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Post - SixBeerSlayer

Pagine: [1]
Commander Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Pure Ravnican Dimir
« il: Marzo 15, 2020, 04:39:22 pm »
It's great to hear that it runs well, our builds are very similar. Great point with Mirko as well, I will be meeting my friends and playing these for the first time today. I will make that quick swap from Lazav before I play. Again great deck, I'm a real sucker for a fun theme like this. I will absolutely be checking out your other decks.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: [EDH / Commander] Pure Ravnican Dimir
« il: Marzo 14, 2020, 06:39:53 pm »
I love the fun flavor of a pure guild EDH. I have been building the exact same thing with my meta, we are each picking a guild and building using only ravnica sets. I chose Dimir and am glad to find this list. How is this build for you? Also what is your reason for choosing Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker over one of the Lazav prints?

Commander Discussion / Re: Learning to play control in EDH
« il: Marzo 12, 2020, 12:54:18 am »
Thank you all so much for the knowledge! I appreciate your time and will continue to study the strategy.

Commander Discussion / Learning to play control in EDH
« il: Marzo 10, 2020, 10:49:46 pm »
I have always typically been an aggro player and build decks using lots of creatures and trying to win by sheer force or overrun.. I am in no way a super skilled deck builder and have wanted to change up my play style lately.
I'm very interested in trying control, I have always liked the look and style of UB decks in-particular and wanted to try my hand at building a control EDH. I've tried using deck builders and looked at for ideas and strategies but cannot seem to connect the dots. Can you please give me some tips or ideas for becoming better at playing control? When to use my counters, creature spells to instant/sorcery spell ratios, different win conditions examples.. etc.
I like the idea of being more of a control player frankly i just seem to suck at it at the moment... any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Heavy Hand
« il: Marzo 09, 2020, 12:47:20 am »
Thank you for the reply WizardSpartan! Those lands you suggested all look great and I will definitely check out my LGS. The tap lands I am using currently were super cheap and seemed easy but have put me at a disadvantage more than once. As for the (Maze of Ith)  its a bit of a pet card of mine that I like to use. I will be adding all of your suggestions as I can afford them and appreciate your time a lot! Thanks!

Commander Deck Reviews / Heavy Hand
« il: Marzo 08, 2020, 06:51:10 pm »
Heavy Hand

Nekusar and Kess Wheels

This is my first online deck post, any suggestions? My main goal is to keep the deck fun to play with and against. Should I use more basics? land base is my biggest concern.

Pagine: [1]