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[cEDH] - K'rrik the sleeper agent (EDH / Commander)

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Mana is for weaklings, real men use their life points, because only those who are willing to sacrifice something are able to gain something...

> Introduction

K´rrik is one of the strongest mono black commanders and his ability fits absolutely well in the black color pie. As you can use your life as a resource, he can finish the game very quickly with the right cards or just be grindy because of the reanimation spells. How do you get the right cards? Well, we are playing black, so we are going to tutor what we need because we don't need luck, we just need enough life. This deck will use its commander as an enabler for each infinite combo and trying to finish in early-to-mid game. K'rrik is also a good attacker and blocker. He can be a one-man show if you have to block creatures and will bring back life, which is mana and his ability to get bigger and bigger just by playing black spells makes him fearsome.


This deck is completely based on its commander and can win the game very quickly on turn 2-3, but is also strong in midgame. The key card is Gray Merchant of Asphodel. We will use the ability of K'rrik to pay with life points instead of mana. We will try to get the four mana in turn one or two, so we can cast K'rrik with six life and four mana. After this, we are going to finish the game with an infinity combo of devotion dmg. It is important to keep an eye on our life as a resource because if we don't have enough life we can't finish the game, so don't waste your life if it is not necessary.

As already mentioned, K'rrik has life link and gets stronger for each black spell, so attack, if possible, to get life back or just keep him as a blocker if the enemies playing decks with combat dmg.

Use the recursion spells for K'rrik to get a comeback, for Vilis to draw a lot of cards or for gary to get back life.

> Starting Hand

We should try to hold a hand that generates four mana quickly and at least one part of our combo and a tutor. There are even hands that can win in the first turn, but you should aim at turn two or three to go infinite or try to play till midgame because of the grind potential. Try to play K'rrik in turn one or two, so he can block and let you pay life for the spells. It is easily possible to finish in turn two or three if you have the right cards in hand, if not just try to hold a hand with some draw or ramp and get to the midgame. Prepare yourself to win in one turn with some protection cards if possible. It is no problem if you keep a hand with just one land if you can produce four mana quickly and cast spells with K'rrik.

>Win Cons


This is the main win condition.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel (Gary) Devotion DMG:

For this we need the following creatures:


  1. Sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel with Razaketh, the Foulblooded
  2. bring Gray Merchant of Asphodel back again with the ability from Chainer, Dementia Master for 9 life
  3. Sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel with Razaketh, the Foulblooded
  4. bring Gray Merchant of Asphodel back again with the ability from Chainer, Dementia Master for 9 life till you win the game.

If Chainer is exiled use Blood celebrant and Corpse Dance instead or just tutor for the pieces you need.

If someone tries to remove Chainer, you can pay 9 life again to bring back gray and start a new loop.

> Oracle

Need UU (Blood Celebrant, Lion's Eye Diamond, Mox Diamond, Lotus Petal or Gemstone Caverns)

  1. Use Praetor's Grasp or opposition agent to grab Thassa's Oracle
  2. Draw your deck with Vilis, Broker of Blood (this depends on what we are going to draw if we don't have Sheoldred, the Apocalypse) or with Asmodeus the Archfiend + Skirge familiar
  3. Play Thassa's Oracle
  4. Win


Praetor’s Grasp + Blood Celebrant + Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed – You can essentially steal any of your opponent’s 2 or 3 card wincon and win using their wincon instead (Think Thassa’s Oracle + Demonic Consultation / Tainted Pact or Brain Freeze or whatever floats your boat) Note: As long as your life total is high enough, you can attempt this win line as its own standalone combo.

> UnderBreach Line

Requirements: K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth + Praetor's Grasp 4 mana 1 Red mana (through any colored artifact or Blood Celebrant) 14 life total Being able to Escape pre LED and post LED (6 cards in GY, or 3 Cards in GY pre-LED + 3 cards in hand post-LED)

  1. 1 Mana and 4 life for Praetor's Grasp for Underworld Breach (Storm 1)

  2. 1 mana and R for Underworld Breach (Storm 2)

  3. Escape 3 + 1 mana and 4 life - Praetor's Grasp for Demonic Tutor (Storm 3)

  4. 1 mana 2 life - Demonic Tutor for Lion's Eye Diamond (Storm 4)

