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Select Main Deck Cards

Ashling the PilgrimBonfire of the DamnedBreaking PointChandra NalaarChandra, Fire ArtisanChandra, Heart of FireChandra, Torch of DefianceCurse of Shaken FaithHand of the PraetorsHapatra, Vizier of PoisonsHissing QuagmireLeyline of CombustionLivewire LashMelira, Sylvok OutcastOath of ChandraPhyrexian CrusaderPhyrexian HydraPhyrexian VatmotherQuietus SpikeRelic RobberSkithiryx, the Blight DragonSkrelv, Defector MiteSphinx-Bone WandSquee, Dubious MonarchStrixhaven StadiumTectonic GiantTekuthal, Inquiry DominusThe SeedcoreVenerated Rotpriest