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Mensagens - Fuzzy2Wasy

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"How can the enemy push a button if you have disabled its use of its HANDS!?"

General Magic / Re: Rules Question; Everything Counters
« em: Maio 30, 2024, 12:09:34 am »
I would think its the same as creatures given all creature types.  They are Creature - Birds, Creature - Beasts, Creature - Dragons, etc...


Artifact Creatures, Legendary Creatures, Land Creatures

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: How do YOU guys build commander decks?
« em: Maio 10, 2024, 11:10:44 pm »
Generally 99 cards in the deck and 1 commander in the command zone.  The 99 cards in the deck are limited to the color identity of said commander.

What's funny is that as I was looking for cards to add in order to tutor up the Font, I came upon Kuldotha Forgemaster and realized it is just strictly better, albeit maybe less sticky. 

Deck Reviews / Re: The Beastie Boy
« em: Maio 02, 2024, 06:19:17 pm »
My playgroup did a holiday themed deck building challenge, and I made Krampus to steal the naughty children and drown them in a river.  I know you won't be using the green stuff, but there might be a few ideas you like in here.

Deck Reviews / Re: The Beastie Boy
« em: Maio 02, 2024, 06:07:14 pm »
If it were my deck, I would try and replace a few of your 1-time sacrifice abilities with permanent sac outlets. I agree with you that you may be (significantly) too high on board theft, playtesting in your group will be critical to see how fast you run out of targets and have dead cards in your hand.  If you do go with more GY theft, I would highly recommend Altar of Dementia.  This would also pair very nicely with a Rise of the Dark Realms as a finisher. 

If you're married to The Beast as your commander, respect, but I would think for this plan to really succeed, getting a GRIXIS commander to give you access to blue perma-theft and artifact theft would probably step you up a level in competitiveness.  Take and keep the really good stuff (including other people's commanders) and steal and sac the other stuff to take away blockers and get sac value.

Commander Discussion / Re: Cheating in artifacts with Transmutation Font
« em: Março 29, 2024, 02:29:48 am »
This is the first draft of the deck I quickly threw together, lots of different named artifact tokens to reliably pitch to the font, and about 10 ways to tutor for the font on top of just straight card draw into it.  Not sure how well it would play at all, but this is sort of the initial idea not tuned at all

Commander Discussion / Re: Cheating in artifacts with Transmutation Font
« em: Março 29, 2024, 02:21:13 am »
With the font in particular, it actually makes Blightsteel Colossus a lot better IMO, even without haste.  If someone does anything except exile it, it goes back to the library where I just use the font again to bring it right back down.  If someone does exile, hopefully I have a sac outlet or my own removal I can kill it with in response, to get it back into library to use the font ASAP.  It essentially becomes a way to get my opponents to "waste" their removal.  I feel like it's also a political tool to make deals with someone who is a threat to me, agree not to swing the Colossus at them next turn IF...

While Darksteel Forge is a fantastic value piece, I was trying to find things are huge threats immediately that need to be answered or I win, a la Colossus. Portal to Phyrexia is probably a good bet in most games there should be good things to grab from graveyards. 

Commander Discussion / Cheating in artifacts with Transmutation Font
« em: Março 28, 2024, 04:18:57 pm »
Transmutation Font

I have never built an edh deck specifically in the artifact meta as I always felt it was too easy / too good for the groups I usually play with.  But since WotC keeps making ridiculously OP cards, I'm feeling like "why not, time to lean into it".

What are some artifacts that are totally game changing that you can cheat into play with Transmutation FontBlightsteel Colossus seems like an easy choice, what are some others to think about getting?


Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Pride, The Original Sin
« em: Março 15, 2024, 05:38:04 pm »
I am mainly making my decks out of cards that I already have. Yes I think I have too many cards in the deck that I just like for the combos and they are taking away from the whole point of having a commander I can draw on whenever I want.

