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Nachrichten - Mynus

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Commander Deck Reviews / Beamtown Bullies - Gifting Creatures - EDH
« am: Mai 18, 2022, 02:34:52 Nachmittag »
Beamtown Bullies - Gifting Creatures - EDH

So, I am going to give everyone creatures and they WILL like it. Got it down to 100 cards, not quite sure how this will actually play, but I like the idea of using Beamtown Bullies to give "gifts" to my opponents.

The only true path to victory, outside of combat damage, is the combo using The Beamtown Bullies, Bronze Bombshell, and Thornbite Staff, which should let me repeatedly give someone Bombshell to my opponents doing 7 damage to them until they are all dead.

This is not meant to be highly competitive, just looking for fun.

Let me know if you see any glaring absences.

Commander Deck Reviews / Re: Reducing Bosh's Cost - Quick Question
« am: April 12, 2022, 03:55:46 Nachmittag »
You can use Thran Turbine, although this would mean that you have to use the ability during your upkeep. It's a pretty cool card although a bit niche in its applications.

In the same vein as The Golgari Guy, Braid of Fire could be useful.

Ooh, thanks, I like these ideas. I don't mind sacrificing during upkeep with the right cards and in the right situation, and with Braid of Fire I could potentially get multiple sacrifices in the right situation.


Combined with Horizon Stone, both of these could be fun, it is all colorless at that point, but that shouldn't matter.

Commander Deck Reviews / Reducing Bosh's Cost - Quick Question
« am: April 11, 2022, 05:43:55 Nachmittag »
Bosh - Sacrifice Artifacts - EDH

First, this is not meant to be a high powered deck, I originally built this deck for $15 after seeing it on Commander's Quarters; it has received a few upgrades but not a lot.

So here is what I am looking for - I want to make the Bosh, Iron Golem ability more affordable.
  • I have Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient to make activating it multiple times more affordable.
  • I will be adding Heartstone and want to know if there are any more cards like this that fit into Bosh.

Zirda, the Dawnwaker would be amazing if it wasn't for those pesky white pips.

Thanks for any help.

Commander Discussion / Re: Do you hate combo decks?
« am: Februar 07, 2022, 10:20:26 Nachmittag »
There are low power infinite combos. Ones that either take many cards to work, have multiple points of interaction or don't win the game despite going infinite. You stated early on that you don't like "infinite" combos that take two or three cards. You didn't address low power combos, really. What if the combo takes five cards to work? Or eight? What if you need to wait a full rotation for your combo to work so that even sorcery speed interaction can stop it? What if it's an infinite mana combo but you don't have anything specific to dump the mana into? (Akin to having an Omniscience on the table.)

You say this: "Do I build my decks with the purpose of winning? No, I build my decks to be fun, to use a cool theme/mechanic/strategy." Is it possible that you're not necessarily against combos, you just dislike playing highly optimised decks with next to no cool cards? People often assume combo means that the deck is necessarily high power as well but this isn't always the case. I have (infinite) combo decks that lose to precons, even. They might play a very flavourful combo with many movings parts and little protection which results in a weak deck.

Yeah, you probably have a point here. A combo that takes that many pieces doesn't feel the same as the 2 card combo. A combo that takes 5-6 pieces can't be completed with one tutor. As I said a few posts ago, I think I am really more against the tutor aspect of the optimized combo deck than the actual combo itself.

As far as playing against optimized, yeah, I would say I like to play in a more casual setting. The power level of my playgroup has slowly creeped up, and it can be frustrating at times, but not every game is like that. I am not, nor do I want to be, a cEDH player. I would argue my decks are focused without being optimized, I think I would have one deck that I would call optimized, but it is not powerful, it is designed to do a thing, and does that thing very well, but it till not win out of no where or even super early.

This comes back to my ultimate goal when playing. I play commander for the inherent social aspect, do I try to win, ofcourse, but I am not tech-ing  my decks for the sole purpose of winning. Which means I typically don't pick generally "good" commanders like Sythis, I typically look for commanders with cool mechanics.

Commander Discussion / Re: Do you hate combo decks?
« am: Februar 07, 2022, 02:42:19 Nachmittag »
At the end the same two to three cards win the game, and when the goal of the deck is to exactly that, that's not magic I enjoy or want to play against.
What about everything that leads up to it? I mean the game is "random" up until the point that the combo is announced. (Also you mentioned high power combos only... What about low power ones? Are they any better?)