  5. Cast Lion's Eye Diamond and crack for UUU (Storm 5)

  6. Escape 3 + for U and 4 life Praetor's Grasp for Brain Freeze (Storm 6)

  7. Cast Brain Freeze for UU (Storm 7)

Now we have 21 cards in grave, 0 mana floating

  1. Escape 3 - Lion's Eye Diamond, crack for UUU (18 left in grave)

  2. Escape 3 - Lion's Eye Diamond, crack for BBB (15 left in grave)

  3. Escape 3 - Lion's Eye Diamond, crack for BBB (12 left in grave)

  4. Escape 3 + - BBB Praetor's Grasp for Thassa's Oracle (9 left in grave, floating BBBUUU)

  5. Escape 3 + - UBB Praetor's Grasp for Demonic Consultation (6 left in grave, floating BUU)

  6. Cast Thassa's Oracle for UU

  7. Cast Demonic Consultation for B

> Ways to get the wincons

> Pita

Play Peer into the abyss to draw half of the deck. This card is actually the best way to get any of our win cons. In combination with Skirge Familiar we don't even need K'rrik for mana.

> Asmodeus Engine

Get Necrotic Ooze onto the battlefield and Asmodeus the Archfiend along with Skirge Familiar into the graveyard. You can pay either with mana or by discarding cards from your hand and get to draw 7 cards since Necrotic Ooze copies Asmodeus the Archfiend activated ability but it doesn’t copy the static ability. This will let us draw 7 cards each time we pay. Now you can repeat this process by discard 3 cards from your fresh new 7 cards and get to draw another 7 cards. Repeat this process until you draw into a wincon. K'rrik and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse on the battlefield can replace Skirge Familiar since we can use 6 life to draw 7 cards and get back 14 life.

> Transfigure Line

  • K'rrik (on board)
  • Fleshwrither (in hand)
  • 5 Mana
  • 35 Life
  • 2 additional cards in hand
  1. Cast Fleshwrither for 2 and 4 life and transfigure into Necrotic Ooze for 1 and 4 life. (-8 life total)
  2. Using Fleshwrither's ability from grave with Necrotic Ooze, transfigure Necrotic Ooze for 1 and 4 life to get Balthor the Defiled. (-12 life total)
  3. Pay 6 life for Balthor's ability, exile Balthor for Nooze + Fleshwrither. (-18 life total)
  4. Transfigure Fleshwrither for Vile Entomber for 1 and 4 life. ETB, get Razaketh, the Foulblooded in the grave. (-22 life total).
  5. Pay 2 life, sacrifice Vile Entomber to find Entomb and cast it for 2 life, entombing Skirge Familiar. (-26 life total)
  6. Pay 2 life, sacrifice K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth to tutor for Asmodeus the Archfiend. (-28 life total)
  7. Use Skirge's ability with Ooze to discard Asmodeus and add one black mana.
  8. We now have the Asmodeus-Ooze Combo and only need to discard 2 more cards with Necrotic Ooze to get the needed to start the loop.
  9. Draw your entire deck and play any combo you want.


  1. Pay 2 life, Sacrifice Vile Entomber for Reanimate and cast reanimate for 2 life targeting Vile Entomber. ETB for Skirge Familiar.
  2. Pay 2 life Sacrifice Vile Entomber tutor for Asmodeus the Archfiend.
  3. Use Skirge's ability with Ooze to discard Asmodeus
  4. Pay BBB/6 life to draw 7 cards with Necrotic Ooze using Asmodeus the Archfiend's ability.
  5. Discard 3 cards from your hand to produce BBB and draw 7 again.
  6. Repeat step 8-9 until you drew your entire deck
  7. Play the combo you want.

> Sheoldred, the Apocalypse Line

With Sheoldred, the Apocalypse on the battlefield each draw will generate 2 life which give us some options to draw our deck.

> Buried Line

Using Buried Alive in combination with a reanimate, animate dead, necromancy, necrotic ooze or yawgmoth's will and K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth as an enabler is one of the easiest ways. Bring Chainer back to the battlefield with an reanimation spell and then use his ability to bring back house guard and Gary and start the loop or just play necrotic ooze and bring back Gary and start the loop as well.

> Final Line

Similar to buried alive, you can use Final Parting and search for two combo pieces if you already have one or use one of this lines:

  1. Hoarding Broodlord in graveyard and reanimate in the hand.
  2. Vilis, Broker of Blood in graveyard and reanimate in the hand / Asmodeus the Archfiend in graveyard and Necrotic Ooze in the hand..

