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Please note: This is not an official DCI service. So please always make extra sure that the sheet contains all the cards in your deck and fulfils all DCI requirements. If you notice anything wrong, please let us know. DCI is a trademark of of Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This deck is for the Pauper Commander (PDH) format. Learn about the format here!
I originally wanted to do a PDH Vampire deck and a PDH Werewolf deck, and while the vampire deck worked out well (, werewolves are—for some reason—much more rare. Not RARE, exactly, they're still commons, but... ya'know. It's totally because flip cards are more niche.
Side note, but I especially love Eldritch Moon's "weirdwolves". I love the Eldrazi so getting them combined with another tribe like this is so fucking weird and cool. I love how they don't transform back, because they've been permanently warped and changed by Emrakul's influence. It was a super fun combo in my Standard Green Werewolves deck to go T1 Kessig Prowler, T2 Neglected Heirloom + equip + swing with a 3/2, T3 Waxing Moon + swing with a 7/7 trample first strike that can't be blocked by more than one creature. That said, against any good deck it would just die to removal... Oh well, such is meta.
I included every pauper werewoof here and there's... 21. I had to wait until Midnight Hunt to even try this. Even still, I've had to include every one, no choosing. I got to decide what wolves I wanted, but even then, many of them aren't good. Why is it that wolves' schtick in Magic is to want to be pumped up with mana? It's like shitty Firebreathing from dragons, just on many smaller bodies. Regardless, the deck is done. I hope so strongly that it works out... And... that somehow we see more werewolves soon... but I doubt it. They're so cool! Print more, Wizards! No, not print more wizards, print more, Wizards!
2-sided (coin flip) | |
6-sided (d6) | |
20-sided (d20) | |
Sides: |
Double-click to open card details.
Name | Hand | Turn 1 | Turn 2 | Turn 3 | Turn 4 | Turn 5 | Turn 6 | Turn 7 | Turn 8 | Turn 9 | Turn 10 | |
Additional Probabilities |
Please add some cards to the deck to see card suggestions.
Score | Card Name | Type | Mana | Rarity | Salt |
Compare | Revision | Created | By | |||
» | Revision 2 | July 10, 2022 | nondairygiant | |||
Revision 1 | July 10, 2022 | nondairygiant |