


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Re: [Standard] BW standard control
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2016, 10:23:13 am »
While I see nothing fundamentally wrong with your list, I will nonetheless pick at it hatefully in an effort to improve it! First though, the current list you've provided is more of a mid range deck than a control deck. If your intention is to be more controlling, then taking out some of your creatures and replacing them with removal is a good plan.

The Good:

Duress mainboard is an often underestimated destabilizer. The ability to take away a critical card from your opponent can make or break the game. Often times just seeing their hand provides a massive advantage. Silkwrap in quantities of 2 is a fine addition; it eats Jace, Mantis Rider, Anafenza, Hangarback Walker and plenty of other nuisances. Ob Nixilis is a bad ass card, and I love it in any deck that can support it. He's card advantage and protection for himself and you; his ultimate is rarely a factor, and even when I'm able to use it, I rarely do. I love his +1 and -3 too much! Stasis Snare is one of the best removal spells in the format right now. Its almost as good as Murder, and in most matches it effectively is Murder. Dromoka's Command makes this card less efficient, but you only have to see that card in the Abzan match up, and even then they have only four at most. I'd honestly up the quantity of Snare to four.

Secure the Wastes is arguably the best card in your deck. I love it so much. I'd run it main deck and I'd run three or four of them. They chump block like pros, and can act as a win condition later on. Infinite Obliteration is a quality card. Eat their Siege Rhino, Ulamog, Jace, Nantuko Husk or whatever else is killing you. Ultimate Price and Immolating Glare are solid specialized removal spells. I personally prefer Surge of Righteousness over Glare, but either one works.

Lastly, your mana base is contains the full four copies of the best land in standard, Shambling Vent. You go.

The Ugly:

Drana, Ayli, Erebos Titan and Sidisi are all iffy creatures. None of them have synergy with each other. Drana wants to swarm with lots of cheap critters. Ayli likes to play more defensively. Sidisi likes to eat creatures or herself to tutor up cards. I'm not sure what Erebos' Titan is doing. All I know is that while none of these cards are bad, none of them are amazing in this list. Sidisi is passable as a tutor effect that is sometimes also a big fatty, but usually I'd skip her entirely.

Ruinous Path is a very sketchy card. I've lost games because I needed to remove a threat on my opponents turn, and then cast a second spell on my own. RP prevents that from happening. The Awaken on it is rarely relevant, though when it is, its very useful. Transgress the Mind should be good if Duress is right? I personally hate Transgress. Costing 2 mana compared to 1 makes this card painful to cast, as it interrupts your curve. Worse, it only hits cards with CMC 3 or higher. Against mid range decks its fine, but the potential to have a pair of these in my opening hand versus U/R prowess or Atarka Red terrifies me. I'd relegate it to sideboard.

The Bad:

Ondu Rising is a draft card. Please take it out of your deck and never play it again. If you insist on life gain effects, use Sorin or Seeker of the Way. Better yet, go Mardu, and use Soul Fire Grandmaster.

A playset of Languish and a threesome of Flaying Tendrils is half your sideboard relegated to sweeper effects. Two Languish and a Tendrils should do you fine if you insist on running sweeper effects.

You aren't running scoured barrens or caves of koilos. Please run four of each, or at least four caves.


First and foremost, specialize the deck if you want a control focus. There are two ways to go with this in a W/B deck. The first is a dedicated win condition, which is typically a giant creature. Tragically, there are no good creatures in W/B that fit the role of control finisher right now. This leaves the second option; Planeswalkers. Fortunately, W/B have access to three of the best walkers in Standard. Ob Nixilis, Gideon, and Sorin. I'd go with two, four and three respectively, for a total of nine walkers.

Of these walkers, only Gideon actually punches for a reasonable amount. Sorin is there for the lifegain effect mostly, and could be dropped down to a two, or even one of if you like. Mostly he's there for consistencies sake with your best card, Secure the Wastes. The goal of W/B control as far as I'm concerned is to hold the board, keep it clean, and then when my opponent has nothing on the field, cast an end of turn Secure for a lot, follow it up with a Gideon or Sorin, and then swing for a crap ton of damage. Gideon's -4 and Sorin's +1 both double the damage output of your token swarm, making a Secure for five or six go from dangerous, to nearly lethal in a single swing.

Another amazing card for this type of deck is the Monastery Mentor. Because a control deck likes to play tons of non-creature spells, its typically easy enough to get him to pump out a few tokens. Even if he doesn't, the threat of him staying in play will typically cause your opponent to spend resources killing him, rather than advancing their board.

If I was to play B/W control, I'd use a list similar to this one here. It has powerful threats in Gideon, Mentor and Secure, plenty of removal, a smattering of hand disruption, specialized answers for matches where its relevant, and is overall a solid seventy five.