First, I am only talking about the infinite combos/wincon combos; I believe I stated that early on.

Combos are really fun, you want cards to do cool things together. However, I am not of fan of the "infinite" combo, when a deck is built around 2 cards to win, and it searches for that combo every time, that play-style is really boring and repetitive to me.

Second, yes the game is random, but at what point does that random begin to be less and less so? In these "combo" decks how many mulligans are taken to make sure you have starting hand that works, how many tutors are included, how many redundancies for parts of the combo are there? A good combo deck, by its nature, is designed to be the opposite of random; I believe the word "consistent" is often used to describe a well-oiled combo deck. All the ramp, card advantage, protection, removal that happen before the combo simply either accelerate the combo or delay others, again with the one goal in mind, winning with the combo.

I even have decks with "infinite" combos, it helps to have them to close a game, but they are not designed to get to that combo as fast as possible. I play very, very, very few tutors.

This leads to another topic:
Do I like to win? Yes, of course.
Do my decks have avenues to win? Yes, they do.
Do I build my decks with the purpose of winning? No, I build my decks to be fun, to use a cool theme/mechanic/strategy.
Do I pilot any deck I play to win the game? Yes

I believe there is a difference in playing to win and brewing to win. I believe combo decks do the latter, brew to win.

Commander Discussion / Re: Do you hate combo decks?
« am: Februar 02, 2022, 07:20:37 Nachmittag »
There's more to combo decks than just playing the same combo though. They need a protection package, card advantage, removal to eliminate stax pieces, and the well-built combo decks will layer their combos and streamline them to eliminate dead cards. Building a functional homebrew combo deck is difficult, and it's hard to execute when other players have their own interaction. If you go up against a combo deck it's very easy to be a reductionist and say that it wins the same way every time, but that undermines the complexity of what combo decks actually do.

I understand, but I still disagree. Creating all the things you mention still serve only one purpose, the combo. Protection of the combo (card advantage to get the combo, etc) is not complexity in my opinion, it just reinforces the combo. At the end the same two to three cards win the game, and when the goal of the deck is to exactly that, that's not magic I enjoy or want to play against. Yay, I lost to Heliod and Ballista again, so so fun. Yay, I lost to Thassa's Oracle again, so so fun.

I would feel the same way for combat decks if the only wincon was Craterhoof everytime.

Edit #2:
I would actually refine my idea, and say I dislike the idea of multiple tutors to guarantee the combo more than the combo itself.

Commander Discussion / Re: Do you hate combo decks?
« am: Februar 01, 2022, 02:47:22 Nachmittag »
and it searches for that combo every time, that play-style is really boring and repetitive to me.

This is a big factor. I would say that the problem most of times are not the combos per se, but playing a bunch of tutors to always get the same combo. This is fine in cEDH of course, but in casual it may lead to all games feel too "samey".

This is spot on for me. If an infinite combo happens in a game because you drew the cards throughout the game by chance, and it is played to end the game - great, but when every tutor that can go in a deck is in there and played, this leads to the exact same game. I like commander for the variance and variety, I don't want to end every game the same way. This is why I don't like my friends Heliod, Sun Crowned deck; Heliod is in the command zone, so he only needs one tutor to go get the other piece (Walking Ballista, etc); I have never seen that deck win any other way.

My main experience is that most people tend to undervalue the power of their decks, so when someone says something like a 5 or 6, that usually means a 7 or 8.

How do you know that everyone else is undervaluing instead of you overvaluing? The whole number scale is subjective based on each individual player's previous experience.

You are absolutely right, which highlights a problem in the number system that has been discussed again and again. Either way, undervaluing or overvaluing, my personal experience is the same. However, I would argue that more people tend to undervalue their power-level than overvalue.

My main experience is that most people tend to undervalue the power of their decks, so when someone says something like a 5 or 6, that usually means a 7 or 8. This leads to lopsided and games that aren't fun. Secondly, the online community seems to be gearing towards higher powerlevels/combos/commanders, and I very much enjoy casual level EDH.

Commander Discussion / Re: Do you hate combo decks?
« am: Januar 31, 2022, 06:32:43 Nachmittag »
Combos are really fun, you want cards to do cool things together. However, I am not of fan of the "infinite" combo, when a deck is built around 2 cards to win, and it searches for that combo every time, that play-style is really boring and repetitive to me.

