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Alabaster Host IntercessorBloodfell CavesEtali, Primal Conqueror // Etali, Primal SicknessEtali, Primal Conqueror // Etali, Primal SicknessEyes of GitaxiasEyes of GitaxiasFurnace GremlinGloomfang MaulerHangar ScroungerHangar ScroungerHidetsugu and KairiInvasion of Dominaria // Serra FaithkeeperInvasion of Dominaria // Serra FaithkeeperInvasion of Dominaria // Serra FaithkeeperInvasion of Dominaria // Serra FaithkeeperInvasion of Fiora // Marchesa, Resolute MonarchInvasion of Fiora // Marchesa, Resolute MonarchInvasion of Karsus // Refraction ElementalInvasion of Karsus // Refraction ElementalInvasion of Vryn // Overloaded Mage-RingInvasion of Vryn // Overloaded Mage-RingInvasion of Xerex // Vertex PaladinInvasion of Xerex // Vertex PaladinIslandIslandIslandIslandIslandKarsus DepthguardMoment of TruthMountainMountainMountainMountainPlainsPlainsPreening ChampionPyretic Prankster // Glistening GoremongerPyretic Prankster // Glistening GoremongerSkittering SurveyorSwampSwampSwampSwiftwater CliffsTemporal CleansingTidal TerrorVanquish the WeakWind-Scarred Crag

Bonded Herdbeast // Plated KilnbeastBonded Herdbeast // Plated KilnbeastBurning Sun's FuryChange the EquationDisturbing ConversionElspeth's SmiteExpedition LookoutHangar ScroungerInspired ChargeKarsus DepthguardKor HalberdNegateNegateOnakke JavelineerOnakke JavelineerOrder of the Mirror // Order of the Alabaster HostOrder of the Mirror // Order of the Alabaster HostUnseal the NecropolisZhalfirin Shapecraft