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Anointed PeacekeeperBaird, Argivian RecruiterBalduvian BerserkerBalmor, Battlemage CaptainBite DownBortuk BonerattleCut DownDeathbloom GardenerDefiler of FaithDragon WhelpForestForestForestForestForestGaea's MightHeroic ChargeHeroic ChargeHeroic ChargeIslandIslandKeldon Strike TeamMountainMountainMountainNael, Avizoa AeronautPlainsPlainsPlainsPlainsQueen Allenal of RuadachRaff, Weatherlight StalwartRatadrabik of UrborgSalvaged ManaworkerStrength of the CoalitionSunlit MarshSwampSwampTerritorial MaroThe Weatherseed TreatyUrborg RepossessionUrborg RepossessionZar Ojanen, Scion of Efrava

Benalish FaithbonderBlight PileCitizen's ArrestLove Song of Night and DayMeria's OutriderMeteoriteMolten MonstrosityMolten MonstrosityResolute ReinforcementsResolute ReinforcementsTake Up the ShieldTake Up the ShieldTwinfernoVoda Sea ScavengerYavimaya Steelcrusher