General Magic / Re: Games you've enjoyed
« am: Januar 07, 2022, 03:46:05 Nachmittag »
4-pod Commander game, forget what two of the decks are, but I was playing my budget Niv-Mizzet (In my deck lists for those who are curious) and a friend was playing the new curse commander Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor. For most of the game the other two players are in control, and I am just waiting, casting some instants for protection/removal when necessary without really having much of a board state to really make things happen. Lynde plays the curse Maddening Hex, which is not great for me, but it only hits me so often since it is random. I get out Harmonic Prodigy, and have a chance to kill a player with several Niv-Mizzet triggers and do so, but with 3 players the Maddening Hex is hitting more often. We get down to two players, and now Maddening Hex is permanently on me in a spell-slinger deck, so constant damage, and I am ticking away quickly without doing enough to my opponent to win. I finally draw Curiosity and cast it, the Maddening Hex takes me to 4 life, and I have to cast one more spell to get the Curiosity combo win and roll less than a 4. Well the D6 rolls a 4 and I die, but it felt like an epic ending with everything coming down to a roll of a D6.

Commander Discussion / Re: Are 3-mana rocks still used?
« am: Dezember 31, 2021, 06:45:14 Nachmittag »
Looks like I am still running Worn Powerstone (I know it enters tapped, but the 2 mana is attractive to me for some reason) and Mana Geode for the scry.

Commander Discussion / Re: Show me what's not a 7.
« am: Dezember 17, 2021, 04:13:14 Nachmittag »
When I first started playing someone was trying to explain power level to me, I am now convinced they don't know anything about power levels, but they told me that a Pre-con was typically around a 4-5. Using that logic, I thought that an upgraded pre-con should probably be around a 6-7. So, I just assumed this was accurate and for a long time I thought most of my decks were 7s; they are not. I actually hate the number system, I think telling someone your deck is a 7 means absolutely nothing, because most people have different definitions of the levels or because people have a very hard time honestly evaluating their own decks.

I have actually stopped asking about power level numbers, but instead I try to ask what turn a deck can typically win on. I personally like a game that lasts past turn 4-6. This question has served me much better than the power level idea. If someone tells me anywhere between turn 3-5; I know that my decks are probably not going to compete in that scenario. My most focused deck is probably my Gyruda deck, but that deck isn't winning quickly at all. I would like an experienced player to look through my decks and tell me their "power level," but I don't think most people actually want to take the time to do this. Again, for me if a commander games goes 10-15 turns, I am okay with that, because that usually means I got to do something, I may not win, but at least I had opportunities to do something cool. In a game that ends on turn 4, I am probably not actually doing anything.

Command Zone just did a video and they mentioned something I like, they asked the question - Is your deck built to win? or Can your deck win? I think this distinguishes a lot of players; my decks "can" win, but I don't build a deck simply to win. I would rather have a theme/goal and try to do that thing.

Here is the Gyruda deck I mentioned (edited to show categories):

The goal of this deck is to get Gyruda's ETB as much as possible, which means its primary wincon is Mill.
Personally, I would put this at a 6, and according to the letters, it may fall in in the C-D range. Am I accurate?

Commander Discussion / Re: Do we still use Counterspell?
« am: Dezember 14, 2021, 05:05:15 Nachmittag »
Most of the time I am very budget minded, counterspell is still something I look at.

But honestly, I don't play a lot of control magic and don't include many counter effects in my decks, outside of my niv-mizzet slinger deck.

General Magic / Re: Magic is a complicated game.
« am: Dezember 13, 2021, 06:48:40 Nachmittag »
So, I post sparingly, I would post more, but I would consider myself still a pretty fresh magic player, about 2 years now. Therefore, finding areas that I am interested in and have a knowledge about only happens so often. I check these forums almost daily, because it gives me something to do during some downtime at work.

All that to say, that on issues of rules I tend to agree with MustaKotka. If I gave bad info on a rules point, I would expect to be downvoted. Of course no one knows all the rules all the time, but when I ask a question, I expect that the people are answering know the point. Opinion about subjective matters, who cares, but when someone is looking for rules clarity, I personally wouldn't comment unless I know the rule or have experience in the matter.

Somewhat related, do the karma points on this site actually mean/affect anything?

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