> Hoarding Broodlord line

We can start this line easy with Final Parting or Entomb / Unmarked Grave / Vile Entomber in combination with any reanimator spell (assuming K'rrik is on the battlefield):

  1. Starting example: Hoarding Broodlord in graveyard and reanimate in the hand.
  2. Reanimate Broodlord and search for Saw in Half.
  3. Cast Saw in Half (with convoke and 2 Life points you don't even need mana).
  4. With the two new broodlords go for Sacrifice and Peer into the abyss.
  5. Play Sacrifice with convoke to sacrifice the Hoarding Broodlord which has convoked the spell. We have now 8 black mana.
  6. Convoke Peer into the abyss and use 6 of the 8 black mana to cast Peer into the abyss.
  7. Now we still have 2 black mana and half of our deck.

This is just one of a possible line with Hoarding broodlord, depending what you already have on the battlefield or in your hand you can also go for other cards.

> Razaketh Line

  1. Sacrifice a Creature (-2) for Blood Celebrant and Cast it (-2)
  2. Generate 3 Black Mana and sacrifice Blood Celebrant (-11) for Gray Merchant of Asphodel.
  3. Cast him for (-4) and the 3 Black mana. Devotion should be 8 so gain 24 Life back if 3 enemies are in game.
  4. Sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel (-2) for Reanimate and cast it on Blood Celebrant and generate 4 Black Mana (-12).
  5. Sacrifice Blood Celebrant (-2) for Animate Dead and cast it (-2 and one black mana) on Gray Merchant of Asphodel. ETB devotion is 9 now so gain back 27 Life
  6. Sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel (-2) for Dance of the Dead and cast it (-2 and one black mana) on Gray Merchant of Asphodel. ETB devotion is 9 again so gain back 27 life
  7. Sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel (-2) for Balthor the Defiled and cast him (-4 and the two remaining black mana). Use his ability to bring back Blood Celebrant and Gray Merchant of Asphodel back. ETB devotion is 9 again so gain back 27 life
  8. Generate 2 black mana through Blood Celebrant (-6) and Sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel for Necromancy. Cast (-2 and 2 black mana) it on Gray Merchant of Asphodel. ETB devotion is 10 now. Gain 30 Life back and dealt 45 damage total.
  9. If this is not enough you can go for shallow grave.

> Necro Line

Necropotence + Emergence Zone / Chainer, Dementia Master / Shallow Grave / Necromancy
Necropotence is a triggered effect that happens at end step, if we have an instant speed reanimation spell in hand, we are able to cast it in response to Necropotence’s exile trigger to attempt to do some end step shenanigans (such as reanimating a Vilis in an attempt to keep drawing and looking for more instant speed spells we can cast with the ultimate goal of assembling the Chainer line using our instant speed reanimation spells). This also allows us to get around Silence type effects which cease at end of turn (after discarding down to hand size). If we add in Emergence Zone to the mix, it enables us to potentially attempt to assemble a win because we are able to cast spells during our end step before our opponent’s get an untap.

