Deckstats Forum

English-language Forums => General Magic => Thema gestartet von: Federico Rosano am Juni 15, 2019, 03:29:38 Nachmittag

Titel: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Federico Rosano am Juni 15, 2019, 03:29:38 Nachmittag
I play MTG since 2003: I bought my very first deck on vacation, it was a mono blue with Phantom Warrior (, Wind Drake ( and Mana Leak (, I always loved it. Since then I always loved building my own decks from scratch. I bought a few, expecially in the beginning, but I always realized that build a deck is a big part of the game, if not the biggest, at least for me.
My learning curve had a real blast when I had no-limits internet access. From that point my focus is on super cheap and fun decks to play against friends, Modern and Casual formats. Currently I own 15 complete decks and I'm always working on new unique ideas. I love when cards interacts with opponents and the game is enjoyable for everyone.

Check my decks collection here:
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: WWolfe am Juni 15, 2019, 04:16:50 Nachmittag
I love brewing decks probably slightly more than I do playing but not by much.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: robort am Juni 15, 2019, 05:17:50 Nachmittag
I enjoy brewing/building decks much more. The whole creativity aspect into a finished project that I did is a great feeling.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Xaarvaxus am Juni 15, 2019, 05:29:33 Nachmittag
I enjoy the brewing/building aspect more.  I tend to enjoy the first half-dozen or so games with a deck more than the games that follow as I get to see where the deck is succeeding and where it is falling short and am usually already focused on what changes need to be made to shore up a weakness ( or improve a strategy while those games are still ongoing.  Once I've piloted most decks a few times, some new idea will hit and I'm spending resources to acquire ( what I need to build on that idea.   However, I rarely rip down decks that I've built and will tinker ( with updates as new cards come out but the newer decks tend to get dragged to any game night [with my Grimgrin zombie tribal mill being an exception].
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Red_Wyrm am Juni 16, 2019, 04:46:05 Vormittag
I enjoy playing new decks. I get bored of the same deck, so I constantly am building new ones. But I do really enjoy looking at a commander and trying to figure out how to best use it.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Leonixious am Juni 16, 2019, 06:25:42 Vormittag
More times then not I love playing more then Building. But from time to time, just sitting down with just an idea, flipping through my giant collection, and building an EDH deck from scratch is the perfect thing to de-stress. That and modifying decks when a new set hits is always fun.

Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: WWolfe am Juni 16, 2019, 08:43:10 Vormittag
That and modifying decks when a new set hits is always fun.

This is something I always look forward to!
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Red_Wyrm am Juni 16, 2019, 10:17:32 Vormittag
That and modifying decks when a new set hits is always fun.

This is something I always look forward to!

Yeah. It can be hard sometimes. Do I take out Blur Sliver ( or Galerider Sliver ( for my Cloudshredder Sliver (

In seriousness, I would probably take out flying since you have the shifting sliver ( for evasion, as well as ward sliver (, if you run that. And probably some others.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: WWolfe am Juni 16, 2019, 01:41:43 Nachmittag
That and modifying decks when a new set hits is always fun.

This is something I always look forward to!

Yeah. It can be hard sometimes. Do I take out Blur Sliver ( or Galerider Sliver ( for my Cloudshredder Sliver (

In seriousness, I would probably take out flying since you have the shifting sliver ( for evasion, as well as ward sliver (, if you run that. And probably some others.

My cut would be Reflex Sliver (, if one were to run it, drops the cmc and gives an extra ability.  8)
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Red_Wyrm am Juni 17, 2019, 09:05:48 Nachmittag
That and modifying decks when a new set hits is always fun.

This is something I always look forward to!

Yeah. It can be hard sometimes. Do I take out Blur Sliver ( or Galerider Sliver ( for my Cloudshredder Sliver (

In seriousness, I would probably take out flying since you have the shifting sliver ( for evasion, as well as ward sliver (, if you run that. And probably some others.

My cut would be Reflex Sliver (, if one were to run it, drops the cmc and gives an extra ability.  8)

Don't forget ( to make room for Plague Sliver (  ;)
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Morganator 2.0 am Juni 17, 2019, 09:31:26 Nachmittag
I like playing decks more. I've gotten pretty good at deck building that most of it is just routine stuff. I also haven't built a new deck in about 6 months, because nothing has peaked my interest enough.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Red_Wyrm am Juni 17, 2019, 09:35:41 Nachmittag
I like playing decks more. I've gotten pretty good at deck building that most of it is just routine stuff. I also haven't built a new deck in about 6 months, because nothing has peaked my interest enough.

What about my boy, Urza (
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Morganator 2.0 am Juni 17, 2019, 09:38:08 Nachmittag
I was planning on building Urza, Lord High Artificer (, but stopped halfway, for the dumbest reason.

It would absolutely destroy my playgroup. I don't think there are enough people with strong enough decks for it to ever be a challenge for me. I know they wouldn't enjoy it, and I wouldn't enjoy it, so what's the point?
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Reyane am Juni 17, 2019, 09:43:43 Nachmittag
Making and modifying decks has always been fun for me. I have 14 - 60 card decks and 4 commander decks. Some of them I have gotten ideas from others, but many of them were me searching for hours through various cards, finding neat combinations, and making a deck. I do have to say though, that recently making decks has been harder since I have found and made a lot of the decks that really stand out and pique my interest. When I hit these little roadblocks then playing Magic becomes more fun to me. Really depends on sets when they are released and what goofy mechanics I can play with.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: theClownsChapter am Juni 17, 2019, 10:08:10 Nachmittag
My Answer is definitely Brewing.

