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Teshar list. My only cEDH deck.
Finished building it during the pandemic. Wanted to build it after watching an old video by Patrick Marlett's channel
I had most cards, Cracked a crypt in mystery boosters.
Little did I know that the 15 missing cards were worth quite a few of my decks... XD
Performance is in a good place now. More draw, better stax pieces for the meta.
Mostly LTB.
No LED yet... maybe never. Proxied for now.
Tithe is out.
Missing some fetches, they'll be in there eventually.
I was wrong about Mox diamond. I proxied one in.
God Hand : Got that Turn 0 win
= KCI, Retriever, Petal, crystal/ancient tomb vein, mana vault/crypt, lotus petal + wincon/clamp/codex to dig. OR Land, Mana crypt, ashnold's altar, Orni, retriever, lotus petal/Mox opal +wincon/clamp/codex to dig. (probably others)
Icarus : Died to Mana crypt
Whats golden : Won with commander damage??
Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned : Won a game off-turn
Ring of fire : Defeated an opponent thanks to a ring-bearer's trigger
Not today! : an opponent says you were only able to pull off a combo thanks to Silence or Ranger-Captain of Eos
Any plan incapable of modification is a bad plan : Killed an opponent using Arcbound Ravager
The foot clan wins! : Won the game using the codex shredder
Moxy : Had 3 moxen on the battlefield at once.
Cigaro : Engineered explosive was cast with 5 colors
'Hello darkness, my old friend' : Died to a One ring trigger
A new hope : used Kami of false hope at least 3 times in a game Retired
Do the thing : Won a cEDH game
Fu$k Censorship : Stopped a search using Aven Mindcensor at instant speed.
It doesn't work the way you think : Milled yourself to grab a win con.
Oh my God, it's a mirage I'm tellin' y'all, it's a sabotage : milled every opponents by milling them in the same turn.
Meat grinder : eliminated an opponent with ping damage
You leave town tonight, right now. And when you're gone, you stay gone, or you be gone : had to explain that rule because someone doesn't understand why the thing exiled with Leonin Relic-Warder doesn't come back if you sac it in response to it's etb. Retired
2-sided (coin flip) | |
6-sided (d6) | |
20-sided (d20) | |
Sides: |
Double-click to open card details.
Name | Hand | Turn 1 | Turn 2 | Turn 3 | Turn 4 | Turn 5 | Turn 6 | Turn 7 | Turn 8 | Turn 9 | Turn 10 | |
Additional Probabilities |
Please add some cards to the deck to see card suggestions.
Score | Card Name | Type | Mana | Rarity | Salt |