That is what it's all about.  There is nothing wrong at all with playing the cards you like, or the idea you have.  Hope nothing I said came across as mean.   :D

It looks like a fun deck and I really like your idea for your block of decks!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Pride, The Original Sin
« em: Março 14, 2024, 02:54:48 am »
I also took some time to look through the creatures you are running, and I'm scratching my head a little.  It could absolutely be that you just like those creatures and want to run them, and if so that is fantastic.  It is a little strange to me that you have chosen a commander that cares about 2 things (outside of just access to my two personal favorite colors :D ) . 

Teysa says 2 things, you are running 35 creatures currently, and here is my breakdown with how they play with your commander

1.  "if a creature dying causes a triggered ability you control to trigger, do it again"
 - Golgari thug, if IT dies you get to put 1 creature card from your graveyard on top of your library.  I would say this is a very situation effect, you need a good creature in your graveyard that you would rather draw over a different card, and then be able to draw that card before an opponent can interact with you IF they know a big threat is going on top
 - Massacre Girl, great to draw 2 cards off each trigger, but how difficult will it be in this deck to get your opponents creatures to exactly 1 or 0 toughness before killing them
 - Midnight Reaper, only triggers off your own, non-token creatures, but probably the most consistent source of card draw you have in your deck with the double trigger
 - Ojer Taq, it turns into a land twice?  Not anymore useful than in any other deck, Teysa does nothing for it
  - Sir Konrad, double triggers on him is excellent anytime any creature dies.  He still "only" gets 1 trigger for his other conditions, but still I would say very good card in this deck
So of your 35 creatures, exactly 5 have text that Teysa cares about, and one of those 5 is pointless

2. "Creature tokens you control have vigilance and lifelink"
By card type
Lands - 0 make tokens (really want a Field of the Dead here)
Enchantments - 4 makes tokens, Bastion and Stashed Skeleton each make exactly 1 token 1 time, Doom Foretold gets to resolve exactly 1 time and then you have to sacrifice it, Haunted Library can be a star in the deck
Instants - Seize the Soul makes 1 token 2 times
Sorceries - Finale of Glory obviously is very good finisher, less good if you don't have haste or can't cast at instant speed just before your turn starts.  If you make all those tokens on a huge cast, and then while they are all sick for a round someone casts a sweeper, well that stinks
Creatures- Generals Enforcer, Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia, Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts, Teysa, Opulent Oligarch, Teysa, Orzhov Scion, and Vito the fanatic are the creatures you have that make tokens, to varying levels of difficulty and success. 
12 cards in your deck generate tokens. 

So of the two things you commander cares about, a grand total of 16 cards of 99 relate to your commander.   Again, I am not trying to poo-poo on your deck, if you are running it because they are things you like and you enjoy watching them do the thing they do, I totally dig it. 

Teysa decks typically tend to run cards like:

Zulaport Cutthroat, Cruel Celebrant, Pitiless Plunderer, Pawn of Ulamog, Doomed Traveler, Grim Haruspex, Ministrant of Obligation, Reassembling Skeleton, Blood Artist, Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim, Elenda, the Dusk Rose
Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Hallowed Spiritkeeper

These types of cards will consistently double your death triggers, and a LOT of them will also give you tokens at the same time.  If it were me, I would sort of redo the deck from scratch and look for a lot more of these types of effects (there are tons). 

If you like the cards you have, I might also suggest using a different commander that can help the things you like to run benefit you more/better
Athreos, God of Passage makes your opponents pay life to keep your dead creatures dead
Breena, the Demagogue encourages your opponents to attack each other, AND it triggers for you as long as you attack an opponent of yours you get card draw
Killian, Ink Duelist makes those targeted removal spells cheaper for you to cast to keep your opponents threats in check
Minthara, Merciless Soul lets you run whatever you want but all your things you have out always get bigger
Kambal, Consul of Allocation just hurts your opponents and helps you for just being on the board and playing the game

Overall, if you like the deck you have, as long as you enjoy it that is what matters!