> Single Card Discussion

> Inclusions

> Exclusions

  • Ad Nauseam: Paying life to draw cards can be good, but this card is more a gambling in K'rrik. Paying too much life will inhibit the play, and the {3} generic mana are too expensive for such a gambling. The Instant speed doesn't make it better because winning with instant speed is very difficult in this deck.
  • Conqueror's Flail & Defense grid & Infernal Darkness & Contamination: just to protect your turn to start your infinite combo but I decided to play more interaction instead.
  • Dark Confidant / Phyrexian Arena: too slow.
  • Doomsday: is not a wincon, it is just a way to get the win con but it needs too much card slots to be useful at all and it was only good in early game. It is better to use the "doomsday only" slots for more tutors, interaction and non tapped lands.
  • Diabolic Intent: with only 19 creatures (one of them is K'rrik himself) I don't think that this tutor will be consistent in this deck.
  • Dimir Machinations: flexible tutor for dismember, necromancy, corpse dance, opposition agent, toxic deluge, buried alive, praetors grasp, yawgmoth's will or necropotence. If another tutor is needed this one will be a good option but till now this deck is running the best possible tutors.
  • Feed the swarm: Best way to remove a enchantment but unfortunately it is on sorcery speed and most of times not fast enough to safe us from cards like necropotence or underworld breach.
  • Helm of awakening: cost reducer for everybody can be really rough if we can't finish the game in the same turn.
  • Leshrac's Sigil: Besides comboing off with Aetherflux Reservoir, its a dead card in all situations, which already have high sinergy with a lot of cards in this deck.
  • Overeager Apprentice: too slow to ramp.
  • Professor Onyx & Chain of Smog: A Win con where K'rrik is not even needed. Needs too much mana and there is not enough synergy for this cards.
  • Slaughter pact: The nonblack requirement and the two mana in the upkeep makes this removal only good to interrupt someone to win the game with a nonblack creature combo piece. Deadly Rollick is better.
  • Scheming Symmetry: Without a cantrip, a draw spell or an opposition agent you will let an enemy find an answer for you or even worse he will go infinite with this free tutor.
  • Withering Boon: Can only counter a creature, to counter the Thassa combo use Baleful Mastery instead.
  • Extort: It does not work as well as many people thought. For example, you will drain 3 opponents, you have to pay 2 life to get 3 life back, but you also need to pay mana for a spell which will trigger extort. So, in best case you have to pay 2 life for the spell and 2 life for the extort cost and will get back 3 life which means 2 instances of extort will bring back the life lost in this case. But what if the spell costs more than just one {b}? And every mana besides of black mana can't be replaced with life, which means you need to use blood celebrant to change out mana for life. This means that you need a lot of pieces to even get this loop started.
    Another problem is, that you usually need 3 opponents to stay alive while using the loop, so if one of them die because he had the lowest life, you can’t continue with the loop. In this case, you need to try to win another way if you haven’t gotten your other opponents low enough to kill them before you kill yourself by continue the loop in a life-negative situation.

> Strengths and Weaknesses

> Strengths

  • This deck is extremely fast and can tutor all important combo pieces without mana just with life.
  • It is just mono black, so in a cEDH group it shouldn't get the most attention, use this and finish the game out of the nowhere.
  • High comeback potential (midgame) if you don't play too aggressive.
  • Grind because of all the reanimator spells.
  • Unpredictable because of the phyrexian mana, we can interact while outtapped.
  • Lot of tutors, for each situation, just tutor the right card.
  • Finally, our versatility in our wincons allows us to easily pivot towards a win line that can win through most board states.

> Weaknesses

  • K'rrik as an important component and at the same time bottleneck of this deck.
  • Late game, lack of lands and engines (and the life loss will bring us into a dangerous position).
  • Countermagic can be a problem.
  • Lack of artifact removal for cards like such as Torpor Orb or Cursed Totem, I know we could play gate to phyrexia or phyrexian tribute, but we don't run enough creatures.

> Changelog & Other Sites

See revision:

Also Check my Decks on Moxfield :

Outdated Line:

> Sidisi Line

The Sidisi line requires K'rrik in play leads to assembling the Chainer-Gray Loop (assuming K'rrik is in play):

  1. Cast Sidisi, Undead Vizier and use her exploit trigger on herself to tutor for Chainer, Dementia Master.
  2. Cast Chainer, Dementia Master and use his ability to reanimate Sidisi.
  3. Sidisi will enter and exploit herself again to either tutor for Gray Merchant of Asphodel (assuming you are able to hardcast him) OR tutor for Entomb and put Gray Merchant into the grave.
  4. If you entombed or discarded Gary, use Chainer to bring him back and gain life back; Otherwise, cast Gary to gain life.
  5. Use Chainer to bring back Sidisi, Undead Vizier and exploit Sidis and search for dimir house guard
  6. cast dimir house guard or transumte him and bring him back with Chainer
  7. sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel with Dimir House Guard
  8. You have now assembled the Chainer-Gray Loop and can proceed to win.
    Note: Depending on your life resources and mana available once you've reached the point where you have Chainer in play and Sidisi in yard, there are many options at your disposal as far as tutoring goes, just be aware of what would be the most efficient use of your life, mana and tutors.

