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Ambassador LaquatusBruvac the GrandiloquentCognivoreCountermandCourt of CunningCut Your LossesDay's UndoingDictate of KruphixDreamborn MuseDrowned SecretsEcho of EonsEven the ScoreFleet SwallowerFolio of FanciesFont of MythosGame PlanHaughty DjinnHedron CrabHowling MineJace's ArchivistJace's ErasureJace, Memory AdeptKami of the Crescent MoonKeening StoneLier, Disciple of the DrownedMaddening CacophonyMemory ErosionMesmeric OrbMindcrankPsychic CorrosionPsychic SpiralRiddlekeeperRuin CrabSanity GrindingSphinx MindbreakerSphinx's TutelageStartled Awake // Persistent NightmareStartled Awake // Persistent NightmareTalent of the TelepathTeferi's Puzzle BoxTeferi's TutelageTerisian MindbreakerTime SpiralTome ScourWell of IdeasWindfallZellix, Sanity Flayer