I spend so much time thinking about als kinds of decks, combinations and themes. Even those which I never will aquire in any form.

When I play a deck some times I feel like it is "known" and I don't have the patience of mastering a deck (nor does my small playgroup I guess).
My mind jumps straight to the next idea.

In the end all that is limited by the budget i restricted myself (more or less ( usually more)

Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Red_Wyrm am Juni 17, 2019, 10:13:21 Nachmittag
I was planning on building Urza, Lord High Artificer (, but stopped halfway, for the dumbest reason.

It would absolutely destroy my playgroup. I don't think there are enough people with strong enough decks for it to ever be a challenge for me. I know they wouldn't enjoy it, and I wouldn't enjoy it, so what's the point?

can you at least finish the list for deckstats so I can cheat off you? Although I wanna use his third ability, and not so much the stax route.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Morganator 2.0 am Juni 17, 2019, 11:46:41 Nachmittag
When I stopped, I was still trying to figure out a good combo with the third ability. It could just be an infinite mana sink, but I wanted something different. But Urza ('s strength comes from the stax part. I'll try to finish it up, just for you.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Soren841 am Juni 17, 2019, 11:48:18 Nachmittag
It's probably obvious but I prefer deckbuilding
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Leonixious am Juni 18, 2019, 03:30:28 Vormittag
When I stopped, I was still trying to figure out a good combo with the third ability. It could just be an infinite mana sink, but I wanted something different. But Urza ('s strength comes from the stax part. I'll try to finish it up, just for you.

If I may, Training Grounds ( + Pili-Pala ( goes Infinite Mana through Urza, Lord High Artificer ( second ability. And though its a slower play, Conjurer's Closet ( will provide a steady stream of ever growing Constructs that could be used for Mana.   
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Morganator 2.0 am Juni 18, 2019, 04:25:19 Vormittag
Neither one is good enough. Pili-Pala ( needs to ditch the summoning sickness to untap, so I either need a haste enabler, or for Pili-Pala ( to survive a full turn cycle (which will not happen). I don't need Conjurer's Closet ( because I have enough mana as is.

When I stopped building, I was trying to figure something out with Paradox Engine ( I figured that with 4 other artifacts (easy) and casting Mana Severance ( (harder) I'd be able to cast all spells in my deck. After that, I guess it's Laboratory Maniac ( + a draw spell, Nexus of Fate (, or Aetherflux Reservoir (

I'm sure if I gave this more thought I could figure something out. I guess in this case deck building is more fun than playing.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Red_Wyrm am Juni 18, 2019, 07:04:41 Vormittag
When I stopped, I was still trying to figure out a good combo with the third ability. It could just be an infinite mana sink, but I wanted something different. But Urza ('s strength comes from the stax part. I'll try to finish it up, just for you.

Thanks, pal! I kind of wanted value from his ETB effect and then the ability to ramp into getting 2 or 3 or 4 activations from his third ability in a single turn. I don't want an infinite combo because then the deck becomes dull and repetitive. Trying to play the same cards every game to win. Doing the same thing. Which some people like, but I am not a fan of. I would rather smash ( face with 5 10/10 constructs and activate his last ability hitting that epic Emrakul, The Promised End ( or Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger ( In fact I need to update my deck list to include the Eldrazi Titans, but only the new ones. I opened Ulamog and Kozilek, and bought new emrakul.

Oh kewl story actually. So I was 15 and stupid cut me a break. I was in PA visiting family for Thanksgiving and my grandmother gave me $20 for being a "good boy." I spent it on 5 booster packs for BFZ (She was disappointed I "wasted" it.) I got an expedition wooded foothills ( if I remember correctly. I never understood the point of fetchlands. Pay life for a land? Why not just play a mountain ( or a forest ( instead? Like I said, I was stupid. Still am, but less so. So I traded it in for another 15 or so packs. The guy said since I got one awesome card from that box, he'd open another one for me so I could hopefully get a good card out of that box, which I did. I got an  expedition steamvents. Traded it in for another clump of booster packs. Opened them all and got crap. Got dragonmaster outcast (, which I thought was an amazing card at the time. Then the VERY last pack I opened of that last clump, I got new ulamog. Then I splurged and bought an Eldrazi deck.

Then Oath of the Gatewatch came out and my dad drove me to get a fat pack, and the price of gas was 1 pack, so I gave it to him. And the little terd opened up kozilek, but traded it to me for another pack, which didn't have anything special.
Titel: Re: What do you love more? Building decks or playing?
Beitrag von: Federico Rosano am Juli 13, 2019, 02:56:28 Nachmittag
I like playing decks more. I've gotten pretty good at deck building that most of it is just routine stuff. I also haven't built a new deck in about 6 months, because nothing has peaked my interest enough.
I usually love building new decks every time, even if I stick to Modern format. I like to have unique decks, with unique strategies and cards in it.
New ideas come from cards I discover time to time, but only few of them become actual decks.
My latest challenge is around the Ebony Own Netsuke, coupled with Howline Mine and the Runeflare Trap ( is going to be explosive.