> Entomber Line

Depends on life the Vile Entomber / Entomb line can also be an easy way to get the combo (assuming K'rrik is in play).
We need Chainer, Dementia Master and Vile entomber / Entomb at least 2-6 mana and enough life (22-28) :

  1. Play Chainer, Dementia Master and Vile Entomber / Entomb
  2. Search for Sidisi, Undead Vizier
  3. Use the ability of Chainer to bring back Sidisi and exploit Sidisi, Undead Vizier to either tutor for Gray Merchant of Asphodel (assuming you are able to hardcast him) OR tutor for Entomb and put Gray Merchant into the grave.
  4. If you entombed or discarded Gary, use Chainer to bring him back and gain life back; Otherwise, cast Gray Merchant to gain life.
  5. Use Chainer to bring back Sidisi, Undead Vizier and exploit Sidisi and search for Dimir House Guard
  6. Cast Dimir House Guard or transmute him and bring him back with Chainer
  7. Sacrifice Gray Merchant of Asphodel with Dimir House Guard
  8. You have now assembled the Chainer-Gray Loop and can proceed to win.
    Note: Depending on your life resources and mana available once you've reached the point where you have Chainer in play and Sidisi in yard, there are many options at your disposal as far as tutoring goes, just be aware of what would be the most efficient use of your life, mana and tutors.

> Pestilence Kill

Gain enough life with:

  1. Sheoldred, the Apocalypse + Vilis, Broker of Blood = Pay 4 life, draw 4 cards, gain 8 life (Asmodeus Engine will also work if Vilis is exiled).
  2. Sheoldred, the Apocalypse + Peer into the Abyss = Draw half of the deck, lose half of your life, gain at least 60-80 life back (if gary is exiled).
  3. or some Gray Merchant of Asphodel etbs with Saw in Half (if the infinite loop is not possible) .

If we have enough life, we have to stack enough activations with Pestilence to kill all the enemies.

Using Skirge Familiar after drawing the deck will also allow to use pestilence without paying 2 life each time, to kill the enemies!


Carte à considérer


This deck appears to be legal in EDH / Commander.

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Library (0)
Graveyard (0)
Exile (0)
Board (0)













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» Révision 102 Juillet 1, 2024 KingKia
Révision 101 Juin 28, 2024 KingKia
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Révision 99 Janvier 4, 2024 KingKia
Révision 98 Décembre 30, 2023 KingKia
Révision 97 Octobre 9, 2023 KingKia
Révision 96 Août 30, 2023 KingKia
Révision 95 Août 16, 2023 KingKia
Révision 94 Juillet 1, 2023 KingKia
Révision 93 Juin 12, 2023 KingKia
Révision 92 Mai 29, 2023 KingKia
Révision 91 Mai 28, 2023 KingKia
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Révision 84 Décembre 19, 2022 KingKia
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Révision 80 Novembre 18, 2022 KingKia
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Révision 71 Août 25, 2022 KingKia
Révision 69 Août 20, 2022 KingKia
Révision 68 Août 9, 2022 KingKia
Révision 66 Mai 11, 2022 KingKia
Révision 61 Avril 11, 2022 KingKia
Révision 60 Mars 10, 2022 KingKia
Révision 58 Février 2, 2022 KingKia
Révision 57 Janvier 24, 2022 KingKia
Révision 56 Janvier 22, 2022 KingKia
Révision 55 Janvier 18, 2022 KingKia
Révision 54 Novembre 1, 2021 KingKia
Révision 49 Septembre 11, 2021 KingKia
-1 Duress +1 Bloodline Culling -> Also changed single card discussion
Révision 48 Juillet 26, 2021 KingKia
added Viscera Seer into mayboard and single card discussion, added phyrexian altar / ashnod's altar into single card discussion
Révision 47 Juillet 8, 2021 KingKia
Asmodeus the Archfiend + Necrotic Ooze + Skirge Familiar added into mayboard and single card discussion
Révision 46 Juin 23, 2021 KingKia
Révision 45 Juin 11, 2021 KingKia
Révision 40 Juin 1, 2021 KingKia
Révision 38 Mai 10, 2021 KingKia
Révision 37 Mai 3, 2021 KingKia
Révision 36 Avril 29, 2021 KingKia
Added to Mayboard and single card discussion: Baleful Mastery, Stinging Study and Wandering Archaic
Révision 34 Avril 7, 2021 KingKia
Révision 28 Février 24, 2021 KingKia
Révision 27 Février 18, 2021 KingKia
Révision 23 Février 12, 2021 KingKia
Révision 21 Février 11, 2021 KingKia
Révision 20 Février 10, 2021 KingKia
Révision 19 Février 10, 2021 KingKia
Révision 16 Décembre 9, 2020 KingKia
Révision 12 Novembre 28, 2020 KingKia
Révision 9 Novembre 10, 2020 KingKia
Révision 6 Novembre 5, 2020 KingKia
Révision 5 Novembre 5, 2020 KingKia
Révision 1 Mai 5, 2020 KingKia
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