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Pride, The Original Sin
« em: Março 13, 2024, 11:11:55 pm »
I love the concept of 7 "deadly sin" decks.  Very creative.  I think most people on this site would recommend when you put decks up for review/questions/advice, use the "GROUP CARDS BY" dropdown in the upper right corner of your deck to give a better sorting instead of just 100 cards in alphabetical order.  Custom Sections is best for a complex deck to show what you are trying to achieve with specific cards, but at the very least you should sort by type - extended to separate out your card types for easy digestion. 

I would like to mention, be careful with Shroud.  I'm sure you know but it can sometimes backfire.  If your sac outlet targets a creature, and it has shroud, you can't target even your own stuff. 
Also, the card Lifeline, I have never seen it played.  Maybe you have some amazing combo with it I am clueless about, but this is another danger card.  It is a symmetrical effect, so all players get to use it.

OK, on to your actual question:
When you say "fight" I think what you are getting at is removal, in general?  Black and White actually have the BEST removal options in MTG, so this shouldn't be of any concern.

Targeted spells like Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Anguished Unmaking, Despark, Generous Gift (which can hit any permanent, even lands), Feed the Swarm, Defile, Infernal Grasp, Go for the Throat
and sweepers such as Austere Command, Armageddon, Farewell, Toxic Deluge, Torment of Hailfire, Damnation
Are very common in Orzhov colors

Along with that list of removal options, Black especially excels at forcing opponents to sacrifice and/or discard (how are they gonna push a button if they have no hands!?)
I see you have Grave Pact but Dictate of Erebos is an additional effect that you can keep in your hand as a trap card with flash. 

Additionally, there are lots of sacrifice outlets that have some utility that I think would be good for you.  Village Rites, Ashnod's Altar, Victimize, Phyrexian Tower, Phyrexian Altar, Selfless Spirit, Remorseful Cleric, Culling the Weak

You also seem pretty (very) light on card draw on my first glace.  I am not familiar with a lot of the creatures you are running, so maybe they have some draw I am not aware of, but if you are drawing and then playing 1 card per turn, IMO you have already lost the game.  White has a few options to draw cards, but black is plentiful in these effects.  Reckoner's Bargain, Fanatical Offering, Costly Plunder, Nasty End, Altar's Reap, Corrupted Conviction, Plumb the Forbidden should be an auto include, Skullclamp to kill your tokens, The One Ring

I'm not sure what funds you have if you are building the deck in paper, or your group allows proxies, or you are building for online, but I see quite a few expensive cards, so if budget is not a real issue, you can do a lot to upgrade your land base,  Out with Scoured Barrens and Silverquill campus, and cut back a lot of basics, and put in Field of the Dead, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Isolated Chapel, Shinedown Snarl, Vault of Champions, Godless Shrine, Shattered Sanctum, Fetid Heath are some of my favorites.  Scrubland if you are really ballin out :)

Hope this helps.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Changing K&T's win-con
« em: Dezembro 24, 2023, 03:44:15 am »
Approach of the Second Sun seems like a pretty decent chance to pull off if you're drawing a lot of cards

Commander Discussion / Re: Need some ideas a commander deck.
« em: Dezembro 14, 2023, 05:20:42 pm »
About 7 or 8 years ago my buddy was getting married and he made all his groomsmen a commander deck to get back into the hobby from when we were kids.  It def sparked a flame and we have been playing since.

One of the decks he made was Lord of Tresserhorn .  Its a reserve list card but still only a few bucks because of the "downside" of its ETB, but potentially a very powerful commander.  I also feel like in the modern era its a card with some good diplomacy angles because of its ETB, and you can also get around it with cards like Sundial of the Infinite type effects, or lean into the sac requirement with tokens and death triggers.  Lots of ways to go, but a big beefy commander who can get double strike and 1 shot an opponent pretty easily.  My buddy eventually turned Tresserhorn into his grixis pirates commander. 

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